

Leah's life has been a constant struggle, feeling like he's been sidelined in a world that seems to be one giant game. The concept of legacies, which bestow extraordinary powers and responsibilities, is a common thread in this reality. But somehow, Leah has always been overlooked, never receiving the legacy he desperately yearns for. Tired of the pressure and feeling isolated, Leah contemplates ending his own life. However, in his darkest moment, he hears an otherworldly voice. It offers him a chance to break free from his cycle of neglect and mediocrity. This mysterious entity, who shares a similar plight, promises Leah unimaginable power and presents him with an impossible task: to challenge and ultimately defeat the very gods that rule over this game-like world. The legacy of Fenrir, a mythical wolf known for its insatiable hunger and boundless strength, awakens within Leah. With this newfound power coursing through his veins, Leah sets out on a perilous journey.

Arnav_Rawat_3517 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 : Fenrir's Observation

"LET ME OUT YOU VILE SCUMS" screamed Fenrir as he was sealed by Gleipnir

"When will I get out I'll eat those dwarfs and gods in one gulp. Oh well l myself was foolish enough to believe Tyr"

said Fenrir as he reminisced about his past. Where Tyr "acted" like his own father. Tyr baited him into bounded by GLEPNIR. He shall trust no one again 

"I am bored let's look at those humans again". He activated his true sight and envisioned the planet ZARTIGA

Leah stood on the precipice of despair, the weight of his unremarkable existence pressing down on him.

In this World everyone received a legacy of 2 abilities depending on their rank of legacy And after they awaken a 2nd time they will unlock the function of factions where they could become disciples of other gods other than their legacy god

The world around him pulsed with vibrant energy, a constant reminder of the legacies that bestowed power and purpose upon others. Yet, he remained on the sidelines, a spectator in his own life. 

In this World everyone received a legacy of 2 abilities depending on their rank of legacy And after they awaken a 2nd time they will unlock the function of factions where they could become dispicles of other gods other than their legacy god

As he gazed at the horizon, contemplating the abyss that seemed to stretch infinitely before him

He was about to jump but just then a spark seemed to light up in the air. He felt ....No he saw a sort of an aura.

The aura was as big as the sky it stretched to the sky's limit. It formed a face, No how could he see it as a human, it was a wolf with eyes so cold that it froze the world and fangs so wide that it threatened to end all there is.

It seemed to talk to him, appraise him. He saw his whole life flash beneath his eyes. Oh, how his beautiful mother was abused.

The god saw his will to destroy the gods and the game created by then. Having determined his worth it spoke to him

He heard a voice tinged with sorrow, carrying the weight of countless centuries "You have been neglected your whole life, just like me."

Leah's heart pounded, his gaze darting around in search of the source. The voice seemed to emanate from within him, resonating with a strange familiarity.

"I will give you power," the voice continued, "and one impossible task: KILL THE GODS."

The words hung in the air, carrying with them a gravity that threatened to shatter Leah's fragile existence. The very idea seemed preposterous, a folly born of desperation.

And yet, a spark of something ignited within him—a glimmer of hope, a surge of purpose.

At that moment, a seismic shift occurred. A legacy long dormant stirred within Leah, its power surging through his veins like a torrential river breaking free from its dam.

He felt the raw, untamed energy coursing through him, awakening a strength he never knew existed.

Fenrir's legacy had chosen him.

As the realization settled, Leah's vision sharpened, colors became more vivid, and the world seemed to pulsate with newfound life.

He could hear the heartbeat of the earth beneath his feet, and the whispers of the wind in his ears. He was no longer a mere spectator; he was a participant in the grand tapestry of existence.

The world was no longer a game to be observed from the sidelines. It was a realm of challenges, mysteries, and untold power—a world where the forgotten could rise, and the gods themselves could be brought to heel.

As Fenrir's essence merged with Leah's, a surge of power cascaded through him, coursing through every fiber of his being.

It was as if a raging tempest had been unleashed within him, a force both exhilarating and terrifying. He could feel Fenrir's memories, his ancient grudges, and the burning desire for retribution.

Leah's senses expanded, attuned to the heartbeat of the universe. He saw the celestial dance of galaxies, and witnessed the birth and demise of stars in cosmic symphony.

