
league of legends: wizon

The story of a man in the world of Runeterra who was killed in a strange way, and the last thing he remembers is using a sword to defend himself. Now he has been resurrected again in body of an adult who was killed by bandits, and his goal now is to take revenge with Boro.

zack_205 · Derivados de juegos
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7 Chs


Poro get little embarrassed and said : "yes, but I was little scared from you, because Avery time I show mi real form Avery one try to hunt me or they mike from me a joke to laugh, and I thought that you will be one of them"

Wizon face was making manners like he was surprised and in the same time he was trying to be serious so that lead to make a funny face.

Bothe of the doctor and the girl was laughing at him, then the doctor get a little serious.

 The doctor said: "poro what we should call you, from now on?"

"I don't have a name sow call what aver you wan" poro replied 

 Then wizon looked at her and said: "you are not a thing to call what we want, you need a name"

"will wizon is right you need a name" the doctor said 

The girl get little embarrassed and said: "really I don't need name just poro is enough for me"

Bothe of the doctor and wizon didn't lessen, and continued in thinking

"black and red dress, white skin, black eyes,..., I think we should call you Layla" wizon said 

The doctor looked at her and replied: "Layla, its sounds wonderful"

Poro get very embarrassed from that and said: "I think I like it, but what it means?"

"It means the beauty of the night, both of your dress and hear look like the darkness of the night and your white skin show the moon in the sky of the night, so you are the beauty of the night and to make it short Layla" wizon replied at Layla with worm smile 

"will I accept it, not because I like it, no because I don't name and need one so I will let both of you call me Layla" Layla said with red cheeks

"Layla, it doesn't mean that you can talk like that, did you forget what I said to you" wizon replied 

Layla ran, behind the doctor and yelled: "just give me this day to talk how I want" 

"wizon just let her this night do what she want" the doctor said 

 "doctor she so annoying when she speak so argent" wizon replied

Then the doctor said: "let's celebrate this night for the first mission for Layla and wizon and for new name for poro"

Layla yelled with happens: "we have a party this night get me all the food and the drinks, stupid humans"

Wizon looked at the doctor with look says: "look what you did"

And the doctor looked back to wizon with look says: "am sorry"

 The three of them celebrated until they pass out.


At the morning Layla threw a bucket of water at wizon while he say: "wok up wizon it's mooring time, you slept at the flor last night"

Wizon woke up surprised and said: "wai the water?"

"The last time you woke me up with it, then wai I don't use the same mothed you used with me?" Layla replied

Then wizon woke up and went up to his Rome, without saying any word.

 Moments later, wizon came down wearing new clothes, and then he went towards the doctor's office.

Wizon knock at the door and went in saying: "good morning doctor, is there is any work for me to day?"

"yes there is one, I need some herbs like yesterday I will give the least after you eat the breakfast" the doctor replied 

After the breakfast the doctor gives wizon the least and a letter and said: "this letter came this morning" 

Layla looked at the stamp of the letter and said: "this from the blacksmith from yesterday I saw that logo at his door shop"

"It's must be the sword has been finished, Layla get back to poro chap we need to go" wizon replied 

 Layla changed her chap, Then he went out in rush with Layla heading to the blacksmith shop.

After a moments they reached at the chop, but when they opened the door they found the blacksmith seating on his cheer waiting for them.

The black smith spoke in loud voice: "where did you find this sword?"

"wai, there is something with it?" wizon asked 

The blacksmith said: "just answer me"

"We found it with killed man in the desert, wai?" wizon replied 

"Will this sword was made by the demi-god of smiting ornn, I did what I can but I can't keep working at it it's so hard to fix you need to go and see him" the blacksmith said 

Then wizon said: "where do I fined him?"

"You need to go freljord then to the frost guard citadel, you will find him there" the blacksmith said 

Wizon asked: "and how I can get there?"

"will, for the first direction you need to go to piltover & zaun, there you will find you way to demacia, with the legal wai from piltover, then get out from demacia and go to freljord, and for the illegal wai go to zaun then you will find you wai to bilgewater, then go to ionia from there you can go to freljord" the blacksmith replied 

 "And how it will cost for both of them" wizon asked 

"Will from piltover it will cost you 2000 gold and from zaun 1500gold, zaun cheap but it's too risky if you don't know how to deal with them" blacksmith replied 

 Wizon thanked the blacksmith and asked him: "how much does the repair cost?"

