
Chapter 3

Marcus snarls, his face reddening with anger. "I'll show you what I'm capable of," he growls. "You're going down, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

You smile, knowing you've gotten under his skin. "We'll see about that," you say, turning away to focus on your final preparations.

The referee calls you both to the mat, and the final match begins. Marcus comes at you with a flurry of kicks and punches, but you're ready for him. You defend and counterattack, using every trick in the book to keep him at bay.

The match is intense, with both of you giving it your all. But in the end, your skill and determination pay off. You land a perfectly timed kick, scoring the final point and winning the championship!

The crowd erupts in cheers, and your coach rushes over to congratulate you. You've done it – you're the new Taekwon Do champion!.

And you take a triumphant bow, soaking up the applause, shows confidence and pride in your achievement. It's a great way to savor the moment and enjoy the recognition of your hard work and dedication.

Shaking hands with Marcus, showing respect for your opponent, demonstrates sportsmanship and humility. It's essential to acknowledge your opponent's efforts and show respect, even in the midst of competition. This gesture shows that you value the competition and the journey, not just the outcome.

Combining both options shows that you're not only a skilled competitor but also a gracious and humble champion. Keep applying these traits, and you'll continue to excel in your competitions and inspire others with your positive attitude!