
Fighting Squad Perspective - Part 2

There is a massive man, wears heavy armour, has a red axe made completely using iron material, wears a red cape, has long blonde hair, and also, a huge scar on the left green eye. This man was so massive and menacingly that the older man who owns the Tavern has already started to shake like he has seen a ghost of one of his dear family members.

The massive man walks slowly to that older man, and he told him in a heavy and also scary voice which would have made every weak person tremble.

"Do you have a free seat?"

"Y-Yes, mister!" said the older man frightening and escorting that massive man to his seat. "W-We have one, sir. R-Right here."

"Thank you." says the huge man walking to that table, which is free because who would dare to say to that huge man that he has to pay to eat here. "I'd like a free bear and also a free pig roasted."

"O-Of course. I-It'll be ready in a few minutes."

"Thank you again, Lazlo." says the massive to the owner when he goes scared to the kitchen.

On the other table, where our six knights who are on a secret mission, saw that massive man, and also what was happening. Gabriel whispered to Fred because he saw that fire on the middle finger on his harm.

"Don't dare!"

"What?" asks Fred to Gabriel. "What are you talking about?"

"Try to beat that, asshole," whispers Gabriel to Fred, and the other four are looking at Gabriel and Fred talking.

"You know me. Why would I even do that?" asks Fred who has extinguished his left finger with a sparkle. "Besides, this guy looks weak compared to those five guardians."

"Five guardians?" asks the massive guy from the other who has heard Fred's sentence (because he spoke kinda loud) and he turns his chair to that table. "Who are those five guardians you are talking about, you weakling?"

"Why would I even tell you that?" asks Fred.

Then, that massive guy has started to look pissed because Fred was disrespecting him. Those other five guys have started to regret that they have accepted the mission, but then, the massive guy gets up from his chair and goes to their table.

"Do you know who I am?" asks the massive guy looking menacingly at Fred.

"... No." responds Fred with a smile on his face. "And I don't even care who you are, because let's are honest. You are not that strong."

And at that moment, everybody from the Tavern has stopped what they were doing, the owner almost got a heart attack, and also a drunk man has dropped his seven beer on the floor. Everybody was looking at that table where the massive guy was there and he was looking angry at Fred, who still, doesn't even give a fuck about that massive guys because he has seen a lot of massive things while he worked as a Pirate helper, and this dude, it isn't even bigger than the huge shark his pirate boats was fighting for twelve hours by using only words. The massive guy was about to throw the chair at Fred, but then, a hand was hitting his hard face, and that hand belongs to Julius, which was the closest to the massive guy. That hit did not even budge the warrior, and he has started to look pissed at those six adventures. He stands up from the chair, takes his axe, and was about to hit Julius, but then a big fireball, launched by Fred, has hit his armour and then another fist, this time from Lucian, has hit the massive warrior which has made him go back few meters and then Lucian has grabbed the axe and threw him out of the Tavern because he does not want to see someone die in this nice Tavern.

The massive guy, after he has come back to his sense after that first has hit his face he has screamed at those six adventures.


"Suicidal?" asks Gabriel that warrior. "Not. But from the place we came from, people like you are treated much worse, and you know why because here, your King is just a piece of trash."

"And a bastard." says Lucian to the massive man.

"A, weakling." says Josh.

"A noble." says Fred.

"A motherfucker." says Camille.

"A coward." says Louis.

"And your kingdom sucks." says Lucian, who has started to make the whole Tavern looks angry for the reason that he criticizes their Empire at them, but they also looked impressed at their courage because they have provoked the second-best warrior of this kingdom.

The massive guy, which was so angry, he has decided to try to fist them one more time. But this time, Lucian has caught his fist who was about to his Louis, his brother. When Lucian has caught that guy's fist, he has decided to twist it for a few mere seconds, and then there the guy from the Tavern. But the things he has done to him would have been worse if the fist would have actually hit his brother. When that warrior has been thrown from the Tavern like a drunk man. he grabbed his axe and he has decided to call his reinforcements who were sitting on a cart and they were waiting for his leader to left, but now they are going to fight those six adventures.

These six adventures take one last sip of beer, and they are going outside to fight those knights of the Turkey Empire. When they have left the Tavern, the thirty-three knights have jumped at them, only armed with swords, shields and also spears, there were no wizard or mage there because the magic here it is illegal and the people who are using any kind of magic are punished with the death penalty.

But our adventures has decided to take out their weapons and defend or attack those corrupted knights. With one single slash of his sword, Josh has cut three warriors in half. Thanks to the blacksmith who has upgraded Josh's sword before he was about to leave Moldovia. With one single punch, Lucian has sent one man into the sword of one of those teammates. Camille has defended herself with the help of her sword by three knights, who were then made ice by Gabriel who has launched a big spell of ice into those corrupted knights. Fred has burned eight knights while he was laughing like a crazy man, and those burned men had a low chance to survive the fire magic because their armour isn't that strong or have any magic resistance because there are no magicians or mage here. And Louis has used his wand and "Shotgun" spell and he pierced five knights' bodies or heads.

The massive guy started to look scared by the power of those warriors and he has decided to hop into the cart and leave the place, by letting the rest of his teammates there, while they were beaten. And the rest of them, when they saw that the cart with his strongest warrior was leaving, the rest of them, which were five, because other seven were destroyed by Julius gravitational spells and thrown into the forest. Those five corrupted warriors, when they have surrendered to those six warriors, have decided to tell the six warriors everything. About the corruption, unfair laws, nobles are much stronger than warriors thing etcetera, etcetera.

Those six warriors have taken that valuable information and they have decided to let those five remaining warriors leave and go into the castle and tell their Emperor they want to discuss something. But, Fred also said to them.

"If he does not want to discuss, we can burn the entire Empire until we will get what we wanted to get."

"A-And what do you want?" asks one warrior who has started to tremble when Fred has mentioned the thing they wanted.

"Your Empire." says Gabriel while he shut Fred's mouth because he could tell any other thing which will make things go much harder for them and this mission has to be easy for them because of that "second-best warrior" this Empire is offering.

And after a while, those six knights, have let the corrupted knights run to their Empire to tell the king that they are going to be attacked anytime soon because of a piece of their land. While those warriors were running, the owner of the Tavern and the other customers there have left the Tavern and congratulate the warriors for the things they have done to protect them from these weaklings who have much more power in society and this corrupt system than Fiona strength power. The owner has let those six warriors eat for free, and also they have offered each one of them a bed to sleep in tonight, but some of them have refused because.

"We do not want to cause you any danger, old man." says Lucian to the owner and he whispers to him the next sentence. "And also, our fire guy burns things while he is sleeping."

"I understand." says the owner who looks quite frightened because he almost let a guy who cannot control his powers sleeping in his own home.

Later on, after these six warriors have finished eating for free in that Tavern they have continued to walk to their destination, while the night was about to come.