
Human Extinction Mission

how long can you hold your breath?"

Ash asked in a laughing tone whilst a profound sad expression had filled his scarred face, almost as if he didn't want to hear the answer anyways.

He wasn't the type to show emotions but this time around if you looked closely in his eyes you could see the whole world burn and crumble apart.

"What? Don't tell me you have a new kink? Ew gross!"

Answered his best friend since the "New era", not noticing his sad demeanour behind his smile.

It didn't take him long enough to notice the shift of mood though as he continued-

"It would be good if you feelt a little happiness while laughing, but I guess we all have our demons"

Gazing at the city below Ash exclaimed in a serious tone.

"Sometimes the sun takes too long to rise, and im not that patient".

Surprised at how talkative and open about his feelings Ash was, Dark smiled as he felt a special connection that he never felt with him before and from the bottom of his shattered and cold heart he mumbled to himself-

"I hope you get through whatever youre worrying about"


Asked Ash as he didn't quite hear Dark.

"Nothing, forget about it. Let's just go inside because it's getting cold here".

They were on top of a 4 story building in a midst of a harsh winter night anyways.

Ash stood up and walked to the ledge of the building almost as if he completely lost the fear of death, he threw a look at the roads below him checking for any regularities. After confirming his suspicions he said

"Yeah, I think we should do that".

On the other hand Dark felt a sense of relief after Ash hopped down and started walking towards the door that led downstairs. Knowing that he was very hard to read thus unpredictable and quite frankly unstable, the thought of him jumping off the ledge had crossed Dark's mind but he shrugged those thoughts fast as he walked behind him towards the door.

Little did he know that this would be the beginning of Ash's fall.

Walking down the the fragmented stairs, stepping on the shattered glass on the ground like it was nothing out of ordinary  the building looked pretty run down inside and outside. It didn't take them more than a few breaths of a time to reach a door located at the end of the hallway that read "fuck off".

Dark always found it funny and so did Ash.

Opening the door up they were greeted with a neatly decorated and cleaned room with some beds and a large table with some opened canned food on top of it. The complete opposite of other rooms in this almost haunted looking building.

"Shh! You'll wake Leo up." whispered a tall bulky looking dude that had a huge scar across his chest which somehow complimented his looks perfectly.

"Kk you don't have to sweat it so much"

Said Dark with a laughing tone as he giggled to himself.

"Funny guy, now go sleep we have a long day tomorrow"

Said the bulky dude whose name was Rei.

"Man you need to grow up!"

Said Dark looking at Rei who was laid down on his bed with a bow holding tightly towards his chest, almost as if he's caressing a woman.

"Well, misery needs some company and she keeps me safe." replied Rei.

"You do you then just don't do something weird" said Dark with a joking expression on his face.

Ash didn't speak much but he felt happy that he had people to rely on if times got tough and even though he didn't speak much about himself everyone in the room respected him the most since he was the one that saved them after the "Extinction of humankind mission" that an unknown organisation called "FORMERS" took upon themselves and sadly succeed, spreading a new virus that directly attacked a humans RNA and ultimately changed them into conscious-less mutated beings that wandered off in search of flesh to feast upon. But on rare occasions and lucky people, this virus would start to evolve until the point where the mind reached a deeper state of consciousness which allowed the vessel to evolve into a new being that resembled a human but was far stronger with a new set of abilities that weren't too far off from what people imagined magic to look like..

Ash suspected that this was the Formers goal from the beginning, to start a new era where humans could try to reach godhood.

Thinking back Ash had an ice cold look that would make even the deepest flmes of hell tremble in fear, as he swore that he would destroy each and every single one of Former members.

Finally he laid down and took a book from under his bed. It was a birthday gift from his mother and father. God knows how many times he had read that book. One could read all the books on the universe and still not come close to the look on Ash's eyes when he held the book with his tender fingers that resembled a girl's but with a grip that would make a lion hand his crown down.

Though often Ash would stay awake all night reading, this time around he felt safe as he closed his book and turned on the side whislt slowly closing his eyes..