
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · Cómic
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42 Chs

Meeting of Clan 2

"then I'm going to ask gyuki about something. gyuki, you don't mind right?"

"yes, rihan-sama."

Gyuki was a man that had grayish hair at the top and has black tips, with two wavy horizontal lines across the top. The right half of his face is covered by his long hair. A few strands of loose hair that hang on the left side of his face are usually hooked behind his left ear. He has a bit of stubble running across his jaw and chin. He wore a purple-colored shihakusho lined with white cloth and a green haori.

then rihan asked the important question to gyuki with a cold voice and ready his katana at his side.

"Are you a traitor?

"no, rihan-sama"

gyuki with a firm voice denied rihan's claim about being the traitor for nura clan.

rihan heard gyuki's answer thought that gyuki wasn't a traitor, to begin with, gyuki is an old member of nura clan with significant authority within the clan just like mokugyou and hitotsume.

rihan always thought of his clan member as a family rather than subordinate. so he felt conflicted to accuse gyuki of being a traitor.

still, he asked this question to assure about gyuki's stand for this clan.

"then gyuki, why do you lead ryouma to kyuso's clan?"

"do you want to ask?"

with all of the participants of this meeting paid attention to gyuki next word.

gyuki with a deadpan face said something to rihan.

"what the hell are you teaching to your son, you muscle happy go lucky fool?"

didn't expect to get insulted by gyuki, rihan became confused and just said


"I'm going to tell you something alright. I was here at ryouma-bochama's attack and raid from kyuso's group. at the time when I was watching sky ruminating about something important to my son. ryouma-bochama came to me with a curious look from him. I thought that he wanted to ask something. so I humor him to said that if you wanted to ask a question go for it but the content of the question is ridiculous to the bone that my brain became short-circuited. you wanted to know what he asked. then he asked me with an innocent face still there on his face 'gyuki-ossan, do you knew where I can find a girl so that I can have a baby?' then I ask him what the hell are you saying? then he said this' well you know ossan, I found a book that had some naked woman and naked man at my training place hidden in the cupboard. they doing something that I don't understand and then on the next page, the woman became pregnant. so, I wanted to try that to test whenever I doing that can make a woman pregnant or not'"

with every word that gyuki said, all of the participants became speechless with what gyuki said. except for the two couples.

otome when he heard his sweet son said wanted to have a family. her face became noh mask with eyes that became void that can suck the light from this surrounding and the surrounding of his feet became ice that was cold to touch and after the end of gyuki word. her face became angry yaksini at rihan's direction.

while gyuki spoke from start to finish. rihan had nervous look on his face and produce cold sweat at a fast rate. then he asked about something to gyuki to change the conversation.

but before rihan say something. gyuki said something.

"to begin with, what the hell did you teach rihan? why ryouma-bochama became so ignorant of the world right now? he said something as outrageous as that just from reading a book. who the one that teach ryouma??"

"of course it is me, gyuki-sama. are you implying that I am stupid?"

with a smile, otome answer him but her eyes didn't show the same way as her mouth.

before it was escalated rihan wanted to stop otome before it was too late.

"honey, I th-"

"shut up you deviant, to think my sweetheart son is being poisoned by that thing that you hide huh. I'm going to punish you after this, deviant husband of mine."

rihan had defeated look at his face just nod his head. he didn't want to think of otome's punishment so he just tried to escaping reality by just thinking about how to flirt with Wakana.

then otome with a stern look gaze at gyuki to spoke her mind.

"then are you implying that my knowledge is insufficient to teach ryouma at home, gyuki-sama?"

"no madam. but, this is something ridiculous that if left alone then ryouma-bochama couldn't function properly as the heir of this nura clan. I admit that you are very knowledgeable about entire study that involved human and their society. but to think that he didn't know about the relationship of man and woman but to think that he just said something like that."

then mokugyou spoke to otome too.

"I agree with gyuki here madam. after all to said something brazen like that. I know that he can't use tokii because of the incident but to think that he became musclehead and didn't have common sense."

hitotsume added something to mokugyou's word.

"then how about we just let ryouma-bocham go to school? after all, he didn't have friends his age. so this is a good opportunity after all."


otome then shout in denial and began to say something ridiculous to all of the participants.

"ryouma can't go to school!!! what if he is seduced by an ugly bitch?? no to begin with ryouma is good enough as it is. after all if he didn't marry I still going to take care of him until he dies and if he dies I just using my power to reincarnate him so I can live with him forever after all."

with a crazy smile. otome began to sput some nonsense but these peoples knew that otome had the power to realize her crazy plan.

"no. madam, you can still baby him but i can't let you baby him any further. after all, he must become man of fit to lead this clan after all!!!"

gyuki became impatient to otome action so with rough voice said that to otome.

people in the hall became panicked because the fight that's going to happen between otome and gyuki is about to begin.

"What? are you want a fight gyuki-sama? bring it on!!!"

"then with-"


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