
Hogwarts Journey

September 1994

Hogwarts Express

Harry had arrived at the Kings Cross Station before time and had taken his seat in the last compartment.

During his one of the many journeys to Diagon Alley to deal with his Lord business in Gringotts he had secured his supplies for Hogwarts.

He has upgraded all his requirements into the top grade from the pathetic cheap grade he had before, including his potion kit, dresses and a new trunk.

Thanks to all the new magic he had learned he did not have any need to carry heavy and the ugly looking trunk anymore. He had shrunken it and simply kept in his pocket.

Harry did not want to deal with an unsatiated Hermione firing her questions for the whole 8 hours journey or an unintelligent Ron, saying irrational and logic less things.

To avoid them Harry had turned invisible using his cloak and he hoped no one would disturb him. Though there was a good chance that he would be intruding someone's privacy in doing so.

Harry thought it to be a perfect time to a break from the reading and training he had been doing continuously for 2 months.

Harry had his eyes closed when the train started to move and began his return to Hogwarts.

One hour had passed and train was moving at full throttle, when the gate to his compartment slid open and two girls walked inside.

One was a tall blonde haired girl while the other was a black haired girl, bit shorter than the first girl.

Harry recognised the two girls immediately, his Slytherin classmates, the blonde being Daphne Greengrass and the other as Tracey Davis.

Greengrass sighed and plummeted on the seat opposite Harry, frustration clearly etched on her face, while Tracey took seat on the same seat as that of Harry, not too far away from him.

Harry hoped that she does not close the distance otherwise, there was a good chance that he would be discovered.

Tracey started, "Malfoy is really a prick. How long do you have to bear with him?"

This perked up Harry's ear.

Daphne sighed. All her persona of the ice queen of Slytherin gone, "I don't know Tracey. Malfoys have been gaining much power recently. With them prodding around about Black Lordship falling to Draco and the minister of magic in Lucius Malfoy's pocket, no one opposes them."

Both of the girls fell silent until Tracey broke it, "So you will have to marry him, ultimately?"

Daphne sighed, "I don't know Tracey. My father has been withstanding Lucius Malfoy's pressure from a long time for setting up a marriage between Draco and me. If things continue like this, I would have no option."

Tracey asked, "Why don't you ask Potter directly for help? Did you not say, that only he has the political mileage to curb Malfoy's wing?"

This came as shock to Harry. He had never expected the two girls discussing about asking him help.

Daphne sighed, "And what do I say? For all purposes, I doubt if he is even aware of his status and responsibilities in the Wizarding world. Longbottom is coward for all purpose and Harry has no clue. Bones and I had assumed in the beginning that Harry would approach us regarding the alliance but he never did. He is completely under Dumbledore's thumb."

Tracey questioned again, "Then why don't you and Susan activate the alliance. After all you both are heiress of Most Ancient and Most Noble house. Even if Malfoy gets Black Lordship, he would only have one Most Ancient and Most Noble house."

Harry internally smirked at this fully knowing the answer, which Daphne voiced, "No Tracey. Even if all our families have equal votes in the Wizengamot we are not equal. Blacks are among the richest families with a very wide influence. If a Black Lord decides to call upon the debt owed to them, many smaller families and businesses would simply crumble. Even Bones, Greengrass and Longbottom combined are no match for Black influence. Only the Potters are influential enough to stand beside Black."

She continued, "And if Draco assumes the Black Lordship, the alliance will crumble down since Blacks are also part of the alliance. And Harry being ignorant as he seems now, we have no chance of forming a new alliance."

Tracey kept shut for a long time.

Daphne again sighed, "Tracey, even if I get in confrontation with Draco, you should not intervene. With my status he would not dare to do anything openly but it is not the case with you. I may protect you for now but in future, no one knows what will happen. Have you heard what happened to Penelope?"

Tracey shook her head, while Harry also focused.

Daphne stated, "Well Penelope was our top student. One of the best to ever graduate from Hogwarts but a muggle. Like all muggles she had no idea about the realities of the wizarding world and went against Draco. As a prefect and Head girl she served him many detentions, though it never mattered since Draco served those detention with the bat."

Daphne finished with a snort, while Harry also chuckled inwardly at reference for Snape.

Daphne sighed, "With her talent she should have gotten a top job in ministry but Malfoys punished her. She was refused all jobs even menial one at ministry. Only Amelia Bones have the guts to go against Malfoys. But even she could not do anything as few years of experience in other departments is required for any person to serve in DMLE, tying Amelia's hand. With practically being in an 'illiterate without any degree' in her muggle world, she had no choice but to work here only, unless she wants to start all over again in the muggle world. Last I heard she was working as a waitress. Our top graduate working as waitress and Dumbledore just smiles keeping all the muggles ignorant of what lay ahead."

Daphne fumed, "And the greatest supporter of Dumbledore so called leader of the light, Percy Weasley, simply dumped her. He was not even willing to talk to her."

This all came as a surprise and shock to Harry. He never knew any of these things. Well to say he knew nothing. He wondered if a fate worse than Penelope awaited Hermione, once she graduated from Hogwarts. Probably yes was the answer if he would have still remained unaware of all these things.