
Physical Test (unedited)

A/N: This feel like a script. I will describe in detail later. There are lots of technical difficulties happened in writing this chapter. 3 times losing the draft. Have problems with the internet and then the chapter lost before I can even save it. I rewrite the outline, at least you get the gist of this chapter. So yeah enjoy the script.


{Third POV}

"Mr Richmond (physio), Coach Beere instruct me to measure my weight."

Edward Richmond (physio): "Open your boots and stand here. What's your height?"

"193 cm height (6'3'')... and 85 kg."

Edward Richmond (physio): "Noted that. Come again after exercise. And wear this smartvest."


{Third POV}

Mike Beere (fitness coach): "Did you notice his sprinting form?"

*Beep Level 10-9*

James Rowberry (coach): "Like a ..."

Mike Beere (fitness coach): "Like a professional sprinter, right? All his movements were in straight line, nothing from side-to-side, everything was moving in front-to-back directions, plus a high knee action and high centre gravity so he can execute that super fast 2.13s in 20m sprint. I never saw or heard anybody having that record. Even Gareth Bale (Real Madric FC player) finished it in 2.85s, but he reached the top speed after 10m. But this lad smashed it, went full throttle reaching top speed instantly. We dig a diamond right now. But we have a problem."

*Beep Level 10-11*

James Rowberry (coach): "Why? Isn't it good? If you refer to his running form, we can change that. Did you see his zig-zag technique, it's more relevant because his low centre gravity, shorter stride, his deceleration is more impressive as he jumps a bit with both feet placing his centre of gravity inside the line of his foot, taking the inside foot primarily for braking force, and outside foot more for the acceleration force. It's all we need as footballers."

**Beep Start level 11-1*

Mike Beere (fitness coach): "Yeah. His body went upright too after turning. But that's not the problem I'm talking about."

James Rowberry (coach): "Then?"

*Beep Level 11-2*

Mike Beere (fitness coach): "It's about the club's politics. The board wants to implement modern football, but Sir Russell still headstrong to play rigid 4-4-2. It all depends on EUFA when to penalize the club for the FFP (Financial Fair Play), if it happens this January, then this lad can't play."

*Beep Level 11-3*

James Rowberry (coach): "..."

Mike Beere (fitness coach): "How long you think this lad can go?"

James Rowberry (coach): "Hmm.. I expect him to reach early Level 16 like our First Team does. That's the benchmark. If he reaches Level 17, then I personally will meet Sir Russell to recommend this kid. He's the real deal if he can achieve that. *Laugh*"

(Fun fact: If you reach Level 13 (men) or Level 12 (women), you meet criteria to sign a Pro Contract. Don't think anyone has complete Level 23.)

(Fun fact: Usually FC use Yo-yo test to monitor players fitness. But Beep test also can.)


{Azim POV}

*Pant Pant.* 'Show me my stamina.'

{Stamina: 86% [29%]}

**Beep Start Level 16-1*

'Ya Allah... *Inhale* My lungs are killing me... *Exhale* Only 11% Stamina reserve left. *Inhale* I am too dependent on [Burst] to cover 20m less than 5s in each Beep.'

*Beep Level 16-4*

{Stamina: 86% [26%]}

'The level falls faster than expected. *Inhale* My body can't handle the rebound effect if the reserve drops below 20%. *Exhale* Last round.'


{Third POV}

Mike Beere (fitness coach): "Good job lad. Level 16-5. Not a bad start. Go to the tent and weight. Your assessment is over. Come tomorrow with your agent, you will sign your first professional contract tomorrow."