
Learning through experience

Story of a teenage girl who has just hit puberty and stepped into the new world. From the changes in her body to changes in her life, she learns a lot while growing. This story revolves around her teenage years, her high school crush and what not. Harper had turned 14 few months ago and she had been wondering why she wasn’t like her friends. Her friends all had nice body with ample of breasts where as harper only had tiny bumps on her chest. She hadn’t even gotten her periods yet and she started to think if something was wrong with her body. Later the story unfolds how Harper grows into a woman experiencing love, heartbreak and many surging emotions

Mitzy_S · Adolescente
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2 Chs

The news breaking

Harper had turned 14 few months ago and she had been wondering why she wasn't like her friends. Her friends all had nice body with ample of breasts where as harper only had tiny bumps on her chest. She hadn't even gotten her periods yet and she started to think if something was wrong with her body.

When harper woke up she felt something in her pants she started thinking if she peed on bed but she stopped it since she was 5. She got up and went to the bathroom to check and realised that she had just gotten her first period. She got anxious and quickly gave her mother a call, "Hey mom! Guess what I think I got my periods. Why don't you quickly grab some pads and give it to me". Her mom went upstairs with a packet and gave it to Harper. Since it was her first period her mom suggested to skip the school but Harper was thrilled and wanted to share this news to her friends.

At school, Harper was walking in the corridor looking for her friends when she stumbled upon something, when she looked down she found a paper wrapped in stone. She opened the crumbled paper to find a little note over it saying "HELP". Harper was a little confused as in who needed help and why would they choose this method to ask for help. She was walking with this confusion when Lily showed up. "I guess someone has not woken up yet" said Lily and caught Harper's attention. Harper told lily that she had finally gotten her periods and is on the road of becoming a woman. They went for the first class together.

During lunch break they happen to meet other two girls of their crazy group i.e. Stella and Mia. They all sat together when Stella said " Oh my god we went third base and it was so good" everyone exclaimed "What" then she quickly explained how she visited her injured boyfriend and they ended up almost doing it. Harper asked "So how was it? Would you want to do it again". Stella replied " Is that even a question Harper, if I had the chance I'd do it right now". Everyone laughed.

They went for their classes after their break separately because they had different subjects.

After school when they met they all decided to meet at Stella's house for a sleepover. Harper went home thinking that she had never even kissed and how it would be like to kiss someone.

When she reached home she told her mom that she would be sleeping over at Stella's. She quickly packed a set of pajamas when Lily called to tell her that they'll be going out tomorrow so she should also pack a nice set of clothing. After packing Harper asked her mom to drop her at Stella's. Harper reached the house an hour earlier than it was decided as she had to talk to Stella about you know what. Stella was surprised to see Harper but welcomed her anyway. "So I see you're early here. Do you have any hidden purpose" asked Stella. Caught, Harper broke in sweats with little beads forming on her forehead. She still denied, " No, no can I not come early? " Stella believing her let her go. "What should we do before the others arrive?" Stella asked. "Ugh is that even a question" Harper replied. They both giggled. Harper then suddenly asked " Um so um can you tell me how to do it? " Stella was confused so she asked " Do what?" Harper quickly replied "Blowjob". Stella laughed " Harper you haven't even kissed anyone yet and you're asking about blowjob" A little uncomfortable with the remark Harper smiled faintly. Suddenly there was a loud honk and Stella grinned. She peeked through the window and screamed "Oh my god, they're here". Confused Harper also moved towards the window muttering " Are who here" and saw an unfamiliar car parked at the door and some familiar faces getting out of the car. Harper was shocked at the sight of three handsome boys coming out of the car, one of them even had a plaster on his left arm. Stella ran out of the door to greet them. Harper stood there watching them. It isn't that Harper doesn't like the boys it is that she's crushing on one of them and she always gets nervous around him. Stella invited them in and introduced the group to Harper "Simon, Nate this is my friend Harper and baby you already know her so no need of introducing her to you. And Harper they are Kieth's friends." Harper nodded politely to the guys and dragged Stella away from them. She asked Stella "What are they doing here?" Stella explained "My mom and dad went on a vacation leaving me alone all by myself. You think I won't exploit this opportunity?" Harper sighed knowing if she had been at her place she would've done the same except she doesn't even have a boyfriend. Harper then asked "Do Lily and Mia know?" Stella nodded. Harper wondered "Why didn't she tell me then" when Stella suddenly said "Because then you wouldn't come" Harper said "what?" Stella gave an answer that she knew what she was thinking in her tiny head. Stella then walked towards the boys when suddenly the door burst open.