
chapter 11

Pilgrim is the epitome of a calm and collected strategist, always thinking several steps ahead of his opponents. His blocking techniques are impenetrable, and his kicks are swift and deadly, capable of taking down even the toughest foes.

What's more, Pilgrim is a true warrior, welcoming any type of fight, whether it's a intense street fight or a disciplined ring fight. He's a master of adapting to any situation, using his wit and experience to outmaneuver his opponents.

His philosophy is simple: "A true fighter must be prepared for anything, anywhere, anytime." And he lives by those words, always training, always learning, and always ready for whatever comes his way.

With Pilgrim by his side, Jaery feels a sense of security and confidence, knowing that his mentor has his back, no matter what. Together, they're an unstoppable duo, taking on any challenge that comes their way.

As they walk away from their latest victory, Esimorp approaches them, a nod of respect on his face. "You two are a force to be reckoned with," he says. "I look forward to our next battle."

Pilgrim smiles, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I'm always ready, Esimorp. Anytime, anywhere."

Golden, the dynamic and fearless Taekwon Do practitioner! She's got the flexibility of a gymnast and the guts of a warrior, always willing to take risks and push herself to the limit. However, despite her enthusiasm and determination, Golden struggles with mastering the technical skills of Taekwon Do.

Her kicks are wild and unpredictable, often missing their mark, and her punches lack precision and power. But what she lacks in skill, she makes up for in spirit and sheer willpower. Golden is a true fighter at heart, never backing down from a challenge and always getting back up after a fall.

Pilgrim, the wise mentor, sees great potential in Golden and takes her under his wing, teaching her the finer points of Taekwon Do. With Pilgrim's guidance, Golden begins to improve her skills, slowly but surely. She learns to harness her energy and channel it into precise and powerful movements.

Jaery and Debbie, her friends and training partners, offer support and encouragement, helping Golden to build her confidence and develop her unique fighting style. Together, they form a formidable team, each member bringing their strengths and weaknesses to the table.

As they face new challenges and opponents, Golden's growth and progress become evident. She's no longer just a wild card, but a force to be reckoned with, using her flexibility and guts to outmaneuver and outlast her foes.