
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · Cómic
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42 Chs

Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol 6

kiyotsugu with confidence approach mikoto and misaki. this brave or should we say fool boy isn't reading the atmosphere around their group. after he is near with them, he then speaks to misaki as she is the easier one to convince from his observation.

"misaki-senpai, you shouldn't do what you are going to do!!! after all, you are going to jail if you assault ryouma-aniki, you know!!??"

misaki then stop with an annoyed look and change her face to a graceful lady as she turned around and smile as she answers kiyotsugu plead.

"ara~ara~ kiyotsugu-kun, i know that you are worried about me but it is an unnecessary concern. after all, what i'm going to do isn't violated the law. if it becomes dangerous, nii-san is robust man that can receive my love that heavy that it binds us!!!!"

after hearing misaki's word, mikoto stops on her track as she turns around as she had a tick mark on her forehead that signifies her mood. with a smile that doesn't match with her mood, she begins to remark misaki's words.

"oi misaki, don't begin your useless fantasy that borderline between reality and illusion"

"ara~ mikoto, you are such a sore loser. after all, with that sorry body of yours, you can't seduce nii-san. well, you have my pity in that regard"

"i'm going to remember this.... but kiyotsugu-kun, just like that dreaming lady over there said. that idiot is robust that he doesn't flinch with a knife stick to his stomach for the entire day"

"eh!!!! really? but stil-"

"huh? you still want to say something?"

"ara~ kiyotsugu-kun, please shut up"

if kiyotsugu can't read the mood around the group, still he knows when to shut up when he is pressured by these two.

still, he doesn't want to shut up just like at the rooftop when he confronted them at the rooftop. he then suddenly remember the interaction between ryouma and these two and his prefenrences. with a smile, kiyotsugu says something that he is going to regret to those two.

"please wait!!! i have something that i need to say about ryouma-aniki!!"

misaki and mikoto sigh with an annoyed face but still stop and turn around to face kiyotsugu. seeing their action, kiyotsugu knows that they are listening to him and start to speak.

"well ladies, i know that you are liking ryouma-aniki. but i think that's impossible, after all, his taste is the same age as him and he always thought of you as little sis- uhaaaaa!!!!"

misaki and mikoto hear kiyotusgu bullshit. the more they hear him, they have a urge to kill this idiot. the final strawn that snap them is when he almost mentions that ryouma sees them as a little sister. before he says that, mikoto hit kiyotsugu with her metal bat so hard that kiyotsugu instantly faints on the spot.

then misaki check kiyotsugu with her bat if he is still alive. after she knows that he is alive, misaki asks mikoto about something with a cold voice.

"well, what should we do with this trash, mikoto-san?"

"we are going to kill it. well, what are we going to do with this dead man and the witness?"

"let's make it look like a suicide and don't worry about the peanut gallery. we can use them as the witness of this dead meat suicide. so let's be done with it and not wasting my time anymore"

"well, i agree with that"

the peanut gallery becomes scared after the action that is performed by misaki and mikoto to kiyotsugu the girl's group especially become scared and panic about kiyotsugu well being as the boy's group plus tsurara know that the result of that idiot action after thoughtlessly spew some taboo word that shouldn't speak around those two, well except ryouma as he for some reason can sweet talk those two. rikuo and aotabo then rush to salvage the situation as if left alone then this situation became dangerous for their life, especially kiyotsugu.


after rikuo and aotabo calm down misaki and mikoto, then they continue their walk to sakuragami grand shrine.

kiyotsugu is carried by aotabo in his back after they know that he is going to out for a while. the girl's group was worried about kiyotsugu. but after they heard the reason for kiyotsugu misery from the one that did it, they give him a cold look as they thought that he is deserved it.

after they walk on this road for 1 hour straight, misaki becomes out of breath as she is carried by aotabo as kiyotsugu is carried by jiro and rikuo with their shoulder.

mikoto sees the state of misaki becomes sigh as she speak to her.

"huh misaki, why do you so quick to tired form this little walk? just like i said ok, you should train your body for your good. but you are just lazy as always."

"oh shut it, gorilla girl. i'm not you as i'm a delicate girl that is going to become the wife of nii-san. so, i'm always trying to become feminine for him that is going to make him fall in love with me"

"yeah, yeah your fantasy is going haywire there, delusional girl"

"huh, what do you say, washboard youkai?"

"want a fight, rotten brain cow?"

"Alright, alright!!! don't fight!! you two always ready to fight when it is aniki that we are talking about. after we have arrived, you two must come with me to meet oyaji, otome-san, and my mother, ok?"

"ara~ rikuo-chan, we can do that after we meet nii-san, right mikoto-san?"

"gunununu, i hate it to break it with you rikuo. but what this vixen said is right, we can meet them after we take care our business with that idiot"

"no, and this is final. i am going to bring my group plus keikain-san to them too. so don't be nagging and just do what i'm going to tell you alright?"



"no but, alright? also everyone, we are going to meet my parent. so, when you want to ask the question about the school work to otome-san. feel free about that ok?"

"ok!!! now we are going to have a chance to make this cue head homework done with it."

"hahahahaha, i don't know about that saori. but, at least we still have the chance for that"

"well rikuo-kun, it's long time that i saw otome-sensei. so, thank you for the opportunity"

"well, i intrude to your home nura-san"

"hahahaha, at least, kiyotsugu can snap out of it after we arrive"

"i hope so. ah, we have arrived to my home huh. well, looks like someone clean in front of the gate... huh, it-it-it-it's aniki"

"ah that's right, that's ryouma-bochama. what he is --- ah!! it's hurt!!"



"omg? what should we do rikuo-bochama?"

"huh just let aniki handle it. i tired of this"

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