
learning how to be a dragon

"power" whispered on the winds by a deity heard by those who need a change in direction or stuck in a cubicle right next to the person who needs a change direction these words have tempted many a person king , queen, peasant or child none could resist the draw of his word and Jason is the latest victim of this word and his mediocre office life will be traded out for scales and wings (when I get the time I'll probably rewrite most if not all of this or I might make it into a comic also take the time to follow me on social media)

Crane_99 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

chapter 3. back to school basic with dragons

the sun rose on another day in aerouant the kingdom of magic

in the castle a meeting was being held with the king and his advisors on if he should tax his people more

sire did you hear tunsten is having a food shortage Said a man to the left of the king

why would you come to me about a village no one cares about

but wouldn't it make you look good to help them said a woman in purple robes to his right

I guess but they got themselves into that situation the king said in an unforgiving tone

back in the cave little akon was just waking up to a loud buzzing noise in his skull (how do I stop this alarm) he thought groggily the alarm stopping as soon as he exited the nest looking for a proper place to use the restroom

finally deciding to leave the cave to find a spot

POV change-----------

let's for a moment take a step back while akon is taking care of business and let me tell you about the guiding voice.

the guiding voice was an idea tossed around for a millennia before finally being tested on jason or akon I don't know what to call him.

it has various functions and features that can be unlocked when reaching a certain age or doing certain things.

but best of all it can tell jokes

POV change-----------

after relieving himself outside jason missed being human it wasn't so embarrassing he went back inside the cave hoping no beast saw him

hey guiding voice what time is it?


what day is it?


man they would be having spaghetti for lunch today. thought jason

what can you do other than set alarms and gps?

"I can tell jokes"

tell me a joke!!

"why did the vampire need mouthwash"

I don't know why?

"he had bat breathe" *rim shot in the background*

okay guiding voice Im gonna ask you to never tell a joke again.

well that was disappointing anyway what should I do until mom wakes up?


did I ask for a joke.

the guiding voice does have a point maybe I should get as strong as possible.

hey guiding voice what kind of exercises can dragons do.

"not many considering dragons are already strong than most humans and beastmen however most dragons do endurance training"

so just run around.


okay then jason thought as he started running from one end of the cave and back multiple times

9....and 10 that should be enough for today

wonder if mom is awake he thought as he trotted off to the nest.

when he finally got there his mom was already awake and was just about to leave the nest when she realized akon wasn't there she started to panic until thinking someone dragon napped him or some beast are him that is until she turned around and saw him trotting up.

oh good she's up maybe I can ask her to teach me. thought jason focusing and feeling the strings connecting to his mom to say a single word "teach?"

yes little one today I will start teaching you but first aren't you hungry. she said

jason had only just managed to ignore his hunger but now that his mom said that he couldn't help but notice how hungry he was focusing on the string that connects him to his mom


good I'm taking you hunting with me

immediately picking up akon with her strangely prehensile tail to take him hunting with her since last time he was left alone he ended up cowering behind a boulder in fear for reasons completely unknown to her

this is a weird sensation I've never had anyone pick me up not even my parents did this he thought

now that I think about it my parents didn't really interact with me too much outside of say hi, bye and the occasional hug when I was sad. maybe this feeling is excitement or genuine happiness

while they're getting ready to hunt let me explain his family from the perspective of someone on the outside looking in. Jason's parents loved him but they had no time to tell him this his dad worked two jobs while his mom worked full time as a waitress so they were never in poverty but they scraped by that was until his dad got fired from his jobs meaning jason had to get a job at the age of 15. ages 16-19 were spent prioritising work over family with three jobs and school he had no time to make friends , socialize or play games not that he had friends to play games with. ages 19-25 were spent in a dead end soul sucking desk job so overall he never really had a "normal" childhood he wasn't hated but he didn't feel loved. anyways let's get back to their hunting I think his mom is about to bag a bear.

crouching in the bushes jason observed how quiet and ninja like his mom was even though she stood at around 13 feet(3.9 meter?) tall and was around 7 feet (2.1 meters) she could maneuver around trees and thanks to her darker scales(purple with green flecks) she could stay hidden.

as she was maneuvering around he noticed that she would move only when the wind would only then did she find the right spot and pounced biting the bear on the back of the neck deep enough to instantly kill it

jason even more terrified but somewhat fascinated by his moms hunting skills decided to never get on her bad side and when they would eat he was starving after all that walking


is that someone's stomach or is there a monster I'm gonna slay in that bush

uh oh he thought

quickly focusing on the strings to say stomach

you know for a young one you sure know a lot of words now lets get back to the cave this bear smells nice she said turning towards the caves with akon following close by .

it wasn't long until they got to the cave and his mom started the process of skinning and gutting with akon close by watching hungrily patiently waiting until he could sink his teeth into the red flesh

I've never been this hungry before maybe its because I'm a dragon or I'm young but whatever it is that meat smells amazing he thought

hey guide


do you have a recording function?


then can you record this and any other time me and my mom go hunting?

