
Legend Of The United Moon

"Hail Selene, goddess of the moon" Allian greeted in tears. "Allian why return here again. Return back for that which you asked has been given and that which I desire taken" Selene asked. "How so do I rule without a Luna by my side. Mercy I seek that you take back your strength and give back the life of my mate" Allian pleaded. "For what is done can't be undone. Return and make merry for that which you had always desired had been done" Selene replied. "Not so will I be Alpha without a Luna. For this isn't my desire. Take back the strength and even my life in exchange of hers" Allian begged. "Return for what you request can't be granted" Selene said and Vanished. "Mercy I plead goddess" Allian wailed all night but Selene refused to reply. Deep in sorrow, Allian returned to the United Moon. This was never what he imagined but he couldn't turn back the hands of time. If only he had harken to the words of his father.

Charlotte_0693 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Chapter 3

Breakfast was nice, Allian being the King of the day. Darius gave Allian a sword which was now his personal weapon, Allian was so happy. Davina gave Allian a robe which she designed herself. Allian was so glad. Ina on the other hand gave Allian her necklace. Allian was already 100 and he can't be hidden again, his lycan aura is now very much present. The necklace was blue in colour and was a protecting necklace her mom gave her, it could protect the bearer from any species even Demons. She gave him to protect him. Horace promised to take Allian out to your the city while Donald promised his son a wish.

Donald promised Allian a wish just like Allian expected. Allian already planned to ask for the decree to join the army. He knew his father won't let him but he was willing to give it a shot. Allian postponed his wish to after his birthday not wanting to ruin his mood if his father disagrees.

The birthday celebration was held in the evening. The whole pack was holding a feast, Allian was finally identified as a prince and became known to the pack. Allian dressed in his birthday robes looking more elegant than before. Horace also looked very dignified and handsome.

The palace was packed filled with generals and their families and so many beauties that were captivating to the eyes but none caught Allian's eyes. Horace lust after many, drank and dance with some while Allian sat alone through out the party like an emotionless being and shun any advances made by any of the General's daughters. He kept thinking of how to approach his father.

Soon it was midnight, the celebration was over and everybody was tired.

"Father, pertaining my wish" Allian said.

"Oh! that, let go to somewhere quiet" Alpha Donald said and they walked into Alpha Donald's study room. Donald sat down and so did Allian.

"So am listening, What do you want?" Donald asked.

"Hmm hmm" Allian cleared his throat. "I wish to join the army and guard the city" Allian said firmly.

"Not possible, you are just pup. Your presence at the army will not cause any contribution but problems beside it is too dangerous." Alpha Donald said.

"I have been to series of training, I was taught personally by you, who is more qualified to join the army?" Allian asked rhetorically.

"No I can't fulfill that wish. Ask for another" Alpha Donald said.

"But that is my wish, It is true that I am young and that is more reason why I need training and experience now so that in the future, I can be a good leader" Allian replied.

"Save it, You are not joining the army. Make another wish" Alpha Donald said.

"fine. Ever since I can remember i have been in the palace. I want to go out and experience the world" Allian said.

"No. I don't know where you got these crazy ideas, but you are not leaving the palace or joining the army. It seems you have nothing to say. Go think of a better wish and I will gladly fulfill it and get rid of those rubbish in your head. Its dangerous outside and you should be grateful you have a father like me" Alpha Donald said.

"Well am not grateful. You keep saying it dangerous. I am a prince for crying out loud and not some kind of fragile princess. I don't know and don't care why you keep caging me but am done. To hell with being a prince, even commoners are better than me" Allian said in anger and turn to leave.

"Where are you going. I haven't dismissed you yet" Donald said.

"You don't have to, I already dismissed myself" Allian said angrily and left.