The weight of his newfound legacy settled upon him, a mantle of responsibility that both thrilled and daunted him.

He knew now that he was not alone in this quest. Fenrir's spirit would guide him, lend him strength, and share in the pursuit of vengeance against the gods who had wronged them both.

It was a pact forged in the crucible of fate, a union of mortal and deity bound by a common purpose.

With newfound resolve, Leah turned his gaze towards the distant horizon, where the realms of gods and men converged.

He felt the pulse of divine power emanating from that distant place, and he knew that his path would be fraught with peril.

But he was no longer the powerless observer he once was. He was a force to be reckoned with, a contender in the cosmic game that had long kept him on the sidelines.

Leah's journey had only just begun, and already the threads of destiny were weaving a tapestry of epic proportions.

As he took his first steps towards this uncertain future, he couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards Fenrir. Their fates were intertwined now, two souls bound by chains of destiny.

And in that moment, Leah understood that he was no longer just a pawn in the game. He was a player, and the board was set for a showdown of cosmic proportions.

The gods may have written the rules, but Leah and Fenrir would be the ones to challenge them.

The echoes of their pact reverberated through the cosmos, a declaration of defiance that would shake the foundations of the very heavens. The stage was set, and the game was afoot.

As Leah ventured forth, he carried with him the legacy of Fenrir, a power that would shape not only his own destiny but the destiny of worlds beyond imagining. 


"I won't be able to get out of here," said Fenrir accepting his fate "he hates them to the bone too!! what a daring person. System transferred all my powers and my "soul" to the human named Leah from planet ZARTIGA 0-927" said Fenrir

giving someone's soul meant giving your whole life to something and in a god's case in particular meant giving your authority to someone it was usually used by a dying god.

"The other gods didn't dare to do this. But I DONT CARE FULFILL MY LEGACY LEAH" said Fenrir as he vanished into white particles

Few Minutes later....


In the depths of his cosmic prison, Fenrir's consciousness merged with Leah's. It was an odd sensation, like two streams converging into one mighty river. He could feel the ebb and flow of Leah's mortal existence, a fleeting dance compared to his own eternal being.

Memories surged through him, a torrent of emotions and experiences. the bitter sting of betrayal, and the burning desire for vengeance.

Fenrir's legacy had found a new vessel, and with it, a chance for retribution.

As the transfer completed, Fenrir's essence intertwined with Leah's, leaving an indelible mark on his very soul.

He could see through Leah's eyes, feel the thrum of his heart, and sense the surge of power that now coursed through him.

It was exhilarating, a surge of energy that promised the taste of freedom.

Yet, with that power came a sense of vulnerability. He had entrusted his essence, his very existence, to a mortal.

The weight of that decision pressed on Fenrir's conscience. He could no longer act freely, bound by the choices and limitations of this newfound partnership.

But as he glimpsed through Leah's senses, Fenrir saw a spark of determination, a flicker of defiance that mirrored his own.

It was a glimmer of hope, a promise that together, they could forge a path to challenge the gods.

The bond forged in that moment was unbreakable, a pact sealed in the crucible of fate. Fenrir would guide Leah, lend him his strength, and share in the pursuit of vengeance.

Their destinies were now intertwined, a fusion of mortal and deity with a singular purpose.

With newfound purpose, Fenrir turned his attention back to the world of ZARTIGA. Through Leah's senses, he could witness the vibrant tapestry of life, the struggles and triumphs of mortals, and the inexorable march of time.

It was a stark contrast to the timeless expanse of his own existence, a reminder of the fleeting nature of mortality.

As Fenrir observed, he couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship with Leah. They were bound by a common cause, united in their defiance against the gods who had wronged them.

Together, they would unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, confront adversaries, and rewrite the very fabric of existence.

In that moment, Fenrir knew that he had made the right choice. Trusting Leah was a gamble, but it was a gamble born of desperation and fueled by a shared desire for retribution.

Their legacy would be one of defiance, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dared to challenge the gods.

And so, as Fenrir's consciousness settled into its new vessel, he whispered a silent vow to Leah, a promise of guidance and support in the trials that lay ahead.

The cosmic stage was set, and they were the players, ready to face the gods in a showdown that would echo through the annals of eternity

First time writing!!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Arnav_Rawat_3517creators' thoughts