
Ch. 21 What about from 2020-2022?

I was confused when I heard "I am your Grandfather". I mean if that is true then this person is God. I said, "Why should I believe you?"

As I said that he disappeared and I unlocked the door and looked around and then I said "This must be some prank." As I locked the door and turned around he was standing inside. It startled me. I pointed the blade at him.

He then smiled and said "Lucas if I wanted you dead. You would have been dead a long time ago."

I then said, "So you are my Grandfather and you are also God?"

He smiled and said, "Yes, Gadiel I am your grandfather."

I was flabergasted and asked, "How did you know my true name?"

He sat down on the sofa and looked at me and said "Why wouldn't I. I was the one who gave you that name?"

I sat down and put the blade down and asked "So you are god?"

He said, "Yes Gadiel I am god, but I am here to meet my grandson."

I was still in shock but I asked "Would you like some tea, coffee, or alchol? Cause I need alcohol."

He smiled and said, "Tea is fine."

I got up and went to the phone and placed the order and I sat down and said "So, you may I ask whose child am I?"

He said "You are Lucifer's child. Gadiel."

I was again flabbergasted and said, "You mean like the devil?"

He said "Yeah, but your father is a very good person. He has grown very much from his old days. He helps humans."

I was furious when I heard him and got up and asked "If he so good why did he send a demon with a hell blade to kill me?"

He looked confused and said, "Gadiel, that is not a hell forged blade that is a silver blade made in the silver city."

I was confused and sat down and asked "What then why did the demon..." It then clicked and I asked, "What is my Uncle Michael like?"

He said, "Well, I like all of my children. He is... how should I put it always concerned for everyone."

I then looked at him and said, "You know what I am talking about. Please clarify this before I make a mistake that I may regret. Did my uncle send those demons so that I would come here?"

He didn't say anything but his face said enough I was in disbelief and I leaned and said: "Grandpa your kids are messed up."

He was surprised and said, "Wait so... you?"

I leaned back on the sofa and said "I didn't forgive him for what he did. But now I know what kind of people are involved in this family."

He sighed and said, "I never really could give enough time to any of them, I was always busy with work." He genuinely looked sad.

I said, "Well, you were running the universe and that is a tough job. Maybe all of your kids do these things to get your attention."

He smiled and said, "Out of everyone in my family you and Linda are the only ones that are this much accepting of anyone."

I then heard the door and opened it and took the tray in and poured us some tea and I said, "We, all have made some choices that we regret but I don't like to judge people because of that." He then took the cup and smiled at me.

I then asked, "So tell me what was my dad like?"

He laughed and said "He was very bashful when he was young, very naughty and mischievous, if there was any trouble in the silver city it could be traced back to him. But he was always truthful to everyone, he was soo full of light... my Samael."

He looked very happy when he was reminiscing about his son but then he got sad and said in a low tone "And it nearly broke me when I had to punish him for what he did. And he hated me for millennials for doing what I did."

I didn't know what to say I mean I don't even understand what they both must have gone through in an attempt to change the topic I asked, "So I heard you made all of this in 7 days is that true?"

He smiled and said, "You know that is actually very interesting..." We then talked about the creation of the universe, how many uncles and aunts I have and how they all don't get along all that well.

I then said "So wait in the garden of Eden the snake was my dad?"

He laughed and said "Well, it was more like he had a snake. He had been rebellious ever since I knew him. His mother always used to tell me it was because he wanted to get my attention."

I was confused and asked, "Wait I have a grandma?"

He said "Yes, she is the love of my life. Unfortunately for the both of us, she is in another universe."

I then looked at him and he said "You can ask me Gladiel, it's okay."

I then put down the cup and asked "So Grandpa since you know soo much stuff. I wanted to ask something about love."

He looked at me and asked "Do you love someone Gladiel?"

I looked at him and said "I do like Josie but recently I am getting a bit confused you see. I like Josie but then there is Hope.

I mean we have soo much in common, we have the same struggles and everything, but I never really had any feeling for her. I had always thought of her as a friend.

