
Legacy of the White Dragon : Dance of the Dragons

Jon Snow dies after killing Daenerys and is sent back to the Time of Dance of The Dragons. Jon Snow is reborn as Aemon Targaryen son of Baelon Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

HeroDuT1998 · Derivados de obras
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24 Chs

Chapter 20: The Union of the Three Heads - Part 1

Aemon Targaryen (107 A.C Secondth Moon)


He sat on his bed, nervous for the day to come as it was the first day of the wedding celebration when he was to be wed to his great-cousin Laena and his niece Rhaenyra. He wasn't sure how he felt; he had always thought he would never marry, to avoid disgracing his children with the surname Snow. He had started to hoping for it with Daenerys, but his feelings for her shattered when he told her about his parentage. Then he was sent back in time and earlier betrothed to Laena, someone he started to care for more than both Ygritte and Daenerys combined. Their relationship was built on years of knowing each other, and that first kiss on the beach of Dragonstone cemented it.

Then there was Rhaenyra, his silver-haired and purple-eyed niece, a true Valyrian beauty. He held her with love. After Aemma's and Baelon's death, he vowed to protect her, and after this week, he could, to the best of his ability.

"Brother, you look pretty. Also, congratulations on your nameday," his little sister said as she walked in with his mother. Both of them had a smile on their faces that warmed him. He had been given them both and would always be grateful for that, even if he left some of his family behind; only Arya was truly the one he felt sorefull for missing. Visenya was a lot like Arya but was more dutiful and less brash. She had her wildness, but she was a Royal Princess and understood her duties. Plus, being a dragon rider gave her some leeway.

"Thank you, sister. It is always a pleasure to see you smile or receive a compliment," he said and embraced her in a hug. "Well, son, you are fifteen namedays now. Congratulations. I still remember when I held you in my arms for the first time," his mother said as she looked at him embracing his sister. She mouthed the word 'both,' making him chuckle.

"We thought to give your nameday present," his mother said after they also embraced. "I hope you wear it during your wedding." His mother walked back toward them and received a cloak. It was a white cloak, mostly of a snow bear, with an embroidered dragonwolf on it—a laughing weirwood.

"Thank you; it is a wonderful gift. I know both of you aren't the most patient with embroidering," he said with a smile and gave them both a smile. "And yes, I shall wear it during my wedding. Let's go to break our fast," he said with a smile.

Not much later, they arrived in the dining room, where Rhaenys, Laenor, Laena, and Lord Corlys were already seated. "Good morrow, my prince; may I congratulate you on your nameday," Corlys said as he arrived and bowed his head. Laenor did the same, and Rhaenys gave him a smile and nod. Laena walked over and gave him a kiss on the lips, making Visenya gag and receiving a laugh from the table.

"Oh, Vis, one day you won't know what hit you when you find someone you love like that. Some even two," he said after he sat down next to Laena, leaving the chair to his left free for Rhaenyra, who arrived in a black, white, and red dress with a white and black dragonwolf on it. "Morning, Princess," he said, stood up, and pulled a chair out for her, but not before giving her a kiss as well. He would make damn sure he wouldn't neglect one for the other.

"Congratulations, too, Uncle. I shall present my gift to you during the welcome feast," she said and gave him a smile after she had sat down.

"I shall wait for my betrothed; I'm sure it is wonderful," he said with a broad smile. After some time of speaking with both Laena and Rhaenyra, his future father-in-law started to speak.

"My Prince, my brother has written; half of the fleet is ready in Driftmark. If I'm correct, we will be able to launch the expedition in two or three moons," Lord Corlys said. "Good, I have already sent ships from White Harbor traveling to Driftmark. Five are mine own, the rest of House Manderley has decided to join the endeavor. My Uncle has sent his 2000 men toward White Harbor and 1000 to Seadragon Point. I also have 30 ships ready for war in Seadragon Point, with 1500 sailors. With a number of 2000 men ready, we are waiting for the men of Winterfell. They will set sail for Old Town when they arrive. We push the Stepstones from both sides and the sky and feed the crab feeders to his crabs," he said with a smile.

"Welcome news; we show the power of the Sea and Sky for all to see," Corlys said with a grin. He turned to kin. "Yes, fried crab tasted quite good," he said with a smile. The group around the table laughed.

Lyanna Targaryen (107 A.C Secondth Moon)


She had sobbed a little when the first day of the wedding festivities arrived. Her boy would marry, a thing she thought she would never see. When she held little Aemon for the first time, she was weak and tried to take in all of her son. But the last thing she remembered of that moment was placing him in the arms of her brother.

