
Chapter Sixty Six - Not who he wished to see

After leaving Closed Cultivation, the first person that Jin Li wanted to see was his small alchemist.  Unfortunately, it was Sun, Maimai and two others that Jin Li came to see first.  And then his 'partner' Wu Ye and the little Li Ming... not Leon.  Oh and as for the lack of interest in seeing this pair, the feeling happened to be mutual, especially when Jin Li indicated interest in riding the large, black Coeurl.  There was a minor scrap; Jin Li won.

Wu Ye was not resigned, but settled down a little when the two-legged females with unfamiliar scents gushed how stunning it's black hide was and how great it was (though this was while Jin Li was mounted, but it ignored that part).

Li Ming ran beside it, slower than it's excellent self, but still at a reasonable speed, so Wu Ye ignored Jin Li's urges to increase their pace.  This unwittingly assisted the two mounted grey Baku, borrowed from the school stables and the haughty equine prancing along with its female rider.  The Piku and Maimai pair couldn't keep up and were left behind.  By the time the girl had her mount finally reach the stables, the others had removed saddles and tack, Li Ming was running about startling less sensible mounts and causing disruption, while Wu Ye watched on indulgently and Jin Li, lazily, much to the stable-hands displeasure.  Since when did Leon's young beast become his responsibility?

Sun took the initiative to guide the others towards the outer-school's portals, which took them into the inner school.  There were a few seniors who felt it their 'duty' to question the presence of those not martial artists, generally being difficult for no reason as the usual rules didn't quite apply during school events.  So long as outsiders had an inner school student vouch for them, there wouldn't be an issue over them entering.  Fed up that yet another face which he did not wish to see had appeared, Jin Li decided to vouch for the others with a flash of his sword.  The seniors, none of whom had formed their core, quickly became submissive and agreeable and the two girls, whose names Jin Li still didn't care to recall, mused imaginatively that the man must have unsheathed his weapon on their behalf (sigh!).

There was a crowd gathering thickly about the arena's upper gallery. Those who could not be seated either sat upon the pathway stairs or used devices (not unlike a certain alchemist's spectacles) to enhance their vision and see what was happening from the entrances instead. Impatiently, Jin Li bullied his way through using his strengthened aura to suppress other students, leaving a wake of discontent for the most part, but also gaining not a sparse interest in more ways than one. After all, it was just half a year ago this person enrolled and was felt to have rushed through the stages of cultivation forming a poor foundation and unstable innersea. They had all watched in wait for him to fall, yet instead he progressed further and even formed his core! Now, they could only feel envy.

Sun pointed the way to the General's side, where there happened still be a bit of space to sit. The old man was still in the company of his single servant and Teacher Jian. That reminded Sun of something; Jin Li had yet to meet this Teacher.

"Ah, you don't know, but a new Teacher began offering lectures while you were in closed cultivation," Sun decided to enlighten his room mate. "That's him, the one speaking with my grandfather now. His name is Teacher Jian."

Surprisingly, Jin Li's expression wavered, becoming odd and conflicted. In contrast, the Teacher's lopsided smile deepened and his eyes twinkled even more mischievously.

"What are you doing here?" Jin Li demanded, causing a silence in his immediate surroundings due to his rudeness.

"See," the man sighed as he turned to the grey-haired General beside him, "children these days are so unfilial. Not even a greeting or inquiry in regards to my health!"

A sense of confusion fell upon those gathered. Jin Li did not respond to Teacher x, just crossed his arms about his chest, causing the other to mutter; "So much like your mother..." Jin Li's lips twitched.

Sun tugged at the close fitted sleeve of Jin Li's coat. "You already know Teacher x?" He murmured beneath his breath.

A soft sigh expelled from the other's throat as he admitted; "My Grandfather, maternal Grandfather."

"Oh..." Sun replied, before his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Oh!"

A throat behind him cleared and the attention fell upon the eager eyed Carmen, who stepped forward to reintroduce herself. "It's an honour to meet Jin Li's Grandfather. My family is grateful to Jin Li for taking care of my brother all this while," she added with a curtsy.

"Not to mention that Jin Li has also saved this humble life," Merylin voiced during her own introduction, "he and his people have always been very kind to guide my sister and myself."

Maimai rolled her eyes as she sat down beside Sun, who'd taken a seat beside his grandfather. Teacher Jian all the while looked amused as he picked up the nuances within the two girl's speeches as well as the complete disinterest of his grandson. He still took the pleasure to tease the youth of his daughter.

"I wasn't expecting to cross paths with you in this realm, my grandson, let alone in the company of such pretty flowers." The two girls blushed red and lowered their eyes demurely, while Jin Li glared at him coldly. His grin widened greatly. "I must pass this news onto my daughter once I next visit. She did worry so with your obsession towards martial arts, but knowing this, I am sure she will be pleased."

Jin Li's brows furrowed and he was about to set his grandfather straight when Maimai's voice piped up and caught his attention; "Look, there is Leon!"

His eyes immediately darted towards the enchanted glass mirrors at the centre of the arena and a dishevelled youth with yin yang hair appeared with five others also looking slightly worse for wear. His pale face was smudged with dirt, strands of hair were loose from the leather thong tie grasping the rest and there were small tears here and there marring the short outer robe and trousers he wore. But his lips were curved in a smile. Jin Li felt his own expression loosen as he eagerly drank in the sight of his small alchemist, only unhappy that he was not beside him in person.

Jian Juren naturally noticed the change in Jin Li as his knees bent and he took the seat beside him, though his eyes did not tear away from the enchanted mirror's image. More and more interesting, he couldn't help but think.

Explanations and background story for this reunited grandfather, grandson will come later x

Ebonsolariscreators' thoughts