

One of the two Exalted auras in the distance had once again disappeared after Freya exploded.

Kyran felt a concourse of High Master mages and a couple of Grand Master approaching his location at an incredible speed in several directions. Apart from this, he noticed a few hundreds of them were not 'humans.'

Ignoring everything else, Kyran focused on locating where Freya would reappear. As far as he was concerned, she still had one more 'life.' Once he killed her again, the next one would be her end.

'If she had a much higher magic level, this battle might be more interesting. Too bad I can't torture her to death,' Kyran sighed inwardly. He regretted letting this woman off easy. After all, she was the one in charge of this camp and was the reason why Zephyr ended up in such a critical condition.