Now her son was soon to wed. Not one but two women, both from what she had seen loved her son. Aemon had always been great with other people, he charmed and made other people flock to him. Something that reminded her much of her brother. Brandon had the same, but her son was more tempered; it seemed he was a combination of the wolf and dragon. Ice and fire, and a true song; it seemed sometimes prophecy does speak true. Although the whims of the corrupted will make that still great can fall into ruin. And a world of men fall into darkness and despair.

But for now, the world seemed fine; the pieces on the damn board of the Game of Thrones seemed to be in place. Aemon's power in the realm was slowly increasing, and after the war in the Stepstones, the crown and he would control the Stepstones. A hold for trade and protecting the realm.

Another power base was built for the house of the dragon. Her son had already transformed an outpost in the far North into a structure not seen built since the doom. A true work of art, and he had two of the most loyal companions that anyone in the world ever had. A dragon and a direwolf, two symbols of power, both of fire and ice.

She sat at the main table in the Throne room where the families of the bride would sit. It reminded her of her own when she married Baelon. Sweet, kind Baelon, a man struck down too soon before his time. She herself sat beside her daughter, and Lady Jeyne Arryn, who had decided to come as was a princess cousin from her mother's side. She had liked Lady Arryn, a strong but kind woman who had ruled the Vale for the past 10 years. Although she had never taken a husband, she suspected the reason. Women weren't attracted to men and were possibly fearful of being pushed out of power by the man she married if it came to that.

They had spoken before when her son was being proclaimed heir before the kingdoms. Although then it was mostly small talk, and she was curious about her stand. In support of her son, and it seemed as long as Aemon wouldn't push her out of her rightful claim. She would support her son, who also had support from Jeyne Arryn's own cousin. The new bride is the almost thirteen-year-old Rhaenyra. Her own kin had decided to stay in the North, as Aemon wanted to marry his brides in Winterfell as well after the war in the Stepstones, and her brother had needed to return, being gone for half a year was something he rather didn't do.

As she looked at the table, Viserys, the man seemed to have grown weaker. Then he did a moon ago, but she saw him touching his left pinky from time to time, one that was in a clove. She was curious what had happened to him. Looking at him, she started to become more and more relieved that her daughter didn't have to marry the man. Still, Viserys was a kind man, but not the most strong-willed of kin, except when it came to Rhaenyra, Aemon, and Daemon. Those were the closest to his heart even now since Aemma's passing.

She looked at the center of the table where three open spots beside the king. Where her son and two brides would sit. Laena and Rhaenyra seemed happy tomorrow seeing him laugh and kiss his bride. Gave a feeling of joy she hadn't really felt since Visenya came into the world.

Then a drum ruffle, and a slow rimmed that announced the arrival of the brides and the groom. "Prince Aemon Targaryen, Prince of Dragon and Lord Seadragon Point and Heir to Iron Throne. Future husband to Princess Rhaenyra and the future Princess Laena Velaryon. The future King of the Seven Kingdoms," Ser Harrold announced as her son walked into a throneroom beside him Ghost. Making some who hadn't seen the wolf before gasp in shock. He wore the cape she and her daughter gifted him in the morning. Under it he wore a black tunic of white and red, and a golden dragonwolf and silver embroidered dragon on his chest. He also wore a necklace of Valyrian steel, beautifully grafted, very similar to the one of his own crowing. Having the symbols of all the great houses on it. With the dragon in the center.

"Your grace. You certainly have prepared a wonderful feast for my wedding and nameday. My deepest appreciation." He said with a bow and walked to his seat, taking the one in the middle of three vacant center seats.

Not much later a drum ruffle "Princess Rhaenyra, Daughter of our Good King Viserys Targaryen and Queen Aemma. The Future Queen Consort of the Seven Kingdoms." Rhaenyra walked in, dressed in a gown of pearly white, and gold and silver embroidered in the dress. There was also a red and black dragonwolf embroidered in the dress, with red leaves around it. Marking out her future husband's sigil.

Aemon had stood up and walked toward her hand and taken her hand kissed it for all to see. "My betrothed," They both said, and both the groom and bride had genuine smiles on their faces. Viserys seemed to brighten seeing his daughter and brother so happy.

They both took their seats, and Aemon, being a gentleman, pulled the seat out for her. Leaving her future good daughter more than happy. Aemma's my friend if she is only good to see your daughter now. She looks beautiful and happy. Her heart ached a little for the loss of her friend.

She looked at where the Hightower group sat, and she, the future queen sat, with a fake smile on her face. It was more of grief and pain. It also seemed she was sick. Was the little Hightower with child she wondered as looked at the red-brown hair woman in her blue dress. She loves my son, and would never have him.

