

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Guan Qingheng forced himself into the crowd, and that was when he saw Ye Chong and Feng Su at the center. His sight fell upon Ye Chong eventually. Feng Su might be an attractive precious beauty in the city, but for someone who grew up at the ridge, she was just average.

The sudden participation of Guan Qingheng did not grab any attention. He might be from the ridge, but as much as the ridge was known to the people, the citizens hardly knew him. Probably only those merchants from the authority would recognize him at glances. But practically speaking, he only shared professional relationship with the merchants, thus his identity remained as a top secret among the traders.

"I *am* certainly curious of Mr. Guan's association with the ridge. Please, do tell us, my Brother Guan, some clarifications would have helped resolving misunderstanding. We highly respect those from the ridge, so we would not allow imposters," said Arbeni sluggishly, his rage seemed to have vanished.