
Meeting the Peverell Brothers (1)

JUNE 1994

4 Privet Drive

Harry Potter after having his dinner of leftover scraps packed himself in his attic turned room. He positioned himself on his small, broken and second-hand bed and started to ponder over the change he felt inside himself after the dementors managed to almost suck his soul in their third attack.


To describe the change, he felt that someone or something was calling him from inside his head. And this was not a pleasant feeling. Firstly, due to the fact that this was weird and secondly, the whole fiasco of heir of Slytherin during the second year started with him hearing those sound of the Basilisk. What was different this time that there was no voice, just the feeling of something calling to him.

Harry positioned himself in a cross-legged position as he had seen and heard people practicing meditation and closed his eyes. He did not have any idea of what to do further and what people generally did in meditation so he chose what he could try to do. 

He tried to concentrate on that particular feeling and with passage of time his feeling started to get stronger. After an unknown amount of time Harry felt himself being pulled and arrived in a weird looking place. 

The place was very huge but was extremely difficult to see anything at a faraway distance. The place was dark with very little light. In spite of darkness Harry could make out the outline of an humongous mountain surrounded by forest in front of him.

Harry started to panic when three orbs of white light appeared out of nowhere. And before he could react a sound came from the middle orb, "It took you long enough to arrive here boy."


"Who are you? And where am I?" Harry asked in a shaky voice. 

The three orbs chuckled at the same time and transformed into three old and frail looking men. Harry immediately staggered backwards in fear.

"Fear not my boy. We mean no harm." The man in middle responded.

Harry gathered his courage and repeated, "Who are you? Where am I?"

The man in middle answered, "Well this is your mindscape. How could you not know?"

He them smiled, "And for who am I?" I am Antioch Peverell." He gestured towards his right and continued, "He is my younger brother Cadmus Peverell and to my left is Ignotus Peverell."


Seeing no expression of either excitement, awe or disbelief, Ignotus asked in exasperation, "Don't tell me, you don't know us?"


Harry still fearful asked in confused tone, "Should I know you?"


The three brothers were almost stunned.

Antioch questioned, "What year it is my boy?"


Harry still confused answered honestly, "June of 1994."


Antioch murmured, "So in only thousand years our names have disappeared from history."

Harry now getting over his fear stated, "Well that might not be true. You see I am not a big fan of history."


Cadmus opened his mouth for the first time, "You would at least know the most famous names of some of wizards."


Harry nodded and answered, "Merlin, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin though he turned evil."


By the time Harry finished his answer, the three brothers were staring at Harry in shock with wide eyes.

Ignotus questioned in disbelief, "So you know all these people but don't even know our name?"

Harry still confused could only shake his head in answer.

Things went silent for few moments. Though Harry wanted to fire a barrage of questions he controlled his anxiety and kept quiet, not wanting to anger the three old men.

Antioch sighed, "It seems someone has systematically removed our name from history."

His expression returned to normal and he stated, "Boy I know you have a lot of questions but I will summarise things for you as we do not have a lot of time."


Ignotus picked up, "We three are very powerful wizards. You can say stronger than the names you mentioned."


Harry's eyes immediately widened hearing this but Ignotus paid no heed to his expression and continued.

"In our old age we designed a ritual. Through this ritual we assimilated all our knowledge and left for the magic decide to a true worthy heir for us. Though our blood families got few of our inheritances, out actual inheritance was left for the worthy magical heir and the magic have deemed you worthy."


Harry's shock only grew as he heard.

Cadmus picked up now and continued with a grave tone, "This should have been a simple procedure but there are two things unique with you which we can feel."

Harry questioned, "What?"


Cadmus answered, "There is a strong binding on you. A very powerful one."


Harry asked in fear, "What kind of binding?"

"A binding which have not only limited your magic to a very low level but have also decreased your mind's efficiency. Also a blood ward is sucking on your magic bringing your magic reserves low."

Harry went wide eyed on this, "But that blood ward is protecting me?"

Antioch scoffed, "Ridiculous. Any capable wizard could bypass these wards easily."

Harry expression turned that of extreme anger.

Ignotus commented, "It seems that you knew of the wards but were betrayed somehow in believing something else."

Harry nodded.

"Did you know about the magical binding too?" questioned Ignotus.

Harry shook his head.

Antioch questioned, "Are you a squib?"


Harry almost shouted, "Hell no! Though I am somewhat weak in theory but I can perform magical spells easily. Not to brag but I am one of the best when it comes to magical spells in my year."


Antioch raised an eyebrow at this, "And what would be the most powerful spell you can perform now?"


Harry answered honestly, "I can produce a full-fledged Patronus."

This was the time for the three brothers to be in a state of shock and Harry wondered if producing a Patronus was really such a big thing.




 [Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]