
Legend Of The United Moon

"Hail Selene, goddess of the moon" Allian greeted in tears. "Allian why return here again. Return back for that which you asked has been given and that which I desire taken" Selene asked. "How so do I rule without a Luna by my side. Mercy I seek that you take back your strength and give back the life of my mate" Allian pleaded. "For what is done can't be undone. Return and make merry for that which you had always desired had been done" Selene replied. "Not so will I be Alpha without a Luna. For this isn't my desire. Take back the strength and even my life in exchange of hers" Allian begged. "Return for what you request can't be granted" Selene said and Vanished. "Mercy I plead goddess" Allian wailed all night but Selene refused to reply. Deep in sorrow, Allian returned to the United Moon. This was never what he imagined but he couldn't turn back the hands of time. If only he had harken to the words of his father.

Charlotte_0693 · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

Allian went to his room. He was very angry.

"I can't keep being locked up in this palace" Allian said angrily. He looked around, he had been here all his life, he needed to get out. then something struck his mind.

"Horace" He called through telepathy. "Come to my room" he said and started packing. Few minutes later, Horace entered.

"Cele b r a..." Horace said before he was cut short by the sight. "What's going on. God father is very angry and Celebrant is furious and packing" Horace added.

"You are here" Allian said.

"Yes, I got your signal, What's going on?" Horace asked.

"Am leaving the palace" Allian said locking his bag

"Godfather consented!" Horace exclaimed as he jumped.

"No he didn't" Allian replied.

"Then why are you leaving?" Horace asked.

"I can't keep staying here all my life. It is obvious my father plans on caging me all my life." Allian replied.

"That not true. if he doesn't let you today maybe he may let you when you are 200. He still see you as a pup and he is only safeguarding you" Horace said.

"I know my father. My age isn't the problem, he is just caging me. Anyway my mind's made up, am leaving the palace." Allian said.

"And where are you going?. Where are you going to stay?" Horace asked.

"That why I need you. You have left the pack once right? Allian asked.

"Yes, I got lost once" Horace replied

"And you still remember the routes?" Allian asked

"A little" Horace replied

"Good, I need you to take me out of the pack" Allian said

"No you can't be serious, if it is the palace fine not outside the pack, are you out of your mind!" Horace exclaimed

"I can't be inside the pack, my father will find me in less than a minute" Allian replied

"But it is very dangerous and unsafe outside"Horace

"Listen, Are you helping me or not?" Allian asked

"What if I say am not?" Horace asked.

"Then I will get someone else" Allian said

"Of course you can't be serious, can't you change your mind, Godmother would be worried sick, if they find out, they will kill me" Horace worried

"Don't worry, they won't find out. Whatever happens, you aren't aware. it was all me" Allian assured Horace.

"Even at that, it is too risky" Horace said.

"Don't worry I won't die" Allian said.

"Am not going with you okay" Horace said

"Even better, let go so you can return before dawn" Allian said

"For what it worth, this is a very bad idea, and I don't like the sound of it. What am I getting myself into. Hail Selene, please keep Allian safe" Horace prayed.

"Quick" Allian said as he shapeshift and jumped out through the window and Horace followed.

Horace led Allian successfully outside the palace. It was tough leaving the pack as they almost got caught by some soldiers. Allian escaped successfully. Horace hugged Allian tightly before they parted ways. They promised to communicate through telepathy and Allian left. Horace fell to the ground at the sight of Allian leaving. He may never see his bestfriend again. Allian was more than a brother to him. Why didn't he say no? Why did he let Allian go? Horace cursed himself for being stupid. If anything was to happen to Allian, he would never forgive himself and his family will kill me. Speaking of family, he had to return to the palace quickly inorder to avoid being caught or he may lose his life before Allian does.