

As the next National Festival approached, you knew you had to find a way to participate. You couldn't let your circumstances hold you back from pursuing your dreams. You started saving up every penny from your odd jobs, determined to make it to the festival and show everyone what you're capable of.

Finally, the day of the National Festival arrived. You had scraped together just enough money to cover the registration fee and transportation costs. As you arrived at the competition venue, you felt a mix of nerves and excitement.

Coach Babax and your teammates were thrilled to see you, and they welcomed you back with open arms. You knew you had a tough road ahead, but you were ready to give it your all.

The competition was fierce, but you refused to back down. You poured your heart and soul into every match, drawing on the strength and resilience you had developed during your tough times.

And then, the moment of truth arrived. You made it to the final match, facing off against a formidable opponent. The crowd was cheering, and your teammates were chanting your name.

As you pursued your martial arts dreams, your friends and coach didn't just offer moral support - they also rallied around you financially. Pilgrim, Golden, Debbie, Prisca, and Francisca all chipped in to help cover your training expenses, competition fees, and even living costs when times were tough.

Coach Babax, meanwhile, used his connections to secure sponsorships and endorsements for you, helping to fund your journey to the top. You were grateful for their generosity and support, which allowed you to focus on your training without worrying about making ends meet.

Thanks to their financial support, you were able to dedicate yourself fully to your craft, and the results spoke for themselves. You rose through the ranks, winning championship after championship, and becoming a legend in the martial arts world.

The End