
Harry's Tale

November 1994

Ministry of Magic

"It began the night, Harry had miraculously survived," began McGonagall. "Headmaster Dumbledore came to me late in the night and asked me to keep an eye on a certain house. Harry's aunt house."

"I immediately did as he asked me and arrived outside the house. In my animagus form as a cat, I was able to properly keep an eye on them. It was in the evening of the following day that Dumbledore joined me."

She knew that she was called in as a witness so that she could describe everything not like Dumbledore who covered the story with patches.

She continued in a somber tone, "Initially, I was not in favour of leaving Harry there as I found his aunt and her family to be... quite unpleasant... but headmaster convinced me that it was the best option."

"Around midnight, Hagrid arrived with little Harry Potter in his arms."

Minerva took a pause at the moment and did not know how to say the next few sentences. Nevertheless after the silence, she stammered in slow tone, "After we placed Harry Potter on his aunt's gate.... and left..."

Almost of the entirety of the council gasped while Andromeda questioned, "No spells to protect Harry from cold? Criminals?"

Minerva shook her head in negative.

Andromeda turned around towards the council, "All this happened between 31st October and 1 November. Even though, I am no medical expert, I am sure a little boy above just 1 year would die in freezing cold in night during that part of year. And criminals are not entirely innocent."

"Since Voldemort was vanquished, it has not been 2 days and Albus Dumbledore have already made two life threatening negligence," she added further.

She again faced Minerva, "Professor McGonagall, can you now tell the council about life Harry lived for the next 11 years? How often did you and Dumbledore checked upon Harry? What method did you use to check on Harry's upbringing?"

Minerva remained quiet while Dumbledore was getting even more angrier. He was clenching his fist. Andromeda was weaving words so well that every act he did not do would appear more horrendous. If the council had simply learned that they did not checked upon Harry for 11 years, it would have not been a big issue but with how Andromeda framed the words, it would now look another mistake.

"We did not visit him...." Minerva ultimately sighed with last words barely leaving her mouth.

The council again gasped in shock but Andromeda did not have a single change in her expression.

She snickered, "Albus Dumbledore, to think that, the Potter couple had so much trust in you to leave him with you... and you failed so miserably....."

Amelia bones stood up, "Sorry for interruption, Madam Marchbanks, but I must correct Mrs. Tonks of her incorrect knowledge."

"We do not known if James and Lily Potter left Harry in Dumbledore's care as thier will was never read... it had been sealed under the orders of chief warlock," said Amelia and sat back down.

Andromeda remained expressionless for moments until she laughed loudly, "To think that the sarcastic comment, I made about the council turning incompetent is so true...."

"The council truly worked on whims of Albus Dumbledore... to think that he sealed the will of a Lord Apparent James Potter of Most Ancient and Most Noble Family related to his son who was another Lord Apparent to Most Ancient and Most Noble Family.. and what did the council do?"

Her magic flared, "The council watched the circus, themselves acting as clowns and remained in awe of the game Dumbledore played..."

The council was in complete silence while few also had their heads lowered in shame.

Andromeda faced Dumbledore, "I mean how many rules have you violated Albus Dumbledore? Would the council need to prepare a separate itinerary for it?"

"Why did you do that? Did you wanted to siphon money from the Potter accounts?"

Meanwhile, Dumbledore had his occlumency shields working in full effect to stop showing any emotions. He was so sure that, Harry and by extension Andromeda were already aware of the funds he had taken... even though it was not a lot of money but now that Andromeda again had pulled her web of words, when ever that fact will come to light, he will appear more horrendous.

Andromeda again faced the council, "I am really interested into knowing about how Harry Potter lived for the first eleven years of his life. I believe we can have Lord Potter himself come upon and tell us his few experiences."

Madam Marchbanks nodded and Harry Potter walked down in the well from his throne like seat.

He stood facing the Wizarding council with a calm expression.

During discussion with Andromeda, the previous night, he was not very sure if he should open up this phase of life publicly.

It was not as if he would feel humiliated or shameful about it but was just doubtful about opening up.

In the end, on Andromeda's advice, he agreed to reveal it.

This was necessary to reveal all the misdeeds of Dumbledore.

"In reality, I did not want to discuss all this in the council," said Harry. "But truth is something which should not be keep buried."

"Though I will not talk in too detail. I will state simple instances and the rest is upto your judgment."

"I was doing chores like cooking, dishes, gardening in the Dursleys household since I can remember. I started cooking since when I was able to reach the kitchen cabinet using a stool," said Harry calmly.

For the first few moments, silence hung in the council and then it was complete mayhem. Chaos erupted in the council with everyone speaking or shouting at the same time.

Madam Marchbanks struck her magic infused cane on the ground to bring order back to the council.

"Lord Potter," she said. "Please continue and I hope the council will listen patiently."

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