
Playing Merman, Watch and Learn

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Mission accomplished. According to the target's level of fear, points awarded: nine hundred points. Current cumulative points: one thousand and five hundred points.] The System's notification arrived almost immediately. Chen Mu was shocked to see that he had earned an insane amount of nine hundred points.

After giving it some thought, Chen Mu decided that it was reasonable. A counter pick had been beaten to the point that it was suddenly at a disadvantage. Additionally, the player was harassed so much until he could no longer farm; the mental pressure he faced should be rather debilitating. 

Chen Mu wondered if a mission of similar nature would trigger if he was the one who insulted his opponent? Would it not be perfect if Chen Mu could accumulate two thousand points and qualify for two draws in one go? 

Chen Mu thought about how below the belt it would be. Then, he locked in the Tidal Trickster and hit 'confirm'. 

"Eff me!" Liu Fei felt so angered over Chen Mu's champion choice that he almost flew out of his seat. What was Chen Mu trying to say? Was Chen Mu trying to murder him by insulting everything he stood for? 

'Are you saying my Little Merman was too noob, and you're going to present a demonstration yourself?' 

Liu Fei selected the Card Master but he did not dare click 'confirm'! 

"Don't do it, bro. That player is clearly better than you. Your Cardsharp might not be able to fight his Merman." Specs was afraid that Liu Fei had gotten too triggered and tried to console him. 

"Then, tell me what champion I should choose." Liu Fei did not want to think anymore. He was allowing anger to cloud his judgment. 

Liu Fei never knew that such a simple emote, laughing, could cause him such trouble. 'Goddamnit, he must be the devil himself. What a bully!' 

"Choose Clockwork and keep farming. We'll focus on winning late game this round," Specs said. 

"Alright, Clockwork then." Liu Fei hit 'confirm'. 

'Seems like he doesn't understand why he was completely crushed by me.' Chen Mu felt nothing but pity for Liu Fei. Initially, Chen Mu planned on using basic attacks on the minion wave, granting the opposing team a chance to manipulate the wave. Then, Chen Mu would force himself to figure out a way to tilt the game back in his favor. Sadly, Chen Mu's opponents were playing at a much lower standard. They were unable to even figure out the reason as to why they got crushed, what more not capitalizing on advantages in the previous match. 

The enemy team locked in Clockwork without hesitation. They intended to farm and get ready for the late game. 

Their champion pick was not that insane of a choice. The best method to counter Little Merman was to use Kassadin and farm at a similar pace, utilizing Kassadin's passive to reduce magic damage received for the sake of reaching the same level as Merman without getting punished too hard. Having selected Clockwork, they could abandon all thoughts of taking down Little Merman. It was truly an unimpressive choice. 

By the time Liu Fei had calmed down and realized that such a problem existed, the match had started. Nevertheless, he convinced himself that it would not be too much of a problem for him. After all, he was pretty well-known in high-level matches for his farming skills. He doubted that he would get crushed as Clockwork. 

Liu Fei walked down mid lane and came to see a turquoise Little Merman laughing and dancing maniacally. 

Liu Fei felt a surge of fury flood his head. 'You're even mimicking my dancing after leaving your base! Where is your sportsmanship as an expert player?' 

Liu Fei reciprocated without hesitation as Clockwork started dancing awkwardly. 

"Ding! Mission triggered. The Unkillable Demon King's dignity must not be challenged. Liu Fei, who provoked the Unkillable Demon King twice, must be punished. Your mission: Kill Liu Fei's Lady of Clockwork until she becomes a 'Legendary Feeder'. The points awarded range from a hundred to a thousand and is dependant on the number of deaths she suffers." As Chen Mu had hypothesized, his actions could trigger a system mission. 

Chen Mu could not hold in his laughter. He cupped his mouth and laughed. Chen Mu felt sorry for Liu Fei for being so unlucky. Chen Mu suddenly felt like he could insult anyone. However, if that someone else reciprocated the insult, they would have to be killed until they became a Legendary Feeder. 'Oh, System, you flirt. I like you when you're like this. No wonder you're called the Unkillable Demon King System. You're ruthless.' 

"What are you laughing at?" asked Shi Geng beside him. 

"Nothing. I just thought of something that makes me happy," Chen Mu answered. 

'Oh, poor thing.' Chen Mu watched Clockwork dance obliviously as he started planning out how he would complete his mission. 

The minion waves from both teams met. Chen Mu stepped forward to auto attack the minions. On the other hand, Clockwork did more than just reciprocate with basic attacks targeted toward the minions; she attempted to auto attack Chen Mu too. 

