
Legendary youkai diary

the legendary king of ancient Mesopotamia, Gilgamesh become bored of the state of the world and wanted to spice up the situation and he finds the soul that can handle his power and he found it but it was a child youkai that almost lose his life but he gives that power and recover his soul and he said "entertain me mongrel for you have the power of the greatest human king in the world" so begin the journey of youkai child that being passed down to his diary my first time write this novel i hope that you can enjoy please comment when there are grammatical error thanks!!!!!!!

Handako_Gummer · Cómic
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42 Chs

Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol 4

after all the members of Kiyojūji Paranormal Patrol plus yura separated mikoto, misaki, and tsurara and rikuo checked the state of aotabo that for some reason his body twitching and woke him up. kiyotsugu told everyone that they were going to visit ryouma because he got the information that state that ryouma was attacked by someone unknown.

then kana as a resperatinve with a worried look asked rikuo about ryouma.

"nee rikuo-kun, were onii-san alright?"

"well, at least he was alright. but, father said that aniki was going to die if some miracle didn't happen"

" fuuu I'm glad that onii-san was alright. but, is it alright for us to visit onii-san?"

"well from what i heard, he was alright. just remember that aniki still injured man so don't do any crazy thing, ok?"

then the girl's group said in unison including yura.


"well, that's good. also jiro, do you have nintendo switch with you? aniki wanted to play some smash with you"

"well, i have it with me all time!!!! hehehe, i'm going to score some points to nii-san. still, i thought that you are playing with him rikuo?"

"well, i just don't have a good grasp of that game and he has too much free time that he always plays his nintendo switch so he became too good at playing games. after my 100th loss to him, he said that i was too weak. at first, i was pissed at him because he said that to me but i can't say anything because just like he said. so i suggest that he should play with you. so can you avenge me for my humiliation?"

"okay!!! but, are you sure that it was just a visit kiyostugu? after all just send the regard to rikuo is enough right rikuo?"

"well, that's true. now I curious about what is your planning?"


"eh!!! what's wrong saori-chan??"

after saori shouted for some reason, she approached kiyotsugu and began to strangle him as she said some words.


"s-sa-sa-saori-kun!! can't breathe!!!"


"saori-chan!!!! aotabo-san, please help me to separate saori-chan from kiyotsugu-san!!"


then aotabo was separated kiyotsugu from saori by restraining saori. still, separating kiyotsugu from saori was a hard task because saori was struggled to free herself. but, aotabo still managed to separate kiyotsugu from saori with ease because of his size and in fact that he was youkai. then after separating them, aotabo began to try calming saori.

"Please calm down, saori-san!!!! you almost killed kiyotsugu-san"

"then, i'm going to kill him!!! because of that big mouth that we get something nasty from that cue head!!!"

"kiyotsugu-san, are you alright?"

"ah kana-kun, i'm alright. saori-kun, i'm sorry ok. after all, what he said didn't fit with what i know from otome-san!!! but that cue head!!!!"

"because of your mouth!!! if you just shut up then this is not going to happen!!!"

"well just calm down saori-san. we can solve this problem alright!!"

"grrrrr!! i'm goin--!!! huh alright, alright so unhand me aotabo-san"

"oh! ok"

"oi misaki, did you?"

"well yes. after all, i don't want to waste my time with this farce"

before saori wanted to rampage, suddenly she became calm and asked aotabo to release her. rikuo saw interaction between misaki and mikoto. he was going to thank misaki for whatever her doing but not now.

rikuo then asked natsumi about this incident because natsumi, kiyotsugu, and saori was in the same class.

"natsumi-san, just what happened with saori that she became that enraged to kiyotsugu?"

"well, it was because of that cue head giving us that assignment that made our class became enraged."

"tsunemoto-sensei, right? well if that teacher then i can imagine that. but just what really happened and what assignment that you all get?"

"well, that bald was coming to our class in bad mood and without notice, he said that we had the test. at first, all of us were unhappy but that bald didn't care and just said that this is a sudden test. so with a heavy heart, we were doing it. and after that, he was checking our answer and giving it back. almost all of us get bad scores except kiyotsugu. but kiyotsugu didn't like his score and protested to that bald. they argued with each other about some questions. then suddenly, he became angry and giving us an assignment about the reason for the fall of the Toyotomi clan"

"eh, but that's-"

"ridiculous. after all we still didn't learn that from last year and that bald really giving us that assignment. to make matter worse, he said that we must give it to the class chairman tomorrow morning!!!!"

"uwaah, i'm glad that cue head didn't become our teacher"

"jiro, 'sigh' then kiyotsugu, are you wanted to come to my home because you wanted to ask this to aniki right?"

"huhuhu, that's right, rikuo-kun!!! that cue head really did it!!!! he dares to make my answer false because of some mistake!!!! then, I'm going to ask that to otome-sensei that question because I know that my answer was right and push that to his ugly face!!! also, i wanted to give my manga to onii-san because he was asking that some time ago. well because of that i'm going to make our activities to sakuragami grand shrine!!!"

"huh, if you just shut your mouth for a second. but still, sakuragami huh??? we never go there after we graduate from elementary school so i am excited for that!!"

"yeah me too!! rikuo-kun, we are going to intrude to your home alright!!? also yura-chan, you wanted to go too right!!??"

"....well yes. after all, i was interested in sakuragami"

"well keikain-san, you are going to love it!!! after all, that town was called eternal sakura town for reason you know!!! ne rikuo, are sakura was blooming this year too!!??"

"well yes. in fact, the color was blue so you are still lucky to witness that color after winter"


"well, let's just go shall we?"



"before that"

"hold on"

before rikuo was going to leave the rooftop, his shoulder was grabbed by misaki and mikoto as misaki questioned rikuo about something with smile.

"well rikuo-chan, i have some questions for you so answer honestly ok?"

"ok... so what is it, misaki nee-chan?"

"so, where nii-san was attacked?"

"o-o-o-of course, in our-"

"please don't lie to us. after all, that idiot is the heir of that town head priest. if you said that in sakuragami, then the townpeople going to beat up that attacker out of anger. so, with that, you must answer us where he was attacked and why because that idiot moving with the reason so you must answer us okay rikuo-chan?"


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