
Capturing Garnet - Part 1

Here we are... Three days later, the guild I have joined are going to start a big move, and this move consist into kidnapping a small girl named Garnet de Sofia, the daughter of an important man from Yugara noble family. That girl it is also the one I saved a few days earlier from an assassin who was close to taking this little girl life. Also, the assassin was caught and kept into one of those cells I stayed when I was arrested after I used "Sono Chi Sadame" for the first time, but this had a happy ending for me, for him, it will be a sad one.

Now, before we were about to embark on that cruel mission, we have stayed at the guild to discuss our tactics and our roles into this kidnapping.

"Good, my fellow companions!" says the Leader of this guild, gathering around five knights, including me and Fiona. "This is the strategy of this mission." he says while he makes a map appears by suing a magic trick, then he made the map representing the area where this mission it will happen, and he then, put all of our names on the map. "The first group will consist into Ulfred, Judah and Taka. Their objective it is to secure the girl and eliminate or incapacitate every enemy guard on their way. You will be carried there with the help of Dolores, our Dragon Rider." he showed a woman dressed in dragon skin clothes on their table who is having a giant cup of yellow drink (beer, and yes, it is safe to drink and ride a dragon if you are a woman from Brit Islands). "She will drop you on the roof of the noble house, and from there, you three will infiltrate there and proceed to head to the room of Garnet. You will take down every enemy in your way, without alerting them. After that, you three will wait for Fiona and Luiza to finish their part." says the leader looking at me, Taka (the woman with a cloak and a small armor on her chest, and a big spear on her back) and Ulfred.

"I have a question." says Fiona, raising her hand.

"State your question." says the Leader.

"Why I am not going with Judah? He is my squire, after all."

"Don't worry about it." says Ulfred to Fiona. "This small fella." he points to me. "He will be fine in my hands. Correct, Taka?"

"...Meh." she says the woman named Taka without even looking at me.

"Fiona." I said to her in front of these bounty hunters. "I will be fine. Trust me on this one."

"I... I will try, Judah. But be careful, alright?"

"I will always be." I told her after I show her my staff, I got gifted from Emily. "This staff will probably help me."

"Interesting staff you got there." says the Leader of this Guild. "Where did you get it, young wizard?"

"It was a gift from someone dear to me." I responded.

"How nice." says the Leader. "Anyway, Fiona and Luiza." he looks at those two women's, and show where they have to do their action. "You two will have to free the horses from the interior. Keeping only one and one single carriage. And destroy their weapons. Even injuring a few of those guards outside the big building. Understand?"

"Is this the plan?" asks Taka. "We enter the castle, take the girl, flee with a carriage back to our Guild?"

"You will not go back to the Guild?" says the Leader. "Not all of you."

"Huh?" asks Ulfred. "Why?"

"You. All five of you will stay for a while, keeping Garnet into a village, not far from the border between Romania Kingdom and Bulgarian Empire. Your five will remain there, until our massager will come to you, to give you the message that you can come back into this kingdom. Understand?"

"Yes." responded Taka. "And how will you fight against Yugara clan?"

"We will find our ways." says the leader. "You have a few minutes to prepare for this journey. Whatever you do. Do not attract attention on your way there."

We stayed a few more minutes into this building, preparing for the kidnapping mission, and probably a small "vacation" on the villages close to Bulgarian borders.


In the back of this "abandoned" building, I and the other two fighters are getting on the dragon back, and wait for our dragon rider to come from the bathroom because she has drank to much beer, and she has to throw up. While we are waiting for her, Ulfred decided to ask me a question.

"Say, kid. Do you do well with spells?"

"Yes." I responded to him. "I can do healing, shielding, attacks spells and I can even do some weird spells."

"Weird?" asks Ulfred. "What kind of weird spells?"

"Observe." I said to him while I aim my staff to a rock from three meters distance. "Reanimate Rock!"

And in just a few seconds, the rock proceeds to talk and have eyes. He said unintelligible things and looked around this place, worried and confused. then I recasted the spell to that rock, to made it an object of nature who couldn't interact with anyone.

"That is neat." says Ulfred to me.

"Thanks. This, however, drained some mana out of me." I responded to him.

"Just do not push it to far." she says Taka to me.

Anyway, the dragon rider cames from the toilet, and heads to the place where she sits, then, she kicked the dragon, and it made it fly. We were flying at a high distance and this made me feel amazing. It was a beautiful experience to me because this was the first time I am into the skies and I can truly see the world into other perspective. While we were flying, this dragon rider told us.

"We will arrive there in nine minutes! Prepare for any weird encounter."

"What do you mean?" asks Taka.

"We might be followed, lady." says Dragon Rider. "I can feel the presence of another dragon rider... It is close."

I took a look around me, and I didn't see anything, only dark sky and clouds, A lot of clouds because this mission it is happening at night. Ulfred and Taka were also looking around, but they did not found anything. Then, Taka looked down, and she quickly whispered to us.

"We've got company down."

"Do not look down." says Dragon Rider who understand the whispering from Taka considering the distance and wind breeze.

And Ulfred is looking down, and the next thing I knew, an arrow was close to got his head. And the arrow was on fire, which it is a bad thing for us. Then, a bunch of arrows continue to come at us, but I quickly create a reflecting shield spell (Reflect Shield) then used it to reflect a few arrows who were close to hit Dragon wings.

I protected the wings, and it didn't get damaged. And the arrows has stopped coming which made all four of us feel worried about the next attack who might come to us, so this dragon rider decided to speed up the flying and cover into the skies until we will arrive at the dropping point.