
Chapter 34:

Rodrick had just left his dorm; it was the weekend, he and Daphne were supposed to meet at the common room before Breakfast started. They were expected, more like supposed, to go to the Quidditch pitch to watch Slytherin train their new seeker, Malfoy, and chaser, Tracey. Rodrick was quite disheartened being forced to attend, Blaise had managed to avoid it since, well, no one told him.

Rodrick had only agreed to attend on the condition Blaise found out on his own; it was always fun messing with him. Rumours of the defence incident and Rodrick and Nott's involvement had quickly spread about the castle, although with literally no proof, the blame couldn't be passed to them although it certainly changed the way the Gryffindors viewed them, most of them disliked them and felt wary.

Fred and George saw them as the bright side of Slytherin.

The day before Tracey had practically stormed up to Rodrick asking him why the Quidditch team captain had deigned to 'invite' her into the team. From the way Tracey looked, it was more that, he put her in without her knowledge, his reasoning being that, since she already had experience on the new broom, she was suited to play for them.

Rodrick had simply told her the truth; she was bound to find out anyway. He had practically cajoled Malfoy into inviting her into the team, by inviting, Malfoy took that to the meaning of forcing. Tracey looked upset, saying she only got in because of him and not her skill. Daphne had saved him there stating it was unlikely for them to consider a girl considering Flint's personality.

That had managed to lighten the girl's mood; it was then he saw the smirk on her face that Rodrick regretted getting involved, he was 'invited' to watch her training sessions. She did geniunly look happy about it at the end of the day though.

Teaching Malfoy the spell used in Defence proved to be impossible, the boy was hopeless with Transfiguration; he barely managed to put a letter in on a piece of parchment before he accidentally ripped it, Rodrick settled on teaching him the burning charm used instead.

He was currently sitting in one of the sofas, the only people that were currently up right now were a few sixth and seven years studying their books. Rodrick hadn't meant to wake up so early, but a strange dream had gotten him out of his sleep. He saw someone running around what looked like the first floor; they were short, every time Rodrick tried to look at their face it would get covered over by a strange darkness. After a while the running would stop, only for the person to get covered by a large shadow, that was the moment he woke up.

Rodrick shook his head trying to forget the dream; he had nothing to go on aside from it been on the first floor. He decided to open up a book on Herbology; it was one of the subjects he struggled on.

He almost fell asleep again by the time Daphne showed up, he wiped his eyes trying to get rid of the tired image his face was taken, looking up he saw Daphne staring at him a bemused look on her face.

"Did the others kick you out of the dorm last night?" she joked.

It took a few seconds before he understood her meaning and shook his head, he really was too tired right now. She chuckled at his expression before she pulled the book from his hands and threw it back into his bag.

"Let's go then, Tracey should already be out practising."

Rodrick nodded warily before he followed the cheerful girl.

"Can we get something to eat first?"

Daphne frowned before agreeing but only on the condition he took it outside. Rodrick nodded, and the two set off towards the great hall.

"Are you sure we shouldn't tell Blaise?" she asked once they'd left the dungeons.

"Whose Blaise?" Rodrick remarked, leading the girl to shake her head with a smile on her face.

"You're so childish sometimes you know that?"

"Well, I am a child" He spoke, "You are as well last I checked."

Daphne had blinked at this before she started laughing.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at this before the girl shook her head and latched onto his arm.

"You're right," she spoke with a cheerful voice. She froze at the action, making to let go...

Rodrick shrugged and walked on.

"You're going to keep doing that aren't you?"

Daphne blinked. "Yes?"


Reaching the Great hall, they found they weren't the only ones up early. Daphne eyed the two familiar second year Gryffindors, but Rodrick's attention was elsewhere, towards the Ravenclaw table. He furrowed his brows when he saw two people messing around with Lovegood's food when she wasn't looking; the girl had stopped putting her wand on her ear after Rodrick had taken it playfully several times while passing by. He turned to Daphne and told her to wait for him there; she raised an eyebrow to which he pointed towards Luna. A look of understanding as well a hint of anger had crossed her face before she agreed.

Rodrick made his way over towards the Ravenclaw table, startling some of its members. The second years eyed him warily; they had something against him for the previous year having been one of the two only students to beat the rest of their class in the exams. He quickly made his way over to the other side where he saw two second years picking on Luna, when they noticed him they shifted their attention from the girl. They'd each taken a seat on both of Luna's sides and were using magic to disrupt her when she tried to eat.

