
Deliver a noble

I and Roger are sitting on a big log, and we are eating the bread and the chicken meat I had in my backpack. While I was eating that piece of poultry, Roger, who finished his first bird fin, asks me.

"Are felling, alright?"

"... About what?" I asked Roger because I don't have any idea what he is talking about.

"The fact that you have burned so many corpses and killed a few animals... If I was at your age, I would've freaked out, man."

"I... I was freaked out... I-It is scary when a kid is doing these things, but for me... these feelings don't hit me... These things I considered them being... being normal."

Roger stays there and he doesn't speak a word after the things I responded to his question. But then, I decide to change the topic into a cheerful one.

"Did you say you worked for a mobile family who is forcing you to kill people?"

"Yeah... But I am not forced to do these things. These are orders if you work as an assassin and you have to do these or you will be fired and work for the knight army. The family I worked with was the one that guy named Fernando is in..." then he takes a bit from that piece of meat and then he continues to tell me. "That family did not give me much more orders to kill people, because they do not have many enemies. But, the worst part of the job was the fact that they sent me to take care of their kid, which is Fernando and he is a spoiled brat... When he encountered a peasant, even one who did nothing wrong to him... he is forcing me to kill that peasant who did nothing wrong... From now, I just killed two peasants like that, a little girl at three years old who offered the nobleman a flower and an old man who was just saying "Hello!" to him... I tried to tell his parents about the things that nobleman is forcing me to do, and they have done something against that, but then... The hell broke it."

"What happened then?" I asked Roger after a while.

" Let's just say he has forced me to do his nasty things and kidnapped beautiful girls from other noble families and try to make love with them and make them pregnant, but most of them have refused him and he didn't even succeed to make a girl pregnant."

"That must be a hard job."

"It is, but the payment was nice," says Roger after he eats the second wing of chicken meat with bread.

Then, I started to remember something I wanted to ask Roger about. Back in the days, when I was in the first days of becoming a free man, I have seen an assassin who killed a noblewoman in the street and the one who killed her was an assassin and then I remembered a blonde masked assassin who was at my back and he tells me something about a nobleman, that I have been forgotten because these things have happened a few months ago, on the time I was searching for Fiona residence to stay there and work for her as a squire.

"Does all noble assassins wear masks?"

"Yes... Have you ever meet one." asks roger after he throws the bones of that meat into the forest.

"It was a few months ago, in the city... A mysterious man has murdered a noblewoman in the front of the street and on my back was a blonde lady who wore a mask."

"That woman..." says Roger worried at Judas. "That woman is a witch who can control the would of people. She is one of the most stronger assassins and the family it is working on... It was the one I worked with."


A few minutes later, I and Roger are walking back to our camp where we will put Fernando back on his cage and deliver to our true General. Roger is carrying that nobleman on his left shoulder. Roger is walking in front of me because he wanted to be sure nothing will attack us and also it is the fact that I am a little kid and by mistake, he could step on me like a bug.

To get back to that deserted village that we use as a base in Moldova, we'll have to take that road we took to look for the nobleman we're delivering right now. Roger and I are approaching the entrance of that village that we passed some time ago and we notice that two people are coming towards us and have armed two spears. Roger puts that nobleman down and pulls out his sword, and I prepare my wand if these people try to attack us, but to our surprise, they shout at us to give them that man we had captured and leave. Initially, I refused, but these people who wield spears, they pull out of the pockets of their clothes a parchment that has designated a red star in a brown circle, and Roger, looking at that sign tells me.

"These guys can be trusted. They are noble justice."

"Noble justice?" I asked Roger.

"They are the one who arrests nobles if they are doing something terrible, like the thing he did." then roger looks at those guys: "Hey! This man hasn't murdered a ton of animals and humans. but the Spiwolf made him do it."

"Are you sure?" asks one of those guys who is looking at us. "And who are you?"

"I am Roger, the fella here is Judah. We are working for Romania Army, and our group got sent here in Moldovia."

"Alright..." says the guy with the spear looking carefully at us, and when he saw me and looks skeptical at Roger: "Is this your kid, sir?"

"No. No. No." says Roger while he is laughing. "That kid doesn't belong to me, sir. He is the squire of Fiona Lunderberg."

"Fi-Fiona..." says the other guy shaking while he trying to take out the noble. "The woman monster?"

"Yeah... Something like that."

Then those spear-wielding people say nothing, but instead, they take Fernando and thank us by the signs and then leave with the one we caught somewhere where they will transport him back to our kingdom, at least that's what Roger told me when we continued on our way to the abandoned village where Josh is waiting for us. If I didn't follow orders, at least I sent that nobleman to someone who has the authority and is good at these things. We enter that village where we heal that woman, we pass through that village and we notice a few people coming out of their houses, smiling at us and applauding us. I think they applaud us for hunting that nobleman or the monster spirit. Then a few people come out of the yard and hand us, at me and Roger, a few snacks as a sign of thanks, such as cabbage rolls, pork meat, and even one lady offered to us a gallon of apple cider. I have accepted a few rewards, but Roger has refused all of them and he just thanked them they are alright, which made the villagers feeling weird and sad because a muscular man didn't accept this. but I accepted a few rewards until my backpack could be filled.

After a few minutes, we left the village and we are continuing our journey to our camp. While we were walking to the camp, I asked Roger.

"Why didn't you take anything those villagers handed to you?"

"Because I do not deserve it."

"What do you mean?"

"I worked for a noble who hated peasants and made me kill them... I do not want to make them feel sad, alright!"

"Whatever you say it," I respond to Roger when we have entered the forest and start walking into the pathway that will lead us to the camp.

When I got there, almost everyone was packing their things and putting them in the hold with them. Roger and I take a look at that cage the nobleman had been put in and we notice that there's Josh, who's locked up and dirty. it seems that whatever Fiona did to him, it probably would have been worse than the punishment the nobleman would have had if we had brought him here, but for his happiness, he was taken by authorities who can solve him and transport him somewhere.

Fiona appears in the landscape shortly after, with the backpack containing her clothes and some documents, and she looks at us upset. But Roger replies that the nobleman was by Noble Justice and he would be sent to a trial, then Fiona calmed down and told us that we did a job of giving them, and then we also said that we would have to prepare to leave for the territory where my kingdom's army was fighting.

Roger is going to help Josh leaving the cage and after we have done that, I am going back to the part of the abandoned house, and Josh with Roger is going in a cart with Fiona to put there Fernando who is still unconscious. I entered the house was living in and start to gather my things from there, put it into the second backpack, and after I have finished putting the books, pillow, and the blanket there. I was about to leave the room I slept for a while, then I did something quite strange while I have opened the door. I took a look back at that room and I had a similar feeling to the one when I left my Orphanage a few months ago. Then, I say "Goodbye!" to this room and left the house and thanking that building for the fact that they let me stayed there.