
Amelia Suggest a Name

November 1994

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Amelia Bones and Harry Potter were walking side in the empty Hogwarts corridor.

"How was it, Lord Potter?" Asked Amelia.

"You managed to dent enough of Dumbledore's image, madam Bones," said Harry. "But he was able to play a life saving grace in the end. Though he admitted to mislead the investigation, he used it to show himself as some great sacrificing man."


"Hmm… you are correct Lord Potter," replied Amelia. "But we will one up him when the time comes."


"Why did you cut the investigation short, madam Bones?" Asked Harry. "I believe you had to raise some other few points."


Amelia sighed, "After the last card Dumbledore played, if I would have had continued to push him further in the corner, he would have made some other moves to garner more sympathy. Some things must be left for during the council hearing."


Harry nodded in understanding as the duo continued to walk in silence.

"When will you visit Madam Longbottom?" Asked Amelia.

"Tomorrow evening," replied Harry.


"Do you have anyone in your mind to represent you at the council hearing, Lord Potter?" Amelia asked again.


Harry raised his eyebrows, "I thought you would represent me like the previous time?"


Amelia shook her head, "I can but it would not be ideal situation. Last time when I had represented you, it was a case of direct attack on you by Severus Snape. As DMLE head it was my duty to deal with a crime but this time it is a kind of allegation you have filed."

"It would be better for someone else to take up the job," added Amelia further.


Harry nodded in understanding and asked, "Do you have someone in mind?"


Amelia smiled, "I do have a certain someone in mind if you are willing trust."

Harry looked at madam Bones inquisitively, "Tell me."




After having the small talk with Harry, Amelia returned back to the Great Hall while Harry walked towards a certain location.


November 1994

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

After some minutes of walk, Harry arrived at the seventh floor in the left corridor.

After coming in front of a certain tapestry, Harry stood opposite the painting and a moment later a gate appeared in front of it.

The gate opened and Harry walked inside. The room appeared as Harry had willed it. It was the size of a small room and at the centre of the room was placed a small stool. At the top of small stool was placed a small golden cup, the Ravenclaw's Diadem.

Harry was going to start collecting the horcruxes starting today.

He said, "Dobby."

With a pop the enthusiastic house elf appeared inside the room, "Harry sir."

"Dobby, collect this Diadem inside a wooden box and place it in my room in the chamber," instructed Harry. "Remember not to touch the Diadem."


"Ok, Harry sir," replied Dobby and with a pop he was gone.


November 1994

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

By the time Amelia and her aurors were done with the recording of the statements, which proved to be a futile task as no one had anything suspicious to report, it was already post noon.

Even the remaining classes remained suspended and the students were allowed to return to their dorm.


Headmaster Dumbledore was currently in a serious discussion with Severus Snape in his office.


"I told you, headmaster," Snape almost shouted. "The day he tortured those 4 students of my house that he is turned dangerous now. You should not underestimate and neither try to use manipulative method on him. You should have taken that Potter brat seriously."

Dumbledore was much calmer. He responded, "Calm down, Severus."

He smiled, "Well who knows this can turn into an opportunity for us. The game has not even begun properly."


Severus snorted, "I tell you headmaster that the Potter brat is planning something dangerous."


Dumbledore shook his head, "Leave this to me, Severus."


"Any news about the Dark Lord?" Inquired Dumbledore changing the topic as Severus had been repeating the same thing about Harry from a long time.


Severus shook his head, "No. But the mark has been darkening, headmaster. Also, it seems that something is going on between the former death eaters. Though I have not been contacted yet, I believe I will soon have a visitor."


His tone turned grave, "But I am sure about one thing. He is coming back… Dark Lord is coming back."


Dumbledore nodded with a serious tone, "Let him come, Severus. I will vanquish him this time for good."


"Severus, contact Lucius," said Dumbledore. "It seems Harry has started to partner with Amelia Bones. That woman is too shrewd."


"I have a feeling that she will definitely try to prop the Great Alliance," added Dumbledore. "Try to convince Lucius to not oppose me in the hearing. It will benefit Harry. If he cannot support me, he can at least try to be neutral."


Severus nodded, "I will try, headmaster."

"But without the Blacks, how can the Great Alliance be revamped?" He asked with a confused face.

"Sirius is next in line for Black Lordship, Severus," replied Dumbledore. "If he tells Amelia of Sirius being innocent then she will definitely try to get him free of his charges."


He continued with a sigh, "Also, even if there is no Black house then Potter, Bones and Greengrass itself forms a formidable trio. If they somehow bring Longbottom into it, I will definitely loose my influence in the Wizengamot."


Severus nodded, "I understand, headmaster."


Dumbledore was about to something more when he suddenly stopped and looked towards the direction of the door which after some moments opened with a bang and Minerva McGonagall walked in.

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows at the furious expression professor Minerva was wearing on her face.


[Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]