
Chapter 9

As the tournament approaches, Jaery finds himself both fascinated and intimidated by Esimorp's dual nature. He knows he needs to be prepared for anything, but he can't help wondering what drives Esimorp to switch from friendly to ferocious in an instant.

Pilgrim, sensing Jaery's concerns, offers some sage advice: "Esimorp's intensity is both his strength and weakness. Use his ferocity against him, and don't let his friendly exterior fool you. Remember, in the dojang, it's every fighter for themselves."

With this in mind, Jaery gears up for the biggest competition of his life, ready to face Esimorp in a battle of wits, skill, and determination. The stage is set; the crowd is cheering; and the fight is about to begin!

But this time it was a different ball game for Esimorp as he could not score Jaery easily.

In the end the match was a tie

So, Pilgrim, the wise and experienced Taekwon Do practitioner, is not only Jaery's friend and mentor but also the one person who can match Esimorp's skills perfectly.

Pilgrim, having taught Jaery many of his techniques, knows Esimorp's fighting style inside and out. He's familiar with Esimorp's strengths and weaknesses, and he's the only one who can anticipate and counter Esimorp's moves with precision.

As the tournament progresses, Jaery and Esimorp face off in an epic battle, with Pilgrim watching from the sidelines, his eyes fixed intently on the fight. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the two fighters exchange blows, each one landing with precision and power.