Then the final drum ruffle. She knew what that meant by the arrival of the Velaryon family. "Lord Corlys of House Velaryon. Lord of the Tides, and master of Driftmark, Master of Ships. With his lady wife Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. Their son and daughter, Laenor Velaryon, Heir to Driftmark, and Lady Laena Velaryon the future Queen Consort." Lord Harrold announced and same as did with Rhaenyra and Aemon the crowd stood up and gave applause. Laena herself was in a dress of black, red, and blue, with a seahorse and a dragonwolf embroidered on it silver and gold. The silver of her was very beautifully caught by the candlelight. A handsome group they would make, and a powerful one at that, she thought with a smile.

The same as he did Rhaenyra, he walked over to Laena taking her hand and kissing it. "My betrothed," they both did as well. And then three dragon roars were heard above the sealing of the throne room. It seemed Balerion had wanted to make his appearance. Announcing the bond between Aemon and him, and the truth, not even the conqueror had a bond with dragons like Aemon Targaryen did, she smiled at the thought.

Then her stepson stood up to speak. "Be welcome, as we join together in celebration. Tonight is only it's being. My heir shall wed, and unite the bloodlines With hearts intertwined, we gather to witness the forging of a new chapter in the annals of our House, a chapter that pays homage to the indomitable spirits of my revered uncle Aemon and my valiant father Baelon." He paused for a moment.

His words, spoken with a measured cadence, carried a weight that transcended mere ceremony. "In adherence to the sacred doctrine of 'The Dragon has Three Heads,' my heir, heir to the legacy that courses through our veins, is destined to unite with my cherished daughter, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. Alongside her, he shall stand united with the luminous Lady Laena Velaryon, scion of one of our most steadfast alliances." Her stepson said, and he really pressed home the doctrine.

"May their union be fruitful and bond us together in unity for many centuries to come. Let a new age of dragons be born." Her stepson said, and applause was heard around the room.

After a silence fell, "Of course, that is not the only cause for celebration, my brother celebrates his fifteen nameday. May he have many more to come and grow old and grey. Let's also honor him and Lord Corlys Velaryon, and all the others that will soon depart for the Stepstones to fight for the kingdom." Her stepson said and gave a smile to his brother and Corly, who both gave Viserys a nod and smile.

"May gifts be present to my heir, after the union dance. Let's all celebrate this wedding and nameday after tonight's small affair four days of feasting and tourney at the end of it all a union sealed" Her stepson ended, and another round of applause came through the hall.

Then her son and her and his brides began their dance, and it reminded her of a watch, at dancing she had seen Balerion do with Syrax and Vhagar, a mating dance of dragons. What all three of them were, and is very synchro, and she was impressed how well the three clicked together. A testament of the ease they felt or so she assumed. As she looked, a smile and the three of them were giving the three of them. At the end of the dance another applause for the new three heads of the dragon.

Laena Velaryon (107 A.C Secondth Moon)

The dance with Aemon and Rhaenyra was magical; she had been worried at the beginning that between her and Rhaenyra would come a divide. But during the dance, and the glances she received from both, she wasn't worried anymore.

They now sat together, the three of them. Rhaenyra sat beside her father, and on the right side of Aemon, she was on the left. Her own father sat on her left. He had a proud look on his face, and she understood why. Although this match was irregular, she and Rhaenyra would be the future queens of the realm and wives to a man that any maid would want. Aemon was too be her husband, and she never imagined anyone else. She had been betrothed to him since birth, and it had remained that way all her life, and she would never change that.

She took his hand and gave it a kiss. Something made her feel warm, and she loved it; she knew she was lucky. Looking at Alicent, the future queen, who would marry the king, did look anything but happy. But she should be lucky, her husband wouldn't be marching to war in two moons' time.

Then her thoughts were interrupted as the first well-wisher arrived. Lady Paramount of the Vale, Jeyne Arryn, Rhaenyra's great-cousin. "Cousin, my prince, and my lady, may I congratulate you on your wedding. The welcome feast is a grand affair, and I'm excited for the wedding at the end. May I present my gifts? For my cousin, I grant you these dresses in the style of the Vale, as well as this pearl necklace made in Gulltown." They were beautiful gifts. "For the Lady Laena, I have this hunting falcon, bred in my falconry, and a War Galley with your name. May your hunting be true, and the wind in your sails as well. For my future King, I offer 500 men for your war in the Stepstones. May you fight in honor of the kingdom, and not make these two ladies widows too soon." Lady Arryn said, and the group at the table laughed as she ended.

