
Chapter 7

Coach Babax, who has been watching the group's dynamics, nods in approval. "Teamwork and camaraderie are just as important as individual skill. Keep working together, and you'll all become unstoppable!"

With renewed focus and teamwork, Jaery starts to see improvement in his blocks. He's no longer struggling to defend himself, and his overall game is starting to come together.

But just as things are looking up, Esimorp, his arch-rival, appears on the scene, smirking and confident as ever. "You think you've improved, Jaery? I'll show you what a real Taekwon Do master looks like!" .

Jaery's kicks are his strongest asset! Despite his struggles with blocking, his kicks are lightning-fast and packed with power. He's been working on perfecting his technique, and it shows.

Esimorp, however, is not intimidated. "Powerful kicks are nothing without control and strategy," he sneers. "I'll show you what a truly skilled Taekwon Do practitioner looks like!"

The two rivals face off, their eyes locked in a fierce stare. The air is electric with tension as they begin to circle each other, sizing each other up.

Jaery, fueled by determination and his desire to prove himself, unleashes a flurry of kicks. Esimorp, with his quick reflexes and cunning, dodges and weaves around them, waiting for the perfect moment to strike back.