Chen Mu retreated. 'I offered you the chance to take control of the lane, but you didn't take it. Your loss then. Since it's god's will, be prepared to face your punishment.' 

As Clockwork approached the minion wave with hopes to harass Chen Mu, Chen Mu prepared to pounce. At the first window of opportunity, Chen Mu cast his E instantly to both clean up the dying minions and inflict some damage to Clockwork. Chen Mu gained three CS. 

Meanwhile, Clockwork had expected him to move as such. She reciprocated with her E—shielding herself in exchange for Chen Mu's blood. 

Unfortunately, Chen Mu had brought Red Potions with him from his base as though he was the king of medicine. With his inventory full of Red Potions, there was not much health he could lose from the attack that originated from a passive skill.

Before Merman learned all his skills, Merman could only depend on exchanging his health for CS. It was something that could not be avoided. It was fortunate that Clockwork's understanding of laning was not that comprehensive as she let the minion wave push forward. 

Chen Mu was only three minions short of Clockwork's CS score. 

For Merman, scoring kills was the best way to farm. 

This time, Liu Fei's squad had snatched Blind Monk, while Chen Mu's squad had picked a jungling Treant. Treant was a very popular pick in the World Championships as it was capable of absorbing a lot of damage for the ADC during the early game stage. It allowed the ADC to get fed for late game without any worries. 

This time around, Clockwork took tentative steps. She kept on walking diagonally toward the back. Whenever Little Merman stopped forward, she would step back. Liu Fei would rather die than allow Chen Mu to attack his champion. 

Chen Mu was more than happy to see this. Clockwork's shying away meant that he could easily catch up in CS. He was a melee champion attacking a ranged champion. He would give Clockwork a serious beating whenever he had the chance. Otherwise, Chen Mu would keep getting harassed meaninglessly and would have no opportunity to turn the tide of the battle. 

Clockwork had increased speed and armor. She had even brought Barrier as her summoner spell. She was scared sh*tless; she wanted to use her Q and W to harass Chen Mu. However, Chen Mu often stopped right at the edge of Clockwork's W, misleading Clockwork to think that she was always just a step away from getting Chen Mu. 

It was one of the benefits Chen Mu got from memorizing the range of every skill in the game. Despite Clockwork having a QW combo that could take someone by surprise, Chen Mu could easily dodge the attack with his E. Hence, other than her basic attacks, Clockwork had no other way to damage Merman. 

Liu Fei started to panic. If he could not land a single hit on Merman while laning or using abilities, did it not mean that his opponent was operating at a much greater standard than him? Could the fellow be a solo queue master with the highest number of ELO points ever? 

The player with the highest ELO points in the Chinese server had a peak total of two thousand and nine hundred ELO points. Rumors had it that the player received many invitations from professional teams and was going to play in the professional arena the following year if everything went as planned. 

Liu Fei had bumped into that player once when he was trying to climb in rank. The mid laner in that match had used an and scored twenty-five kills. 

Liu Fei was slaughtered like a pig in mid lane at that time and was unable to land a hit with any of his skills.

Liu Fei was truly dumbstruck by that match—an AD Fox chased after three other champions and slaughtered them at will. Liu Fei was scarred by that match and always banned Fox whenever he saw her from then on. 

The Little Merman he was facing reminded him slightly of the solo queue master as none of his abilities managed to hit.

While Liu Fei's thoughts were still running all over the place, Little Merman Q-ed a ranged minion to death and instantly hit Level 6. Having dashed to the minion, a shark suddenly appeared beneath Clockwork's feet. 

It was one of Little Merman's basic techniques to Q a minion to get close to an enemy before casting his ultimate. Using the technique, as long as Merman cast his abilities in quick succession, it did not matter how good one was at moving. That was because no champion's movement speed was fast enough to escape the shark's range. Therefore, nine out of ten QR casts that were targeted at another champion usually hit. 

At this time, Treant casually closed in from behind the river. Clockwork hastily surrendered her Flash in response. Nevertheless, to no avail, She ate the fish anyway. The amount of time that passed while she was knocked up was enough for Treant to walk over and cast his W. 

Turning back, Merman punched Clockwork into the air. Then, tanking the turret at the same time, Little Merman approached Clockwork and cast E in her face. Additionally, Chen Mu followed up with his Ignite, W, and a few more basic attacks before heading back confidently. 

In turn, Treant Flashed out of turret range immediately to prevent receiving turret damage. It was pitiful that Merman managed to reach Level 6 before a ranged champion like Clockwork. Clockwork's death was in vain. Laning was not something one could just do because they were scared.