"Thank you for the gifts, my Lady, your support for the war, and your kindness toward my future wife. After the good Queen Aemma's death, I will always be grateful," Aemon said after acknowledging the gifts.

The second well-wisher was her own father, who walked over from his place to stand in front of them. "I know I had my reservations, but seeing the smiles on the faces of my daughter, my princess, and my future good-son, I don't have those anymore. House Velaryon will stand ready for the call of the house of the dragon. May these gifts for your nameday, my prince, and wedding be an appreciation of my support." He said, pointing at the door. Three chests came in, each one with a dragon, a seahorse, and a dragonwolf carved into them.

They were opened, and all of them were filled with gold dragons. Making many in the hall gasp in shock. "Another I can't grant yet. I granted the funds to build another High Tide on Driftmark, to celebrate your union. So, you may visit my Isle. Also, I grant 10 war galleys to my future king and good-son." Her father said, and gave her a bow. It made her happy; he seemed happy. "It is much appreciated, Lord Corlys. I would certainly appreciate a keep where my future family may stay in times of peace," Aemon said to her father with a smile. "A gracious gift indeed, Lord Corlys. I am quite sure my future husband and sister-wife will be eager to have a place on the Isle of Driftmark. My visits to the Isle were always comfortable." Rhaenyra said with a wide smile. "A great compliment from my princess," Her father said with a bow, and gave her a smile before leaving to return to his place at the table.

As the festivities continued, the atmosphere was filled with joy and celebration. Guests from various houses mingled, and the sounds of laughter and music echoed through the hall. Laena couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as she looked around, surrounded by friends, family, and her soon-to-be sister-wife, and husband.

The next to approach was Ser Lyonel Strong, the master of arms at Harrenhal. He brought a beautifully crafted Weirwood Bow as a gift for Aemon. "May this bow serve you well in the battles to come, my prince. It's crafted from the tree in Harrenhal's godswoods," he said, bowing respectfully. Aemon graciously accepted the gift, expressing his gratitude.

The feast continued, and the guests indulged in delicious food and fine wines. Laena found herself engaged in lively conversations, her worries about potential divisions in the realm fading away in the face of the unity and joy displayed that evening.

As the night wore on, the dance floor became a focal point, and Laena found herself twirling and swirling in the arms of Aemon. The dance was magical, mirroring the enchantment they felt in each other's company. Rhaenyra joined them, and the three of them danced together, symbolizing the unity that House Velaryon and House Targaryen would bring to the realm.

"I like the gifts," she said as they were together, in an embrace. "But this togetherness I enjoy the most." She said, and the other two nodded in agreement. As they sat back down, another group of well-wishers came around.

As Ser Otto Hightower approached the soon-to-be wedded group, there was a discernible tension in the air. He handed Aemon a gilded book, but the discerning eyes of those present could sense subtle disapproval in the gesture. The book, adorned with the Seven-Pointed Star, was a traditional gift, but Otto's gaze hinted at his reservations about the union.

"I present you with this book of the Seven," Otto said, his tone formal but lacking the warmth usually associated with such gifts. "May it guide you in the ways of the Faith and provide solace in times of uncertainty."

Aemon, noticing the subtle tension, accepted the book with a polite nod, though he couldn't ignore the underlying disapproval. She exchanged a quick glance with Rhaenyra, acknowledging the unspoken tension. "Oh, that one. The man is going to get burned for his brazenness," she thought.

Meanwhile, Viserys stepped forward with a lavish golden enameled shield for Aemon. "May this shield protect you in times of need, my son. May it serve as a symbol of the strength that comes from unity," Viserys declared, emphasizing the significance of the union between House Targaryen and House Velaryon.

To honor Rhaenyra and Laena, Viserys Targaryen unveiled a pair of exquisite dragon-shaped pendants, each adorned with a rare black pearl. "May these dragons always remind you of your strength, resilience, and the fire within your hearts. Wear them with pride, for you are the future queens of the realm," Viserys said, placing the pendants around the necks of the two brides.

As the festivities continued, a moment of reflection came. The king raised his goblet in a toast, "To Aemma, the mother of my daughter who watches over us. May her memory inspire love and unity in this new chapter of House Targaryen and House Velaryon."

The guests, moved by the sentiment, joined in the toast, raising their goblets in honor of the late Queen Aemma. The room filled with a mixture of emotions, from the bittersweet remembrance of the past to the hopeful anticipation of the future.

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Thanks for all the support.

Well, Part One of The Wedding. Not sure if there will be one more or two more parts of the Wedding.

Also, do you all want an Alicent and Viserys wedding chapter or go straight to preparation for the war in the Stepsstones. 

Thanks for the read.

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