
Applying Nature Magic to Ingredients!

It's been a few days since Mazell fought the Feral Wolf King. During these few days Mazell had been constantly training to increase his control over his spells. Normally he wouldn't even think about training his magic but after his fight with the Wolf King and also given the fact that the Wolf King might be connected to the Ash Wind Bandits Mazell felt a crisis looming over his village.

As Mazell was cleaning vegetables he was slowly injecting them with water elemental mana.

Marlin then came from behind Mazell and asked in a concerned tone: "Mazell Dear is there something on your mind? You seem to be quite distracted these past few days? Would you like to tell mother about it?"

Mazell was somewhat startled but then immediately replied: "Uh... No mother I'm fine. It's just a small issue regarding cooking hehe."

Marlin frowned a bit and said: "I see..."

Later that Afternoon....

Mazell was sitting in his room holding the Wolf King's collar in his hands. As he slowly thought of what to do next.

Mazell: "If that Wolf King really did belong to the Ash Wind Bandits then there's a high chance that their hiding out within the woods close to the village. If that really is the case then there's a possibility that the village might be suspected of colluding with them."

The Ash Wind Bandits are quite infamous for having committed numerous crimes in the past. What's more it is said that their leader was even one who had become a Guardian.

Guardians! The only other profession in Guillius Magika besides Mage that can fight Magical Beasts and bypass their World's Mana Protection. The reason for this is cause they possess a type of energy called Inner Strength which was converted from world's mana. To become a guardian is quite simple pretty much anyone can try it. All one has to do is to meditate and exercise for several days in an area where there's extremely dense mana. Then using some special breathing techniques they can absorb the mana around them and convert it to Inner Strength. The conversion process is extremely dangerous. More than 70% of the people who try it will either have their internal organs fatally damaged or just simply die. Those who succeed though gain strength far greater than that of an ordinary person's. These people are then called Guardians. Though Guardians are not as powerful as Mages just the fact that they can fight magical beasts and races still makes them highly regarded among the human race.

Media: "Master may I suggest reporting it to the Village Guards?"

Mazell gave a forced smile and shook his head: "Nah. Based on the information from the news and newspapers their no match for the Ash Wind Bandits. If I tell them it would just ensue panic among the guards. What's more I'm pretty sure they won't believe the fact that I managed to kill a Feral Wolf King. Not to mention I'm still not willing to reveal the fact that I can use magic."

Seeing Mazell's anxious expression Media immediately switched the topic: "Master I forgot to mention that besides your water elemental mana it's also possible to use your nature elemental mana to improve the ingredients you use for cooking."

The anxiousness within Mazell's eyes immediately vanished replaced with a bright shine: "Really?!"

As Mazell was learning a new method to apply magic to his cooking deep within an underground hideout hidden at the center of Wand Stone Woods shadowy figures were skulking about.

Shadowy Figure 1: "Have you found it yet?"

Shadowy Figure 2: "No but the chief said not to worry since there isn't anything in the area that could threaten it. And besides it's only been a few days. That mutt can go missing for over a month and still return as healthy as a bull. So there's no worry."

Shadowy Figure 1 nodded and said: "Alright well if your sure then let's stop the search for now."

Back to Mazell....

Mazell was completely dumbfounded by the results of using his nature elemental mana: "No way! I can actually also use magic like this?"

Unripe fruits and vegetables immediately became ripe while as normal quality ingredients increased in quality and became high quality ingredients the moment Mazell injected nature elemental mana into them. Must know that high quality ingredients are extremely expensive. Even someone like Bernard who's the personal chef of a Marquess could probably only afford a few pieces of such ingredients with his salary. Even though he was now pretty much loaded due to the mountains of gold coins inside his storage ring he never planned on using them nor revealing his wealth to anyone anytime soon. He had planned to use that wealth for his future and also to give Bernard and Marlin a better life. After all even though he was a money grubber he had a reason to be one. Wand Stone Village is quite a small village even just a single gold coin could cause a stir. Which is why if he'd ever planned to use this wealth of his in the village at most he'd only use a few silver coins.

Realizing something Mazell's expression immediately turned serious: "I'd better not use any high quality ingredients for cooking anytime soon otherwise people might get suspicious as to where I got them."

Media inwardly smiled. She was very satisfied with her Master's way of thinking. Although she did wish that he could be a little less of a money grubber.