"Nothing, I just touched a weapon made by ornn is full price" the blacksmith replied 

"Thanks for the information, sir I have red skin dog can you take a look at it? (Then wizon grabbed the skins from his side bag) " wizon said 

 "This skins belongs to naafiri Wolf pack, how much do you have?!" the black smith get surprised and asked 

" I have five of them!!" wizon replied 

"I will buy them with 8000 gold, are we agreed?" the blacksmith said 

Wizon said: "will the wai to freljord is too long and I need gold"

Blacksmith said in rush: "10 thousand, pleas its rare item and I need it"

"we have deal" wizon said 

Wizon get out from the shop with happy face, he such to the chop where he saw black armor with white lines and golden and sun disk in the middle, and buy it with beautiful sheath for the sword.

Layla said with admiring glances for the Armor: "you look nice in it wizon"

"Thanks Layla, and bought this for you (wizon garbed a nice black armor like his but the difference was in the lines they was red like her dress)" wizon replied with smiling face 


At the night wizon get back with the herbs that the doctor asked for, and he get surprised from them the black armors they was wearing and how they was chatting.

The doctor asked: "did you tow fond a cave full with gold or what?"

"No, doctor we just sold the dog skins of the naafiri pack, and we get 10 thousand gold from it" wizon replied

The doctor sight and said: "and how much that armor cost you?"

"Avery thins was 4.5 thousand and steal have 6 thousand for our trip" wizon replied 

Layla said: "doctor we are going out from here tomorrow, so we need this armors"

"Where are gays going?" the doctor asked 

 "Freljord then to the frost guard citadel" wizon replied 

"What are you going to do in there?" the doctor asked 

Then Layla and wizon tolled the doctor Avery thing and wai are they going there so the doctor said: "wait here for moment"

 Wizon and Layla went up to their Rome thinking that the doctor run from them.

When he back yelled: "wizon, Layla where are guy's"

They hear his yell and run at the stairs when they reach him they fond the doctor carrying bag.

Layla said: "where did you go?"

"I just went to the nearest shop and bought this clothes for you" the doctor replied 

 Wizon asked: "for what?"

"Will when you guy's said that you are going to Freljord I remembered that, that place is very cold sow I bought you some warm clothes" the doctor replied 

Layla hugged the doctor and thanked him for it many times.

Then the doctor said to wizon: "Wizon tike this (he give him a bag full with gold), you will need it"

Wizon looked at the doctor and said: "but doctor this is a lot of gold what about you?"

"Don't think of it, I have more than this, just take it wizon, now guys let's eat dinner and go to sleep tomorrow you have long wai" the doctor replied 

 While they were eating dinner, they talked about where are they going and how they will deal with the problems in the wai, then they went to their rooms.

Wizon said: "Layla when are you going to sleep?"

"Will I like to sleep in poro chap, its comfortable then mi human chap, don't tell me you was thinking in corrupted thoughts?" Layla replied 

 Wizon said: "No, no, I wasn't I just….."

Then the doctor interrupted them in surprise by get in the Rome and yelled: "wizon you will sleep at mi Rome to night I forget that the poro was a girl"

Wizon and Layla laughed at that with loud voice.


The next morning in front of the clinic they was saying good bay to the doctor 

"Wizon, take car with Layla, be careful at yourself okay?" the doctor said

"Alright doctor, I will, we will visit you as son we can doctor" wizon replied 

"good bay doctor we will miss you" Layla yelled

Then they get in their journey


At the blacksmith shop, the blacksmith was stabbed with dagger in his chaste.

"We didn't find nothing here, didn't you say that the sword is here?" the assassin in the black veil said

"We saw it here sir, I swear we saw it here" the assassin with red veil replied 

"Then where is it?" the black one yelled 

"I don't know sir, I don't know" the red one replied

The black veil assassin grabbed his sword and cut the red veil assassin head with one hit.

"Tike his body, and find the sword stupid's" the black veil assassin yelled in anger