
Legacy of Harry Potter

Harry Potter, the Boy-who-lived was meant to be great. He was not meant to be someone who rode on his luck to survive and was never the powerful wizard he was meant to be. But what would happen if he discovered his true legacy at the end of his third year and takes control of his life. Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its character. The rights belong to the respective owner. [If you are enjoying my story, support me at Paypal. https://www.paypal.me/Novelcorner] [Got my P@treon. Support me if you like my story. 5 Advanced Chapters available. p@treon.com/Novelcorner Replace @ with a.] [Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]  

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147 Chs

Flashback- Harry's Intention for the Wizarding Society

November 1994

Bones Manor


The revelation of Harry being Lord Potter put Cynus Greengrass and Amelia Bones in a state of surprised and shock.


They had still not come to acceptance of the reality when the ring on Harry's index finger changed and another ring took its place.


"Black Family Ring," Cynus Greengrass almost screamed in shock.



The Ring again changed and a now a ring with a lion carved on a gemstone took its place.

"Gryffindor Ring," said Amelia in state of shock but unlike Cynus her eyes were dull and her face expressionless as if she was questioning reality itself.


Harry continued his act and another ring appeared on his finger. The coiling serpent carved on a shiny black stone.


Amelia said in her same dull tone, "Slytherin Ring." Cynus next to him was completely in a state of shock. He had his eyes wide open and mouth open to half.


The ring again changed and the fabled logo of the deathly hallows carved on a red blood stone took its place.


Amelia and Cynus lost whatever little control they had left and they both stood up in deep shock and screamed simultaneously at the top of their lungs, "Peverell Ring."




It took few minutes for Amelia and Cynus take control on their nerves and emotions during which Harry sat calmly on the sofa watching their shocked expressions with eyes full of amusement.


Getting back in normal state both of them took their seats, while Cynus spoke, "What kind of trick is this, Mr. Potter?"


Harry chuckled, "Not believing what you see? Trust your eyes Lord Greengrass."


"Are you saying that all these rings are real?" Asked Amelia with a deep frown and uncertainty etched on her face.


"One hundred percent, without any doubt," said Harry with a smile on his face.


Amelia took a deep breath, "Do you understand what it implies? If it goes out how everyone will react?"


Harry was about to answer, but Cynus could not hold his curiosity and he interrupted, "And if all those rings were real, how did you get 5 Lordship? Did you find them on a vegetable stall?"


Though asking something like this was not something good, curiosity got better of Cynus. Though Amelia would have not herself asked the question, she looked at Harry, wondering if he would answer.


"I believe that is not important Lord Greengrass. I have these 5 Lordship and the powers associated with it is all that matter," Harry refused politely with a smile.


Understanding he had pushed his limits in haste, Cynus gave a stiff nod.

Amelia broke the slight awkwardness that was building up, "Now, the plan is that we formalise our alliance?"


Harry nodded, "Yes. Though I admit that to proceed in haste is due to my own selfish interest, my intention regarding the alliance is not short term."

"Initially, when I decided to revive the alliance, it was because I wanted to revamp the wizarding society. Our wizarding world have completely turned rotten with a very bleak future."


Amelia and Cynus very intently what Harry was saying.


Harry continued, "On one side we show that we are being progressive by thrashing old family traditions and narrowing down the scope of magic. A newly arriving muggle born or muggle raised wizard or witch is not given even basic information about our society. They are made to believe that they live in some kind of utopia. We think that we have eliminated evil and the wizard and witches have turned so soft they hardly know any battle related spells if they are not aurors."


"While on the other hand discrimination and derogatory treatment because of one's blood status remains rampant. Use of slurs like mudblood is without any consequence on Hogwarts ground. Students like Malfoy get away with any kind of action because of his blood status. Even top graduate like Penelope Clearwater have to work as waitress as she confronted Malfoy of his behaviour. An incompetent professor like Snape demeans all his students except Slytherins whom he protects for anything. A death eater like him become a Hogwarts professor because he was protected by leader of light Dumbledore. Another death eater like Lucius Malfoy gets away with all his crimes because he feigned imperius curse and now has the minister of magic in his pockets. Another death eater Igor Karkaroff trades some information and is allowed to leave the country only to return back as headmaster of another magical school. We have made a mockery of every system present in our wizarding world."


He said in firm tone, "My aim to build a better wizarding society. A society where we hold a fine balance between our original traditions and modernism. A society where the magic and magical potential is valued and not the blood."


Harry finished his little speech while Amelia and Cynus looked at him in new light and looked at each other. Cynus or the Greengrass family which leaned heavily towards the protection and continuation of the old traditions while the Bones family or Amelia leaned more towards the progression and changes in the society. They understood that just as they were able to maintain a balance between themselves, a similar kind of balance was needed in the society. It was true as Harry described that the wizarding society had turned rotten and had a bleak future.


"I believe that with all the votes you now wield combined with our influence, we could easily obtain majority in wizengamot," said Cynus.


He added further, "I think we must now discuss the terms of the alliance so that we can formalise it and then proceed forwards with regards to Lord Potter's plan about the mess that had been made of the Triwizard tournament."


Amelia and Harry nodded in agreement.


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