
Chapter 12

Debbie, the lovely and talented Taekwon Do practitioner! She's a rare gem, possessing only 20% of the physical and technical skills required to be a proficient Taekwon Do fighter, but making up for it with her stunning beauty and charming personality.

Despite her limitations in terms of speed, power, and agility, Debbie has a natural grace and elegance in her movements, making her a joy to watch. Her kicks and punches may not be the strongest, but she executes them with precision and finesse, using her wit and cunning to outmaneuver her opponents.

Debbie's beauty is not just skin-deep; she has a kind heart and a compassionate spirit, always willing to lend a helping hand or offer words of encouragement to her fellow fighters. Her presence in the dojang is a ray of sunshine, brightening up the atmosphere and inspiring others to be their best selves.

Jaery, Golden, and Pilgrim adore Debbie, not just for her physical beauty but also for her inner strength and resilience. They support and protect her, helping her to overcome her limitations and reach her full potential as a Taekwon Do fighter.

Together, the team is a force to be reckoned with, each member bringing their unique strengths and weaknesses to the table.

But Richard Eben had travelled before Godswill joined the team but this two have similar qualities in combat.

Richard Eben and Godswill, the dynamic duo of long-range fighters! They're skilled in keeping their opponents at a distance, using their quick reflexes and agility to dodge and weave around attacks. With 50% block efficiency, they're able to deflect and counter many incoming strikes, making them formidable opponents in the ring.

Richard Eben, with his lightning-fast kicks and punches, is a master of speed and agility. He's always on the move, making it difficult for his opponents to land a hit. His long-range fighting style allows him to control the pace of the fight, wearing down his opponents with quick jabs and hooks.

Godswill, on the other hand, is a powerhouse of strength and endurance. His kicks and punches pack a heavy punch, capable of knocking down even the toughest opponents. With his 50% block efficiency, he's able to take a few hits and keep on coming, wearing down his opponents with his relentless pressure.

Together, Richard Eben and Godswill form a deadly combination, using their long-range fighting styles to outmaneuver and outlast their opponents. They're a force to be reckoned with, and their opponents know to be wary when facing them in the ring.

With Debbie's beauty and charm, Golden's flexibility and guts, Jaery's determination and Pilgrim's strategic mind, Richard Eben and Godswill's long-range fighting skills, the team is now more diverse and formidable than ever.

Esimorp, the fierce and formidable fighter, is also part of the team! With his intense training and razor-sharp skills, he's a valuable addition to the squad.

Now, with Esimorp joining forces with Jaery, Golden, Debbie, Pilgrim, Richard Eben, and Godswill, the team is truly unstoppable! Each member brings their unique strengths and abilities, making this team a force to be reckoned with.

Esimorp's presence adds an extra layer of intensity and competition to the team, pushing everyone to train harder and fight smarter. His rivalry with Jaery and Pilgrim creates a healthy dynamic, driving them all to be their best selves.

Together, this dream team is ready to take on any challenge, crushing their opponents with their combined strength, speed, agility, strategy, and determination. The eastern regional championship is theirs for the taking!

What a moment it will be when they stand victorious, their arms raised in triumph, their bond and teamwork the key to their success.