
Lee of the Wild (Girls of the Wild X The Breaker)

Its time for the green beast of Konoha to show the world his talents and score some chicks.Disclaimer: I do not own anything Crossover Elements: Girls of the Wild The Breaker

EternalBliss4U · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter 5

"I don't want to sound arrogant or anything but you have no real chance of beating me. I will show you my skills so it might feel like I am just playing with you so please don't take offence and try to learn from what you see.

I believe you are an intelligent person and should understand where I am coming from." Jae Gu spoke as he stretched his body, showing his muscular form in all its beauty

No part was left untouched, it was just perfect.

Hearing his words Queen looked at him sharply, she knew his physical stats were higher without much thought and his skills weren't bad either but was he above her in skill was still a mystery.

'He has seen my fights, yet he insists that his victory is guaranteed. His reaction, flexibility and strength are very high from what I have seen but is the difference really this big.

Is he looking down on us because we are girls?' Queen thought as she glared at him

She had been trained by pros since a young age with the perfect plan. There was no way someone in her age group could beat her while taking it lightly.

This was a clear provocation.

'Is he trying to mess with my mind?' Queen couldn't tell as she didn't know the person enough to make such judgments

"Song Jae Gu, please refrain from such boastful comments." Lee Na thought he was trying to mess with Queen's head since he was a fighter in the underground league, where it wasn't uncommon to use such tactics

Song understood that his words sounded boastful since no one had seen him fight anyone really strong till now but he still gave the warning so in the middle of the battle she would understand it and adapt without losing herself.

The chance of Queen even defeating were in the negatives unless she had some superpowers.

With that both fighters stood in the ring wearing gloves while the rules about the fight were explained where no lethal shots were allowed.


Song stared at his foe and knew that Queen usually started with some jabs or with mid kick to the side or a low kick.

He wasn't the first foe she had fought with such a strong physique as Queen was never half assed in her passion.

Without much hesitation, she approached him with a straight punch before she changed it into a tackle. It seems she was going to use grappling to take him down.

Song felt her arms around his waist and the force behind the body, and let it flow through him.

Queen felt herself role to the other side as Song didn't put any resistance and went to the ground before pushing her off instantly with his leg.

She got up quickly by pushing herself up with her arms and got up before Song could follow up.

Once again both fighters stared at each other and this time Song attacked.

He started with some jabs while keeping his distance and she dodged them before she decided to counter.

As his jab was about to get blocked by her left arm and she was about to punch him, Queen felt his hand catch her arm and reacted by going for a kick to his leg.

Song stepped to the side and pulled Queen forward, and made her slip with his left leg before hitting her with a tackle.

Queen felt the force send her flying into the wires but luckily she had mitigated the damage by not resisting it.

Before she could straighten up and focus, she lost sight of Song and was a moment too slow when her legs gave out as he sweeped her right leg.

Her knee reacted by habit but the force was too small and Song managed to take her down.

Queen felt herself hit the ring floor jolting her mind into full focus once again. The pain from the jabs, the tackle, the kick and this take down were stinging but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle while her foe was still spotless.

'How is this possible? Not even one hit, how many battles has a fought to react so naturally to everything. Os is he a genius fighter? Is this because he was trained by a mysterious master at a young age?'

Thinking was hard in this moment and only possible because Song was giving her breathing space. This was a spar with only one outcome, her defeat.

Getting up, Queen saw his serious look. Even though he was not finishing her off, didn't mean he was not serious and this made her feel better about this battle.

'He wants me to see and adapt than let's see what he has to offer.' Queen might be a rich girl with communication problem but she was not arrogant, she was just confident.

Pushing the floor she went to tackle his leg this time as the distance was very small.

But she expected him to see through that, which was why she stopped at the last moment and kicked towards his head with right leg.

Song retreated while she pushed with her hands and kicked with her left leg.

This time she finally felt some real pain as Song punched her before her left leg could hit him. The impact on the abdomen sent her crashing as the pain made it difficult to hold her balance.

But that was not the end as she saw his punch coming in slow motion but her body was unable to move but she didn't close her eyes.

'He isn't going to hit me.' Queen realized at the last moment and the punch landed beside her head

She could feel the impact and if it had landed on her face, it would have been a tragedy.

"Do you still want to continue? I am happy with what you have shown till now. Just like I expected, you are just beautiful." Song commented as he got up and extended his hand

He was praising her form and skills. For a kid of 17 years in this world where it was just a sport, she had done very well.

If she had chakra and trained in his setting, Song could see her being one of the best fighters ever. Even without it, if she continued on this path and with some help, Song could see her become a super fighter.

Queen had yet to grow up while he was already at the peak of his skills and only his body was yet to finish growing up.

There could be a rematch at another stage and the fight could flow differently even though the result might never change.

"I can still fight." Queen felt happy at the praise and understood that he meant her fighting form as it was a battle

The pain had receded to simple sting and she got up without a problem.

Song had avoided hitting any bones or she might have got a fracture to handle.

The fight continued for 15 minutes total and Queen couldn't even stand at the end of the spar as her stamina was completely depleted and her whole body was stinging with pain from the attacks dealt by Song.

In the whole battle, she had only hit twice and it was on purpose.

She felt like she had fought Lee Na. It was the same feeling of overwhelming power and skill.

It was such a ludicrous thought that she would never consider before but now it was reality.

There was young teen with the skill to contend with Lee Na, the strongest woman in Asia. The age difference was at least a decade.

'Did he start training from the womb?' Moon stared at Song with disbelief

This was beyond her expectation.

She had already expected him to win but this wasn't winning, this was playing around with your junior.

It was how her father treated her in the ring.

It was how the pros from middle weight treated her in the ring.

It was how the wild guards treated them in a spar.

Moon and Dal Dal were gobsmacked by the scene while Lee Na was impressed and understood why Charles said he was special.

His skill was unquestionable and he might already be standing on her level.

She was an active fighter, this was her life while Song was still a kid and he hadn't fought that much.

'Monstrous talent, a true genius.' Lee Na thought as she clapped

"Wonderful display Mister Song. Please follow me and we will discuss your future with us." Lee Na spoke up waking the girls from their dream like state

Dal Dal rushed towards Song as he got out of the ring, "Darling, you were so awesome. Please let me help you out."

Using the towel she slowly helped him clean up while admiring his muscles.

Even though he could fight longer his body had worked up some sweat since he still needed focus to fight properly.

He had showed his grappling skills, kicking and punching skills, his reactions, his speed, and his defense in combat.

They could all see that he had everything covered and there was no weakness in his form.

The only way to break through him would be through higher stats or better skill.

In one day he had broken the ranking of the Wild High. The Queen and her two subjects had fallen under his fist without much effort.

Now he was going for the Wild Guards, nationally acknowledged experts of the fighting arts. Not sport fighter but real fighters, who broke their foes without hesitation as they were hired for body guard duty by the super rich.

Song might be 34 mentally but everyone enjoyed attention by beautiful girls so he let Moon and Dal Dal help him take a short rest before following Lee Na.


A,N Hope you guys enjoyed it.

I was intending to only use Kim Possible, Girls of the Wild, Kengan Ahsura and Sunken Rock but now i will add The Breaker into the mix.

What are your thoughts?

Using only Wild High would be too boring with anyone from Naruto world and would require the usage of oc so these other series provide for strong characters and plot points.

If you know these stories than you know what you can expect.


Gang wars


Illegal fighting tournaments

Ki training





Gore filled battles