But recently she left me a note before she sacrificed herself and I am confused as to why she would do that I mean she told Prof. Saltzman to burn her records and everything but she didn't even mention the note to him.

I mean why did she do that did she think that it was futile because I will still remember her or did she left it there by design. I have never been this confused.

I just don't know what to do the last thing I want is to hurt Josie. She has helped me soo much. So can you tell me what should I do?"

He smiled and said "Gadiel, do you know what your name means?"

I shook my head and said, "I don't know."

He smiled and said "You are the archangel of Love. I gave you this name so that you can bring love to others. And I mostly hoped that you may bring love to your Father."

I was confused and said "But I am a demon though. I have a demonic figure with the horns and the tail and everything."

He said "No Gadiel, you just self-actualised that. When you died, you had the feeling of wrath and assumed this form. And this form of yours is a manifestation of your own feeling. If you repent and actualise what you did then you will have your true form back."

I then asked "So like I can go to the Silver city or something?"

He said "It's your home Gladiel you will always be welcomed."

I was overwhelmed and said "Wow, I will have to explain this to her again. But I think we are getting sidetracked what should I do with Hope?"

He smiled and said, "That is something you will have to figure out on your own. But I do have a feeling that everything will work itself out."

I sighed and said, "This is not the time to be all mystic about this Grandpa." I then asked him about the stuff involving Malivore and he didn't tell me anything, I asked him about the Merge he didn't tell me anything, if it wasn't related to the family he didn't answer it.

I then asked, "What was up with the year 2020-2022?"

He solemnly looked at me and said "I literally have no idea what happen in those years."

He the laughed and said "I wasn't even in the silver city I was on vacation, my kids took care of it. It took me two years to clean up the mess they made."

I then asked, "Can I ask why are you actually here Grandpa?"

He sighed and said "I am retiring Gadiel. My powers have been glitching for a while."

I was surprised it took some time to process the information and I said "Are you sure that it's not a ploy from uncle Michael?"

He looked at me and smiled and said, "I am just tired Gladiel, I just want to retire."

I then realised and said, "You are not actually thinking of giving the role of god to your kids in the silver city right?" I was terrified if they ran it only for two years and the mess was this big imagine what would happen if they permanently ran the show.

He then said, "That will be taken care of by itself."

I was having a panic attack but I controlled myself and then asked, "So you said that I have a cousin?"

He smiled and said "Yes, his name is Charlie he is your uncle Amenediel's child. He is such a beautiful child."

I then asked, "And my Uncle Amenediel is normal yes?"

He then nodded his head and said "He is the most sensible and responsible out of all of my children. He is even married to a human. He would love to meet you Gladiel."

I then sighed and said, "Good, at least I may be able to talk to him."

He then looked at me and asked, "Do you want to meet your father?"

I looked down and cleared my throat and said "Not right now. But I do want to meet him."

He smiled and said "I am sure he will be pleased to know that his son has grown to be such a wonderful person."

I smiled and said "I hope so."


Hello readers,

I hope that you liked the chapter, I have read some comments about how well the two universes work together. And I have a working theory about it so no need to worry there and some have also asked how will the stories match or something like that. So Legacies will still be the main plot and Lucifer will be the secondary in which Lucas will be a reoccurring character.

And please don't worry Mc was always an Archangel but has the appearance of a demon like Lucifer. And I plan on keeping it that way so that the title of the story is still valid.

I would also like to have some ideas as to how can I include Hope with Mc without removing Josie. Because I have made clear that there are some felling between them. I have come to a bit of a conclusion that Mc gets involved with Hope get's caught and then gets together with Hope. But I don't fully feel for it so I am asking you guys to give me some ideas to keep them both.

I would like to thank all the people who have left reviews on the novel I thank full to all

Thank you to- RionSteiner, PsyLoRD, Maxwell_Domingos. Forgiving reviews on the ff. I hope that you all stay with me and we can make this ff even better than it is. Thank you to all of you.

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