

a soul trapped in a black space after it died .in the black space soul mutated . Rob find this soul and offer a second chance for his entertainment with some wishes . let's see what our MC will do with his new powers as he travel the multiverse. (MC won't be strong at first compared to other beings. but he work hard to become strong. power level of some worlds may differ for character development of the MC. I will introduce cultivation system to MC when he reaches a certain level so that there will be a multiversal power level. and MC can cultivatie and reach peak as being like Rob) it is my first fan fiction as my first novel I dropped as soon as I started writing it . this is my masterpiece as I came to conclusion about what to write about in my novel . English is not my first language so there will be a lot of mistakes in grammar and spelling. as typing through mobile phone.( all the novels and anime that I used in this novel are belong to its original authors . not mine as i am only writing this for fun . cover pic is not mine I only got it from net)

fantacia_000 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
9 Chs

chapter 8

it has been a few hours since Jin entered the dungeon for the class quest . The dungeon is full of surprises for him . Unlike Jin-woo who were attacked by knights ,he was swarmed by number of fallen angels and devils . During his grinding in the forest like dungeon , he have already met so many devils and fallen s that he already lost the count .

As like in the original , portion are not allowed l in the place . But he got a lot of levels in this place ,and because of the level up he got more status recovery that is useful in his critical situation .

" it's almost five hours already . am exhausted with this killing . How many are there to slaughter . This place is creepy . I wonder what will be the boss monster . "

Jin has been thinking about the changes that have in the system . Although it is changed the principle in the class quest is same , defeat all the monster and Go to boss room . and complete the class quest . Although some parts have changed it is for his luck that not all have changed .How he knows , well because Jin has calculated that layout of the dungeon will be like that . He wants to become like shadow monarch . system will surely give him a class quest that Will give him that class so he was sure his thoughts are correct .

as the time passed by Jin arrived at the gate of boss room . It is made of gold and silver metals that were giving a lot of miasma like fog outside .

"so this is the boss room . I have a feeling that next fight may not be a easy one . like in the solo leveling , the boss will be rediculacly strong like igris."

After thinking for a while Jin open the boss room and entered it . What was inside the room was a throne room . A young man was sitting inside the room . he is dressed in knight armour and a weilds a knight sword . he was like waiting for someone to enter the throne room .As Jin entered inside the boss room , he stand up from his seat and confront the intruder which is Jin .

seeing the incoming attack Jin dodged it . still Jin could not avoid the complete attack as there is a wound in his stomach . Jin sheathed his katana and tries to attack him which became a failure as the man defend the attack by his newly shown wings . Jin seeing this quickly increase his

distance and see the man's name and level

// Tristion the fallen knight . level :73 //

seeing the level of the knight Jin face become grim he knows that it is no easy target like other fallen . he dark 3 pairs of wings that fallen have is already a proof of this . Jin seeing that there is low chance in phisical attack changed to his magic attack . he made arrows and spears of dark colour with his demonic energy and shoot is towards the fallen knight . seeing the results Jin become happy as he finds the ticket to his victory .

like that a deadly fight start with magic . Jin have suffered a lot of attacks and his body was bloodied but he persist till the end with the fall of the fallen knight .

// you have level up//*4

after the fight Jin check his level up and his loots . he got some accessories armour along with the special skill book .

// tristion's necklace

tier :0 ( S)

effect : increase the hp gain by 5hp/ sec //

// tristion's armour

tier:0 ( S)

effect : increase the magical damage by 50% . //

//skill book: ruler' s hands

effect : lift the materials and weight in the surroundings with mental power . without usage of magic //

seeing the loot Jin become happy . he doesn't know he will get some attractive loots . Jin used status recovery and healed all his wounds .

As Jin waiting for his quest to start ,a notification arrived Infront of him .

// Notice : class quest will be starting in





Seeing the message Jin prepared for the coming fight as he knew Even orginal jin-woo has a hard time with it . He already looked at his daily mission and saw that it is also near the time for quest failure . it feels strange to him as he always tend to complete his daily mission every day . For class quest he did this to imitate jin as it is the only way he found for completing it . As time pass by

// Class quest begin

/ Survive for longest time for better rewards



As coun down starts jin ready in anticipation for the legendary class he read from the novel s in his previous life.