"yes was there anything else"

could you also record my mom's lessons.


after about 27 minutes dinner was ready both of them eating the bear ravenously with nothing left but the bones which his mom threw out after.

after that dinner its time to teach you how to communicate.

yes I can finally learn speak with more than one word he thought excitedly

this won't be too difficult we'll first start at sensing the strings around you.

but I can already do that he thought

to such an extent that you can sense them without focusing and then after that we'll work on how many word you can use while sensing. she continued

maybe there's more to this than I thought maybe I can visualize them more as telephone wires.

so let's start.

first sit down and sense the strings after a while you should visualize them to the point of seeing little strings this is the first step

the second step is being able to send words down those strings if it helps i visualize my words as water running down the strings after visualizing the strings you're gonna do it at least three or four a times a day and after we get done with the strings I'll teach you all I know about dragon history and hunting

I didn't know dragons had history I wonder if there was a dragon Renaissance he wondered while his imagination went out of control he was too post in his imagination to remember how late it was

it's been a long day how about we get some rest and pick up where we left off in the morning

hey guide what time is it?


oh jeez I didn't realize how late it was maybe I should go to bed.

he started walking towards the nest

not even gonna put up a fight what a strange little one you are I would have fought tooth and nail against my mother to stay up for a few more hours she said as she start heading towards the nest to settle in for the night.

let's take a step back to discuss some dragon facts from the dragon god

1. there are six different types of dragons(listed from most docile to the most wild) ethereal dragons, forest dragons, river dragons, mountain dragons, sand dragons and the plains dragon.

2. only 2 types of dragons fly the ethereal dragon and the mountain dragons. there are flying dragons in all species but they're too rare to be considered a flying species.

3. most if not all dragons can use magic in it's raw state but its effects are locked to whatever type of region they're in for example if a forest dragon tried to use sand magic it would have little to no success

4. the ethereal dragon is the most powerful and most rare of all dragons being able to use all types of magic including magic not from dragons

5. to be able to use magic a dragon must reach the age of five

6. the color of the dragon scale decides how much magic they can use with dark scales having the worst magic potential to light scales being the best magic potential

7. there have been dragons who could talk like regular people although they are very rare.

that's all the facts I have right now the dragon god won't give me anymore however it looks like we've been chatting for so long that the sun is rising.

with the suns rise came the somewhat familiar sensation of a him in jason's skull

guide he thought groggily turn the alarm off for a couple hours I'm too tired to exercise i stayed up too late


an hour later his mom woke up

I'm up earlier than him that's a surprise for being 6 days old he act really grown up she thought

*grumble* might be time to hunt she said hungrily

she started heading out towards the mouth of the cave

I'll be back in an hour she said

ohh..... he's asleep...

one more reason to hunt she thought finally leaving the cave to hunt

an hour later jason didn't need the alarm he smelled food

hey guide you can cancel the alarm

"okay canceling now"

time to eat he thought as he scampered toward the smell of fresh meat his mom was skinning

hold on before you eat practice sensing and touching the string that binds us she ordered

ok he thought dejectedly

he started to focusing on the strings maybe if I visualize my words as static running up the string maybe I can send more words he thought

well let's try it out he thought visualizing words as static sending an electric shiver down his spine

can I eat now he said

his mom although pleasantly surprised was shocked at hearing those words

you can eat when I'm done skinning the meat but you've progressed so much in just one night so maybe you can have a little bite she said as she tossed a skinned rabbit to akon.

thank you for the rabbit he said as he ate it in one bite.

have you been practicing at night?

no. said jason but at the back of his mind he was lying he had the guide do it for him all night while he slept.

well you must be a master at talking she said as the piece of meat was skinned

and breakfast is served she said as her and akon started eating

after breakfast she started teach him finer control over the strings subconsciously so he could walk and talk while learning to hunt.


I guess that's enough learning let's get hunting.

yes I get to see you hunt jason said. thinking back to how cool his mom was hunting last time

thank you that means a lot coming from you akon she said walking down a foot path with akon close by.

what are we hunting today?

I saw a panther not too far from the cave earlier when I was hunting so I wanna take it out before it finds the cave.

good idea it might find the cave and then who knows what might happen. he said with a thought of what might happen if they didn't catch the panther.

shhhh I can smell it get in the bushes over there and you can watch.

okay he said scurrying off to the bushes as silently possible.

his mom started off towards her prey making sure to avoid any stick or leaves while remaining in the shadows stalking closer to her victim getting ready to pounce on it once it got within range

hey guide you recording this.


can you analyze the recording for me and provide some feed back when I start hunting.


as guide said that she pounce catching the panther under her paw and snapping it's neck in one swift method.

wow that was amazing said jason wondering if he would ever be that good

thank you now lets get back to the cave and skin this she said raising the animal in her mouth.

hey mom when can I go hunting?

2 years from now after I've trained you and you get bigger.

okay he said as he started following his mom back to the cave

she's right I am way to small to go hunting he thought

hey guide is there anyway for me to get bigger faster



why not?

"I'm just a guide not some interface for change"

"also most of my functions haven't been unlocked"

how long will it take to unlock the functions?

"five years"

five years!... I don't know if I can wait that long.

"too bad"

finally making it to the cave after an excruciatingly long walk only made worse when he was told there was no way for him to get bigger faster

man being a young dragon sucks he thought entering the cave and heading straight to the nest waiting for his mom to call for him when dinner was ready.

akon I'm done skinning and gutting the dinner.

he happily trotted on over to eat even though he was still kinda angry at not being able to grow bigger faster but as he was eating dinner he thought to him self this might be the chance to have the childhood I've always wanted.

now lets get to bed so you can be up for when I teach.

yeah he said as he started to walk towards the nest full and ready to sleep he mother right beside him picking him up and carrying him to the nest.

good night mom don't let the nest bugs bite.

good night akon.... wait nest bugs where!! akon where!

but it was too late he was already asleep having dreams about dragon pirates and dragon knights

this is the longest chapter I've written amd to be home I'm proud of it even if it has bad grammar also I'm thinking of having everyone else but jason call him akon and I'm thinking of switching to a 1st perspective to see what it's like but eventually I'll decide on what I like

Crane_99creators' thoughts