
News From Ministry

November 1994

Diagon Alley


Sirius and Lupin's arrival was a shock for everyone. Even though, they did not know the specifics and fool could tell that Dumbledore's purpose of calling this meeting was to formulate plans to deal with Harry Potter. And the presence of Lupin and Black in such a meeting was almost shocking.


The duo walked in and took their seats directly opposite Dumbledore.


"Welcome, Sirius and Remus," Dumbledore greeted them warmly.

The duo nodded with smiles… although their smiles were stiff.


"Although, I have known that Sirius Black was innocent and that Peter Pettigrew was the original betrayer of Lily and James," said Dumbledore. "I must congratulate him as in few days, he would be officially free."

"Thank you, headmaster," said Sirus; his smile this time was genuinely warm.


The other participants of the meeting, baring Snape whose hatred for Sirus was legendary, also greeted and congratulated him.


Following which another silence descended in the room as Weasleys exchanged uneasy glances among them.


"Albus," Arthur broke the silence. "Are we waiting for someone?"

"Yes," Albus sighed. "But it seems, she would not be coming."

"I might have to arrange a personal meeting with her," he added. "Anyways let us continue."


Almost all of them of wanted to question that who was she? But they Dumbledore unwillingness to say anything more and hence they refrained.


"Before I begin," Dumbledore continued. "Mr. Shacklebolt, has some important news from the ministry for us."

All eyes were drawn towards Kingsley Shacklebolt who cleared his throat.


"I assume that I do not have any need to stress about how much churn the recent events have caused in the ministry and the wizarding war," began Shacklebolt.

"I will discuss its specific implication and the news which I have," he added.


"Although, Harry Potter's devasting power and ruthlessness have caused a lot of anxiety among the general populace… no one can deny the fact about the return of you- know- who."

"The submission of Lucius Malfoy before you- know- who and how many other prominent members of our world were standing behind him… everything happened right in front of their eyes," said Shacklebolt. "This probably was his aim when he arranges for so many people to witness the first event of Triwizard cup live at Hogwarts."


"This has caused a three way split in the wizarding world and the Wizengamot," Shacklebolt continued; his tone was grave. "First group is undoubtedly, the dark faction as we used to call them."

"You- know- who still has a lot of sympathisers and in the pure blood general populace and more so among the council and by extent this sympathy extends to the wizards and witches who have been caught."


Shacklebolt continued, "Next, we have the light faction, such as us."

He sighed in defeated tone, "Although, our supporters in general populace are in huge numbers and we have a good hold in Wizengamot too."

"But people actually willing to actions are too few," he added.


"And they finally, we have the third faction- the rising one- Harry Potter's faction," he continued. "His motives are unclear. Although he dealt heavily with you- know- who; his ruthlessness makes it impossible for us to align with them."

"Though their numbers are quite limited… politically they are powerful with Harry Potter alone holding massive vote count."

"Magically again they are powerful, we witnessed what Harry Potter could do… we know what Minerva McGonagall and Amelia Bones can do."

"Baring Albus Dumbledore no one in our world could probably stand against any three of them," Shacklebolt continued.

"Their second line… Narcissa Black, Andromeda Tonks and her daughter Nymphodora Tonks, Filius Flitwick and other professors at Hogwarts, those more than a dozen muggle born we witnessed at Hogwarts…"

"It is impossible to defeat them magically."


"Their power had made many people like our minister of magic quite restless," Shacklebolt continued. "Also, the general populace is not very trusting… about the way the trials would be held."

"And a lot of suspicion is being cast, especially so, since there is no representative from Harry's faction in the decision- making process."


"So, the minster of magic has made a decision," Shacklebolt sighed. "He has decided to invite Amelia Bones to hold back her post of DMLE head."

"And if she accepts, by default she will be leading the trial," Shacklebolt continued.


"And I don't see this affecting us anyhow," it was Remus who had interjected. "The death eaters should get a fair trial and then maximum punishment possible and Amelia Bones is best suited for the job."

Sirius also gave a nod in agreement.

Alastor on the other hand snorted, "Trial… they should have their head blasted."

After suffering for almost 2 months by the hands of a death eater, his hatred had undoubtedly increased manifold.

Meanwhile, the Weasleys waited for Dumbledore to speak and then to follow his lead.


"I agree with what Remus said," Dumbledore said after a moment. "But things are not so simple as they seem."

"A lot of other consideration have to be made," he continued. "And this is the purpose of the meeting."

"I also have fee truths… truth which may cause grief and pain to discuss," said Dumbledore with a pained voice. "But the time has come to reveal those secrets… no matter the pain."

"The future of wizarding world is at stake," finished Dumbledore and eerie silene followed his short few words.




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