
Jungle of lies - 1

They both crossed once there was a blank spot. Mark felt like a criminal, following such a pattern and doing his best to not get caught. It was mainly due to Roe's expertise and soon they had ended up crossing the whole forest. Their next stop was the city. 

It was a metallic and concrete jungle with high buildings so high that sunlight did not reach the ground at all. Mark stood in the shadows of the shortest building and missed the sunlight shining above them. It was not cold but the light seemed far away and out of his reach in this metallic jungle. 

"Where is the main building for their base?" Mark asked, finding himself lost. He had a hand map with him but he could not read it. It was too complicated and the language too foreign for him. Those symbols looked familiar but he had no knowledge about reading any of them. How very fun for him to be handed this, even as a joke. Mark did not find it funny at all.