
Legacy of a Teen Ghoul

Eric is reincarnated to the world of Legacies / Teen Wolf as a Ghoul

IamAlwaysListless · TV
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14 Chs

School 2

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN Legacies, Tokyo Ghoul, and Teen Wolf. They belong to their respective owners.

"" Talking

'' Thinking



"Oh, I also have something to say, that I think should be shared with you early on. I am sensing these smells after I regained my consciousness in the woods. I haven't smelled anything like them ever, before that. They are like the most delicious smell ever," Eric explained.

"Ok, where do those smells originate from?" Headmaster Saltzman asked.

"From people," Eric answered.

"Ookay. That is nothing to worry about," Principal Saltzman answered.

He continued "Vampires in general, would also find human blood, tantalizing, but with the right diet of animal blood we can aid them to sort out their craving of human blood and help them live peacefully with others under the same roof,"

"Are you hungry or do you have any kind of cravings right now?" Mr. Saltzman asked.

"No, I am not hungry, and I don't have any kind of cravings either," Eric answered.

"Great, this school was built for people like you, to feel at home, so that they can be who they really are within reason, and fear of being hunted. Also, we will try to run some tests, tomorrow early in the morning to figure out your identity and what you are capable of,"

"Okay, fine by me," Eric answered.

"Great, I am sure this has been a hectic night for you so I won't take much longer and call one of the students to help you get settled and guide you to your room," Mr. Saltzman said with a smile and walked towards the door and called "Kaleb".

After a couple of seconds, an average height African American teenager with shoulder length braided hair walked in.

"Mr. Saltzman, did you call me?" the teenager named Kaleb asked.

"Yes, this is Eric. He is our newest admission to the school. He has had a rough night, I want you to take him straight to room 10. Here is the key," Principal Saltzman gave the instructions to Kaleb, and handed him the keys that he got from his drawer.

He then turned to Eric and said "Ok, Eric follow Kaleb, and he will take you to your room,"

Eric then stood up and followed Kaleb to the outside, leaving Headmaster Saltzman alone.

After walking for a few moments in silence, Kaleb finally asks "So, which of the WWV are you?"

Eric asks with confusion "What is that?"

"Witches, Werewolves, and Vampires, duh. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out," Kaleb said.

"Yeah, you are right. And I don't know what I am," Eric explained.

"What?! How is that possible?!" Kaleb asked.

"I don't know either," Eric said.

"Then how do you know that you are not a WWV?" Kaleb asked.

"There was a petite, brunette girl whose name was Hope if I am not wrong, said to Mr. Saltzman," Eric said.

"If it is her, then it is possible. So what are your powers then?" Kaleb asked.

"I can feel there is something inside me, but I haven't tried anything yet. I just found out that I am a supernatural being, also Mr. Saltzman said that we will check about my powers and other stuff tomorrow," Eric explained.

"Cool, oh by the way we arrived at your room," Kaleb pointed towards a door with the number 10 on top of it and handed Eric his keys.

"Thanks," Eric said.

"No problem, see you later," Kaleb said.

"Ok, see you," and after saying that he went inside his room.

The room was a simple one, with minimum decor. It had a single bed, a desk, and a drawer with a mirror on top of it. It also surprisingly had an en suite bathroom, but the room still felt a bit cramped to Eric, which was surprising because the room isn't that small.

He slowly walked towards the mirror to take a good look at his new face. When he looked at the mirror he saw a good looking teenager of Asian descent stare back at him. He has a pale face with white hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes with a pair of dark grey eyes. Every aspect of his face is well proportioned that goes very well with his white hair.

'Wow, I look really good,' Eric thought. In his previous life, Eric was not an average looking man with average height who wouldn't really stand out in a crowd, but in this life, that is not the case.

'By the way now that I really think about it, I seem to be taller than my last life. If I remember correctly Kaneki's height was not very tall, I wasn't very tall either in my previous life but now I am way taller. I should be about 188 cm (6'2"), no wonder everything feels a bit different than what I am used to,' Eric thought.

'Now what should I do tomorrow? I really hope that my diet doesn't consist of eating humans, because I really don't want to. It was slightly stupid of me to tell Mr. Saltzman about how I smell them but he was bound to find out soon if eating human food would make me puke my guts out. So there wasn't really much of a choice for me,'

'I really hope that Mr. Saltzman has the open mindedness that he claims to have because I don't know what he will try to do, he might even try to hunt me but if push comes to shove, and he tries to do something, I can escape quite easily,'

'I also found out an inconsistency with my powers and Kaneki's. That crossbow's arrow shouldn't have hurt me in any way, but it was able to penetrate my skin. If I remember correctly ghouls can only be hurt by other ghouls, quinques, or a huge force, but the arrow was neither of them, and it was a normal arrow. So how did it hurt me? The being that sent me here said that I would be an enhanced ghoul, meaning I would be stronger than the original, and he couldn't have possibly made a mistake. So something should be different that would make me better than original ghouls but I just have to find out later,' Eric thought.

'Enough thinking, I should go to shower, and try to get some rest, we are going to have an interesting day tomorrow,' After thinking about that Eric walked towards his en suite bathroom to shower, then went to sleep.

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