Luna looked slightly startled at her food before a smile made its way onto her face. "It finally stopped moving on its own!" she spoke in a dreamy voice. The students around her sniggered Rodrick frowned, she wasn't even aware they were bullying her? She turned around when she noticed him behind her.

"Hello there, nice to see you again," she spoke in her faraway voice, although the smile on her face grew.

"Hello Lovegood," he replied. He turned his eyes towards the two bullies. "Would you two mind leaving her alone?" He cut to the chase, he didn't exactly have a lot of time.

Their eyes stormed slightly; Luna looked a little confused at this, she was about to speak before Rodrick motioned towards her food.

"Oh... I thought it was something else..." She stated quietly.

"What? Another one of your crazy friends?" the one to her right snorted, his voice filled with disdain. The one on her left started laughing. Luna frowned but before she could speak, the left one stood up.

"Listen here Rodrick, this has nothing to do with you, so why don't you run back to your snakes." The student's voice filled with disdain.

Rodrick chuckled darkly, earning confused looks.

"Whats so funny?" the boy questioned, they'd managed to get most of the tables attention, he could see Daphne waiting at the edge of the Slytherin table.

Rodrick stared into the boy's eyes causing him to flinch and turn his gaze slightly. "I am flattered you took the time to memorize who I was..." a small smirk lining his face, "Unfortunately you don't actually stand out, so I am gonna need you to tell me who you are." the words had earned repressed laughter from some of the students around the table. The boy in front of him looked about to turn pink; even Luna found herself smiling. Whether it was because of them or something else entirely Rodrick wasn't actually sure.

"My name is-" The pink faced boy started, his words ringing louder as he went, however, Rodrick raised a hand to cut him off.

"Hang on; there's a problem." Rodrick started.

The boy's eyes narrowed at him. "What!" he almost yelled.

Rodrick glared at the other boy causing him to squirm; he'd used the same thing on Malfoy. He spoke in a menacing voice, surprising the students around him. "I. Don't. Care." Each word calm and devoid of emotion. "Leave my friend alone, or else!"

The one in front of him had almost melted at the look; he could practically feel magic pouring out of the person in front of him, he turned his face slightly unwilling to look at him. Luna was staring at him with wide eyes, a smile on her face. The other student was a little more defiant, he got up and walked towards Rodrick. "Or else what?" he deadpanned although slightly unsure of himself.

Rodrick's lips curled upwards distastefully, unnerving the boy, he leaned in slightly and whispered. "You really want to find out now?" Rodrick was glad Ravenclaw students were smart, it meant they understood threats quicker.

The boy gulped slightly, before taking a step back, the defence rumours still in his mind, the glint in Rodrick's eyes scared him.

Rodrick silently thanked human Transfiguration; it helped him emphasize his facial expressions. The look on Luna's eyes however changed, they were gazing thoughtfully towards his face, a twinkle quickly appeared on them.

Rodrick waved amiably with a cheerful smile towards the two he'd just threatened before leaving, the act only unsettled the people around them more, "What is wrong with that guy?" he heard someone mutter.

Rodrick chuckled to himself; people really couldn't handle it when someone's personality suddenly switched. The blonde quickly finished up her food before she followed him back, Rodrick raised an eyebrow at her and saw her smile falter.

"Um I wanted to come with and your friend," she spoke, a finger pointed towards Daphne, the black-haired girl flushed slightly before she turned away thinking she was caught staring.

"You don't even know where we're going," Rodrick pointed out.

Luna blinked at him before stating that as friends it didn't really matter.

Rodrick chuckled, "That's not how friends work."

Luna cocked her head to the side, "Well I've never really had one before, so I wouldn't know much about it." she answered. Daphne had reached them by this point, having heard the whole conversation she quickly looped her hands through Luna's. "Well I can always show you" she spoke cheerfully.

Luna blinked as she stared at the girl.

"She does that a lot," Rodrick pointed out.

Daphne's face tinged.

"I don't remember being friends with you," Luna added on.

Daphne turned red.

"I don't really mind/" Luna added on with a smile causing the girl to sigh. Daphne turned her face to Rodrick. "Must you always get the strange ones as your friends?" she spoke, no doubt referring to Nott.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow before reminding her she was the first one, Luna started laughing. Considering she was staring ahead of them, Rodrick wasn't sure once again what she was laughing about. He quickly levitated some pieces of food from one of the nearby tables. The two girls eyed him as if he was a strange creature.

