Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.
Here we are, we are almost in the area where our mission will begin. So far, we have destroyed an attack of the guards who were working on that noble family, we managed to kill a few of them thanks to my spell and the other warriors who are covering the ground. The people who are taking the ground are Fiona, Luiza and Diana (Fiona manged to call for help into this difficult and dangerous mission we have encountered so far), and they are probably going to do a difficult job there since their cover got blew up. Now we have to cover them, and also attack the guards or the enemy who is defending Yugara noble family house.
"We are almost there!" says the Dragon Rider to us. "Prepare for jumping!"
"Jumping?!" asks Ulfred. "Are you insane?"
"Fuck this..." Ulfred looks at me. "If I do not survive. Tell Fiona I like her."
This made me feel quite uncomfortable, but not the fact that we have to jump from the dragon, but the fact that someone loves Fiona, someone like Ulfred... I am not racist toward him. After all, we are both humans. Sure. We got different skins colors, but we are still humans! Even if I would try to say that, Fiona will most likely not going to accept his feelings.
We got at a close distance to the noble family house. We proceed to jump from the dragon when he was at a low altitude, and we have landed on a roof of a small building. There, we are looking in front of us and sees a few knights in horses, coming out from the noble family. All three of us are proceeding to enter this building, thanks to Ulfred who used his metal fists to create a hole to help us enter this building.
When we got into this building, Ulfred and Taka are heading to the windows to see what are they fighting against. Ulfred took a look at me, and he told me.
"Judah! You will provide cover for us! Taka. You will have to use your cloning ability to go through these guards and eliminate them. And I am going to help Taka clearing the guards against the ground and making the way to the noble house."
"Alright." I say going to the window with my staff and proceed to shoot "Il mare eterno nella mia anima" spell to one guard, and it launched a giant rock who crushed one guard with a horse on it. "Go! Go!" I told them after I applied to both of them a shield spell to help them from the attacks.
I see a bunch of knights who were about to bust the door of this building, but from the sounds, I can hear Ulfred and Taka are greeting them violently, by beating the shit out of them and killing them without any mercy. Even myself, I couldn't stop to show mercy upon those knights who are coming to attack us. I shoot a few spells to them like "Fireball" or "Lighting". I have to use these lowest spells since it requires less mana. And I prepare the big spells for the big attack.
Three minutes later, Ulfred and Taka have succeeded in entering the noble family house, and they are heading into the building to search for the girl named Garnet. I took my staff and I also head to the building, but when I was going downstairs, I see on the wall a knight who is covering his wounds he got from Ulfred or Taka, either way, I cannot heal him because he is an enemy to me, and he might be going to kill me later if I try this dumb action.
"Kid... Kid! Help me!" says the knight in his dying voice. "Help me.... Help me..."
I leave the knight there, spending his last seconds of live calling for me to help him live a little longer, or wanting me to end is life faster. I do not listen to him while I march to this door and head to the location where Ulfred and Taka might be.
After I left the building, I am greeted by a knight who was running with a medium sword to me. Thanks to my quick thinking, I use the spell "Shield" which protected me from the swings of that knight who was yelling from the pain he endures at this very moment. But before he could do the sixth swing, I use the spell "Lighting" on him and made him fall on the ground, trembling for his last moments of life, until he will die, like the other knights who were working for this noble family.
A few moments later, I arrived to this building, alive and without an injury, there, I see a few corpses lying on the floor, and this made me feel sick because the corpses there represents young kids, probably at my age. I was about to say my prayers to them, but a sound from the upper floor distracted me and made me to head there, to see what is going on there. I run to the stairs leading to that floor, with my staff prepared for anything I might encounter on this house.
I arrived at the second floor, with my wand prepared to shoot on sight a spell who might be either "Fireball" or "Roundabout". Furthermore, I walk slowly on these hallways of the house while I rotate around and aimed my staff to every single door who might be opened at an unexpected time. I then saw Taka and Ulfred leaving the room, with a girl who is holding Taka by her hand. The girl it is Garnet which made me almost didn't recognize her due to the color of her hair, and without that rich makeup are noble families using to make peasants feel bad, or to make them feel much smarter than a family group.
"Good timing, Judah." says Taka. "This girl asked about you."
"What?" asks Judah, feeling unexpected at this.
"Thank you. For saving my life." says Garnet to make, which makes this situation even weirder.
"I am sorry, but what?" I say with a loud voice, but before she could answer the voice, a few canons can be heard from the distance.
"This has to wait!" says Ulfred. "We must get into the cart and head out of here!"
"Agreed!" says Taka which is going on the back of Ulfred, and I also follow her.
Then, all three of us have managed to capture Garnet, which doesn't seem that upset about this situation at all. And this made me feel extremely worried.