
Legendary Seer

Infinity online, a mysterious game which was launched by the government for unknown reasons... A game which was the key to the survival of humanity. - The 'zombies' who kept rushing at me endlessly were all sliced apart, forming more pile of decapitated bodies on the field and giving me a breather. And with a shout, I raised my scythe above my head, and stamped down the end pole to the floor... and... Nothing happened. I really should keep it low on the 'Animes'. - Let's follow our MC through his daily life, and see his reactions towards sudden turns and twists in the mysterious game. ******* This book will be featuring for the webnovel spirity awards 2023, so I'd really appreciate all the help I can get from you guys. Please comment and review for better development.

White_Priest · Juegos
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39 Chs

Empress announcement


I really underestimated the population of this alliance. I was in a gray hooded cloak standing on a podium with the nineteen other council members.

We were standing in a semi-circle order behind the 'empress', who was in her signature black hooded cloak.

The gray hooded cloak which I was wearing was the council members uniform, and was worn only when an announcement was about to be made by the empress herself.

The podium on which we were standing on was wide and there was a large double door behind which led to the council chambers.

And below the podium were hundreds, if not a thousand people, murmuring and gossiping on what the empress announcement would be about.

An incorporeal wave suddenly shot out from the empress, covering the entire hall in a second, the entire hall fell silent instantly, with majority of people falling on their knees and whimpering silently.

[Due to your high intelligence stat, you have resisted a soul attack]

I shivered slightly, not because of the system notification, but because of such a powerful skill display, she really knew how to act like the boss.

"We all know our resources are running low... And soon the reserves would be spent... But what are the people doing about it... Nothing!!... I and my council members, have been trying our best to create a peaceful civilization, just like we've been living on earth, but what are the people doing to lessen the burden on our shoulders... Commit crimes and atrocities... Squander the hard earned resources... Rebel against the council...

"It came to my knowledge that before the apocalypse, player's were going missing... And when I looked into it, I found out that the NPC's were abducting players... Why? Because they use our organs to create portions which gives them abilities just like us".



My jaw was at it's limit, not just me, even the council members were all shocked too. When I heard about the case, I never for once thought that this would be the reason.

'So that was why most of the NPC's that attacked during the alliance meeting had abilities'. Just thinking about it alone sent shivers down my spine.

The empress raised her left palm and the hall fell silent again.

"The apocalypse have given the NPC's more reason to hunt us down, and only alliances like this are safe for player's like us... There are many alliances spread far and wide... And from here to the next alliance, would take you no less than three days... That is if you are to survive the zombie hordes, mutant beasts and the NPC's...

"From now henceforth... A new rule board shall be made... And failure to abide by the rules of the council... Shall be punished by banishment".


"The next two levels of this tower shall be cleared... And the top floor shall be home for I, my council members, and those who have contributed enough... Below it, shall be home for those who are willing to work and earn diligently... And this floor, shall now be home for the slums and commoners who can't contribute enough...

"The third floor shall be brimmed with resources... The second floor shall never lack resources... But this first floor, shall crave for resources.

"Employment opportunities shall be made available after the two upper floors is cleared... And participation in clearing them would be counted as a contribution... A currency shall be made available after the two upper floors is cleared, and without that currency... You can't trade for goods and services.

"The clearing of the two upper floors will be commencing in an hour from now, those are ready to take the risk, should meet here in an hour... These are my words!".

"Long live the empress!!"

And with the people echoing that, the empress turned around and walked towards the door which was behind the council members formation.

The council members orderly made way for the empress and followed after her in formation, into the door leading to the council chambers.

The orderliness and respect through everything left me blank for a while. In such a short period after the apocalypse, there was already an empress and council members being fully respected by the people.

This was just so cool.

I wasn't here when everything started, so I do not know the kind of ability the empress possesses that makes the people and even the powerful council members to respect and fear her.

But to be sincere... She is the best candidate to lead the stubborn players, not even Angela could outshine her leadership skills.

After we got into the council chambers, the empress dismissed us to prepare for the upper floor clearing, so I walked back to my room to double check my abilities and equipments... which would help in the massacre.


Name: Priest [Marked]

Class: Legendary Seer [Tier1]

Level: 51 [15000/42500]

Titles: Pioneer, Heartless, Predictor, Ruler of Men, Demi God.

HP: 7800/7800

MP: 4000/4000


Strength: 150

Agility: 150

Intelligence: 104

SP: 0





Ruler of Men: Everyone born in flesh, will believe and trust in your words, even if it makes no sense.

Demi God: ×3 life-force.

Predictor: Ability to foresee your opponents next move.

Heartless: Defences against weak soul attacks.

Pioneer: luck Enhancement




Seer: Ability to peek into the future or past of a target on contact.

Cost: -90%HP

Duration: 5seconds

Cooldown: Nil


Spirit vision: Ability to eavesdrop on desired target regardless of their location.

Cost: 150MP

Duration: 60seconds

Cooldown: Nil


Blindfold: Ability to detect enemies within a mile.

Cost: 70MP

Duration: Nil

Cooldown: 5minutes


Manipulator: Ability to hypnotise a single target on eye contact.

Cost: 1000MP

Duration: 60minutes

Cooldown: Nil


Deathloop: Ability to siphon enemies life-force within a mile once summoned. [5%/1sec]

Cost: -90%MP

Duration: 10 seconds

Cooldown: 5hours

[Note: Life-force can be stored and used in place of your life-force in skills and equipments that have such requirements]




Truth pendant:

*Ability to answer all YES/NO questions correctly.

Spins clockwise - Yes

Spins anti-clockwise - No


Cloak of the Inevitable:

*Ability to make a target daydream the worst nightmare ever on contact.

*Ability to Soar.


Book of Divine:

*Ability to alter fate.

Cost: -50%Hp to open it || -10Hp/sec for as long as it is open.



Scythe of Fate:

*Siphons enemy's lifeforce on damage to regenerate user's lifeforce.


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