"I am hungry," Rodrick shrugged before taking Luna's left. And adding on, "In case you try to steal my food."

Daphne rolled her eyes while Luna chuckled before she swiped two of the donuts he'd levitated and handed one to Daphne. The glare on Rodrick's face only made the two girls laugh. Daphne had a triumphant look on her face.

"I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship," She said smiling at the blonde, as she bit down into the stolen doughnut.

"Wonderful," Rodrick drawled sarcastically.


The three made their way over to the Quidditch Pitch where they were quickly waved over by Tracey. Malfoy raised an eyebrow at the floating food before he quickly took one for himself, a smirk on his face. He eyed Luna but shrugged, Rodrick was probably right about the whole newspaper thing at the end of the day.

"Will you people stop stealing my food?" Tracey then promptly took the last piece left.

Rodrick twitched. The rest of the Slytherins eyed them indifferently, having already gotten used to all of them, even the Ravenclaw. Markus Flint pointed them over towards some of the cheering stands to sit at, as they neared the stands they started hearing some argument start up, they turned around midway and saw that the Gryffindor team had shown up.

The three stared at each other; Luna looked more interested in something that was apparently hiding in Rodrick's hair, before long they heard the teams arguing and so started rushing back towards the group of players. They reached them in time to hear Granger speak, the girl and her Weasley friend had shown up with the Gryffindor team it seemed.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, They all got in through skill."

Rodrick saw frown go over Tracey's face; she'd been so excited about practising earlier on... After he'd helped her out the previous year... She insults one of his closest friends?

Malfoy was about to retort before he saw the anger on Rodrick's face show.

"You barely made it into Hogwarts," He spoke glaring at the girl, "Don't go around judging those who grew up with magic!" Rodrick spat, surprising everyone around him, the venom in his voice shook the girl. Daphne would've frowned if it weren't for the fact Tracey had also been insulted. Luna stood behind the girl, avoiding the tension.

Rodrick could see the Slytherins smirks rising at his words; the Gryffindors glared at him. Harry Potter, surprisingly, had seen why Rodrick was angry and kept his mouth closed, he was defending the other person mentioned in that paper, not Malfoy. He could see Ron rile up quickly though.

"What was that!? You're just a jealous git! Besides she's right anyway, no way, your friends wouldn't have made the team without any money." He spoke, confident. His friends were nodding on with him.

Rodrick's glare darkened, he almost released his Transfiguration. The Slytherins around him were waiting to see his reaction. He locked eyes with the boy before he spat out, "I think the jealous one here is you, always hiding behind someone else's shadow for some sense of purpose. You neither have skill or money, you've no right at all judging someone else."

The Slytherins surrounding him started cackling at the look on the boy's face.

Ron was purple in the face; he looked about to explode, he took out his wand and was about to utter a spell before he stiffened, he'd blinked and found Rodrick's wand at his throat, his eyes glaring at him, daring him. One of the twins seeing this took out his wand and shot off a spell at Rodrick, which he silently redirected towards Ron Weasley with a shield charm, although to everyone else it had looked like the twin had hit the wrong target.

Ron fell to all fours vomiting nonstop. Rodrick put his wand away and moved away, Weasley's friends quickly held him up and took him away, twins in tow apologizing while trying to hold their laughter. The Slytherins made no such effort, they simply howled with laughter.

"Thanks," Tracey murmured, a pleased smile on her, Rodrick nodded before he moved past the Slytherin team to go to the stands, Malfoy was still laughing with the rest at the twins failure to aim. When he'd finally calm down he gave Rodrick a curt nod before he followed the rest of the team, surprisingly Tracey seemed to fit in better than he#d thought she would, she certainly looked more at ease. The Gryffindors had quickly given up on the pitch when they'd lost their seeker and two beaters.

"You're a really nice person you know," Luna surprised him.

Rodrick blinked at the girl slightly put out before he joked about what part of that was nice, she simply smiled knowingly with a faraway look, she didn't say anything. Causing the two to stare at each before they shrugged, she was weird; it was fine.

Rodrick eyed Daphne slightly warily, wondering what she might think, she caught his stare before giving him a smile. "I am glad you stood up for her, besides who knows how bad it might have gotten if Malfoy had said anything," Rodrick relaxed slightly when he heard the words, 'So she saw Malfoy about to speak as well?'

