Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.
A few moments later, I arrived home, put my winter clothes somewhere, and the first thing I heard it was a yelled "START". I quickly rush to the kitchen, because there was coming to the yelling, and saw there something bizarre. Fiona, Marcus, Daina and Josh, are eating in a rush a few cabbage rolls on a hundred different plates put on other tables or the dirty floor. I looked at them eating like tomorrow it is going to be their last day for a few moments and then I go back to my room. I was about to ask them what was going on, but they did not answer me, all four of them are busy eating the cabbage rolls like this is some of the contest. I stay in the room and wait until they will finish this contest, and meanwhile, I will read one of the novels I put on the bookshelf. I take from there the novel called "The Copy Mage" written by an author named Adam, and tell the reader a story about a mage which features a copy mage and gods. I jumped on my bed and start lecturing this novel.
On the kitchen, those four friends are eating the cabbages in a rush. Diana is eating an entire cabbage roll in almost one minute. Fiona squashes three cabbage rolls and she eats them entirely. Marcus is eating two cabbage rolls and drinks water while he eats it to make him swallow the cabbage roll and eat faster. Josh is trying his best to eat one cabbage roll but, after he eats twelve, his stomach has started rumbling. He knew it wasn't a good idea to drink that yellow substance called beer before he wanted to join this annual challenge between Fiona, Diana and Marcus. And Josh decides to try to eat one more cabbage roll but right when he was about to take it, his stomach has started a revolt and made Josh abandon the competition, run outside the house and throw out in the garden together with the beer from a few hours ago.
In the competition are Fiona, Diana and Marcus, and these three are continues to eat like there will be no tomorrow. Fiona has eaten so far thirty-four cabbage rolls, Diana has eaten thirty-nine, and Marcus has successfully eaten forty-six. These numbers are not even that high because last year, they almost eat three hundred cabbage rolls, and this day, it will be quite difficult to them to beat the record because most of them have celebrated the victory of Turkey empire fall, and also the birth of "United Non-Cities", a community which will be lead by a hand of a noble family in good intentions.
"You can still do it?" asks Fiona at her sister after she ate the thirty-five cabbage roll.
"Yes! I-I c-ca-" says Diana who was about to eat her forty-one cabbage roll, but she fell asleep and this thing results in elimination.
Now, there are Fiona and Marcus. Two ex-lovers, two impressive fighters, two knights with amazing squires, two free birds looking for someone else special. These knights are looking menacingly at each other and start to in a much more rush until one of them will fall.
Eight minutes later, Fiona has fallen from her chair, after she has eaten her sixty-nine cabbage roll, and Marcus finished his sixty-eight cabbage roll. The strategy Fiona used to beat Marcus at this contest was risky and also disgusting, mixing meat parts with water and drinking like it is some sort of drinking made especially by pirates to help them eat quicker and pillage the villagers and take their gold supply. Marcus, was laughing at Fiona, but then, right when he was about to bite the sixty-nine cabbage roll, he has feeling dizzy, his hands dropped the sixty-nine cabbage roll and fall into a quick sleep.
The winner of this contest it is Fiona, who has eaten the most cabbage rolls, sixty-nine. Marcus got on the second place, Diana on third, and Josh (no surprise) on the fourth place. Those three warriors from the first places are already sleeping, while Josh is outside and he is going to Camille house to ask her to go on a date with him. If she will be available.
"Wha? W-Where am I?" I ask after I woke up in the middle of a desert region. "What is this place? And why he is so hot here?"
I then saw the sands of the desert. I was mesmerized by this sand, his unique texture, touch and also the particles he got in it, and also the fact that he has arrived here outta nowhere. At first, I thought this was some kind of kidnapping, but then I observed something weird, when I touched my lips, I can feel something hairy close to the lips, and this is what man call moustache.
I am trying to get up on my feet, and I actually did, without any difficulties. However, when I get up, I observed something strange at my legs, they were entirely made out of iron, and this thing really felt weird. I was trying to wake up by trying to punch my arm, but I have also realized that my hands were made entirely of iron. "W-What is this?" I asked with a loud voice.
I looked at my back, and it was nothing there, just sands, mountains of sands which you do not see it every day. Then, after I looked around, I decided to try and walk and when I took the first step, I didn't felt any pain, just something similar like walking on the snow, but the snow was cold and big. The sands here, it is not that big, besides, I didn't even felt anything. Probably because of the legs. I continue to walk forward for a few hours until I arrive in front of a huge wall in ruins.
When I saw the wall, my first thought was "This place must've been a city... But, what happened here?". I go closer to the wall, and at the moment I have touched it, it has started to crumble and fall in a few seconds. I was scared at this experience, but not as scared when I saw the other side of the wall. There it is something you do not see in this world but most likely in novels about genre beyond fantasy.
On the other side, it is a lady, young, with an animal mask on her face, and holding a weird arm aimed at me. She did not say anything, she just pressed the button at the weapons, she shoots and then... I wake up from the dream world into reality. Quite a weird dream experience I say.
Anyway, when I first woke up in my bed, I observed that the book I was reading last night, was at chapter twelve, page forty. I close the book, I put it on a shelf, get off from my bed, take my light armour on, cleaning the room and go downstairs to help Fiona or Diana, if they gave me some cleaning duties or delivery missions. But when I got there, I saw Fiona and Diana sleeping on the tables, and Marcus was not there. This four had most likely fun the entire night. I hope Fiona and Diana are not going to blame all of these at me or throw up around the house.
I entered the kitchen, take one of the cabbage rolls on a plate filled with eight of those, I eat it and start to feel the meat there, the cabbage rolled to hold the meat and the texture which gave it an amazing taste. After I ate it, I left the house and go int the garden and clean the pathway because last night was hard snow and he has blocked the pathway to the fences and the door house.
Novels Reference
1. The Copy Mage, by Adam_A
Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-copy-mage_17555948006586205