
Legend of The Red Wings

A powerless fae (Elena) banished from the fae realm and a demo(Noel) kicked out of the demon realm by his own father. When they meet in the human world, What will happen? Will sparks of love or enmity seen?

_TheScarlett_X · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Elena meets Noel

*Elena P.O.V*

It was not too far. I was just standing on the wrong street I thought. Then I got off the car and took the cakes and Jason helped with some and we entered the Club.

It was colourful and beautiful and looked like a club I mean of course a club would look like a club but I don't know why I expected it to be different.

Jason took me to the three guys standing and laughing.

"Dude Leo here's the delivery and delivery girl. Keep this inside and come."

Oh so this is the Leo guy I talked to on the phone so I guess the guy next to him is Andrew.

"Yes I will do it and I guess the car is ours. Yaayyy!!!" He said excitedly and then went. I didn't understand why he was excited.

"Yup Leo, looks like it. Hey I am Andrew the one who ordered and this is Stephen and You might know Leo and Jason and then there is Daniel and Noel. We all together run this club. I think this is your first time in the club so Welcome to Dark Club." He said.

He seems to be a sweet and sensible guy I thought and then replied "Hi Andrew, Stephen. I am Elena and nice to meet you." I didn't pay much attention to the other names he mentioned but it seems to be a good thing that they all running this club together this way they can share their responsibilities.

"Hm...." Stephen said.

What a rude guy , he didn't even reply to my greeting. I thought

Then I saw that party is about to start so the guys get to work and also think to leave when Andrew hands a chocolate ice cream cake and says "Can you place this in the Manager Room that you can see upstairs."

"OK" I said and went to the room he mentioned.

The room was big but it was dark but I didn't know where the light switch so I just kept walking saw that entire room was made in a dark shade. It looked very cool some might think it's creeps bit I think it's cool. Someone with a very nice sense of colors must have come up with this idea.

I placed the cake and I was looking around when suddenly a door opened and a handsome man stepped in. Well.... being handsome is not the point but since he came from the bathroom the lights from there reflected on him and I saw that he was wearing only a bathrobe and his hair was dripping wet. I froze. I didn't know what to do.Then I realised the situation I was in and turned around.

He then wore his dress a black shirt with black Jeans. He stood in front of me and asked in a very deep voice " Who are You ?? What are you doing in my room?"

I got stunned by how deep his voice was. Stop it Lena this is not the time to think about that.

" I.... I came to keep the cake here. Mr. Andrew asked me to place the cake in this room." I said slightly trembling by how close he was to me.

"Ohh So you are the delivery girl. You are pretty but not much I might say you are average." He said smirking

"Wait. What.. excuse mister I don't know who you are and neither do you know me and how can say that I am average? Maybe just your eyesight has some issues. Idiot." I said this and went out after slamming the door on his face. I just heard his last laugh and then I went down and saw that it was bustling with people dancing and drinking and having fun.

I guess I am the only one doing work whereas everyone is enjoying their life. May be I should also head back to the cafe before I meet that annoying Jerk again. Who is he anyway. I was thinking and walking so I didn't notice the person walking in front and hit straight into his chest. The person whom I hit caught me with his hand before I fell, stabilising me.

I lifted up my head and saw it was Jason the guy who brought me to the club.

"Oh... Its you." I said. Rubbing my head because it hurt lightly.

"If u wanted to fall in my arms so badly you should have told me." He said slightly laughing

"Haha... Nice joke... But I need to go now others in the cafe might be waiting for me." I started walking and before leaving I turned and back and said "Anyway it was nice meeting you and the others.. but the next time we meet I hope I am not lost" I said and started walking towards the street where my scooty is parked.