"I did point a wand at Ron's neck though..." Rodrick mentioned warily.

Daphne raised an eyebrow before chuckling, "Good, who knew what he was going to hex you with," she spoke smiling.

"Besides... that wand... who knows what kind of damage it could've done." Luna shuddered. 'I wonder how many Wrackspurts were fizzing inside his brain to make him think it was safe?'

Rumours naturally passed around about the day, Rodrick had to deal with a few new nicknames, the Slytherin Badger, Hufflepuff snake, and his least favourite, Bird Whisperer, it lasted two weeks before it stopped, the number of students he'd hexed and gotten into detention through, wandless and or nonverbal magic, reached a new record for the first month of Hogwarts. His birthday was the worst.

Blaise seemed to enjoy doing it the most; he was quite upset when he found out about the practice session he wasn't invited to. It was his way of sulking.

His three first friends had gift wrapped their gifts with Hufflepuff colors, no one else knew it was his birthday.

'Looks like I'll be buying them more books,' He thought unamused.


The next few weeks, however, dampened Rodrick's mood greatly, he was looking paler and paler as time went on. Even his Transfiguration couldn't hide it. His dreams were becoming more and more vivid; they were happening far too often. The dream's had shown him more and more each time; he had gone from waking up as soon as the shadow appeared to see the figure kill something.

He wasn't sure what was going on, all he knew was that something was happening in the first corridor, he didn't know when or what. His friends had all be worried about him. Even Malfoy seemed slightly concerned, they were urging him to visit Madam Pomfrey, but Rodrick refused each time stating he was fine.

His classes weren't helping; he had no issue with Transfigurations, Charms, and Potions. He found himself caring less and less about showing off which only managed to excite the teachers more and more, besides Snape. The house points were racking up, although it was mostly from Snape, with each lesson much to the other houses annoyance. It quickly ran around the castle that he was, in fact, responsible for a lot of Slytherins points, he had more and more people disliking him while his own house liked him even more.

Not that any of it mattered, Rodrick simply couldn't find the energy to care. The dreams were taking their toll on him; his brain racked trying to figure out what was going to happen, he knew it wasn't good. The classes he had an issue with were Herbology, Astronomy, and Defence, the first two he had trouble with, he found himself spending more and more nights working on them. While Defence he had to control himself far too much so as not hex the teacher to oblivion, it was made even harder with Daphne next to him as she practically idolized the man. He fell asleep in every History lesson.

His friends were worried about him. That was an understatement. Blaise was worried enough not to be sarcastic, Tracey was anxious about his health and Daphne was frantically chastising him each day, Rodrick threatened not to buy her any gifts if she didn't stop. She slapped him in response before she hugged him as a strange form of apology.

Rodrick could not for the life of himself understand the other gender.

Honestly, he felt more comfortable with the slap. That, he was used to.

Some of the older years nodded in understanding towards his bewildered face when they'd seen it, Malfoy thankfully, wasn't there when it happened. Nott was but didn't care; he was more focused on whether Dumbledore was syphoning magic out of the students to prolong his life.

He'd seen his grandfather off and on, but the man had nothing to say to him regarding those dreams other than calling them visions of something, seeing no help there Rodrick gave up asking regarding it and focused on his duelling.

As Halloween came closer, however, his dreams seemed to come by less and less, they were simply longer each time. It wasn't until one week before Halloween before his face finally went back to its healthy outlook, something his friends were relieved in, he, however, wasn't. He knew the day his dreams were referencing. It really should've been obvious, Halloween, just like the previous year. He'd seen something stuck out under a rope, bloodied, with Ginny Weasley trapped next to it. It looked like she was in danger. Rodrick sighed. He had nothing against the girl; he was contemplating if he should interfere or enjoy Halloween for once.

Who was he kidding, he already knew his answer, he wouldn't live with himself if something happened to her and he knew and could've stopped it. Besides if she owes him he'll be able to use her against her brother. He settled on that, no need to worry about it any further, come Halloween he would visit the first-floor corridor and see what in Merlin's name was going on. It was then he remembered something... Daphne's birthday was on Halloween. He wondered how bad of an idea it'd be to skip out on her birthday.

Rodrick sighed. 'Well... Honestly, what's the worst that could happen?'

Rodrick sighed again; he really needed to stop provoking life.