During dinner time....

Bernard: "Son I'll be journeying back to the Marquess' mansion tomorrow. So I'll be leaving the restaurant in your care once again."

Mazell then bumped his fist onto his chest and replied: "Don't worry Dad leave it to me."

Bernard laughed: "Well your cooking has been improving a lot lately so maybe I should really consider letting you permanently take over the restaurant for me."

Marlin smiled: "Now now Mazell's only thirteen. We can talk about inheriting the family business when he turns eighteen. For now all I wish for is for him to enjoy his life as a young boy. By the way Son are there any village girls you've had an eye on lately? If there are I'm sure they would definitely consider dating you. After all women love a man that can cook."

Hearing Marlin's question Mazell's expression immediately went black. This was definitely a topic he did not wish to discuss with his Mother. After dinner Mazell returned to his room and sat cross legged on the bed.

Then he spoke in a serious tone: "Media..."

Media: "Although Master has now gained complete control of the Thunder Spark spell, the Water Flow spell and the Plant Vine spell you still have not been able to apply the amplification effects of your Natural Born Mystic Soul and Dragon Attribute to these spells. Meaning that at most Master can only unleash three times amplification using these spells."

Indeed! Since Mazell had only recently become a mage his body still hasn't gotten used to his new power. In fact each time Mazell tries to use his dragon elemental mana he ends up vomiting blood before he even has a chance to cast a spell. And since he still doesn't have any summonable magic beasts he still can't really use his summon elemental mana.

Mazell gave a forced smile: "Yeah yeah I know that my abilities are lacking compared to those rich noble kids that were trained to control magic since they were toddlers."

Media went silent. Mainly cause she knew that no matter what she said her Master would most likely not believe her. The truth was that based on the knowledge Media gained about the current society those children from the noble mage families would take several months of training to achieve the same level of control that Mazell did in just a few days.

Mazell: "Anyway what's our agenda for tonight?"

Media: "Master has also completely mastered the art of creating magic bullets. So I believe it is time for master to start studying your Unique Spells."

Unique Spells! Special spells that a mage awakens during their magic awakening or when they reach a certain level as a mage. Pretty much all of these spells are unique to the mage in question. Meaning these are spells that can only be used by the mage that awakens them and cannot be used by any other. Mazell was able to awaken his unique spells during the same time he awakened his inherent spells.

Inherent Spell are quite different from Unique spells for pretty much every mage has them. For example if a mage obtains a Thunder Elemental Mana Sphere then that mage automatically awaken's the Thunder Spark Spells. Another example is if a mage obtains a Water Elemental Mana Sphere then they also automatically awaken the Water Flow Spell.

Hearing Media's words Mazell immediately became worried: "But.... Each time I try to cast any of those spells I end up feeling extreme pain in my entire body which stops me from using them."

Media: "This only means that Master's body is still too weak to use your Unique Spells. I think Master should prioritize strengthening your body for now."

Mazell then fell into deep though: "Strengthening my body huh...."

Several hours later Mazell could be seen doing sit ups within his room.

Media(cold sweat): "Um.... Master.... I think this method.... will take too long."

Mazell then lied down on the ground drenched in sweat and completely exhausted: "Ugh!... you could've told me that a few hours ago!"

Media: "I did not wish to break your enthusiasm Master."

Mazell sighed: "Haaah.... Anyway is there even a point to learning these Unique Spells? I mean my Inherent Spells, Magic Bullets and those Mana Manipulation Techniques you've thought me should be more than enough to take care of those Ash Wind Bandits right?"

Media: " Yes it should be enough to handle them but...."

Mazell then cuts off Media: "Then it's decided! There's no point in learning these Unique Spells. Anyway I better get to bed Dad's leaving early tomorrow and I don't want to oversleep."

Media: "....As you wish Master."

The Next Morning....

Mazell and Marlin were about to say goodbye to Bernard as he was about to leave for his trip back to the Marquess' mansion.

Marlin was fixing her husband's tie as she said: "Dear you must remember to always take care of yourself and be careful during your travel back to the Marquess' mansion."

Mazell patted his chest with confidence and said: "Don't worry about anything Dad I'll take good care of Mom and the restaurant while your gone you can count on it!"

Bernard then smiled and patted Mazell's head: "Alright I leave everything here to you. Take care of your Mother for me."

And with that Bernard had left for the Marquess' mansion.