
League of Legends: My Journey in Runeterra! (Editing)

A young man was about to reach the ultimate goal one could achieve, but in the end, everything was taken from him one last time. He reincarnates until he finds a world worth living in, a world filled with magic and monsters. Follow him along his journey. A/N: I FUCKING LOVE ARCAANE! I had to make a fan-fic. Writing for fun so don't expect anything high qaulity.

Killer_Slut · Derivados de juegos
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26 Chs

The Truth

By the time Art changed out of his disguise and got home, the sun had already begun to set with its golden rays casting long shadows on the land below.

He had a lot on his mind and had been walking slowly with a troubled expression on his face. He was thinking about what happened earlier, a doubt forming in his mind... How did the Enforcers find out about our location? Why would they send three Enforcers to the enemy territory if they weren't so sure we were there?

This did not make any sense. Something was amiss.

It was as if there was a voice in Art's head telling him to go back. "It couldn't have been a coincidence," he said to himself while laying down on his bed.

With his hands behind his head while he was staring at the ceiling, an idea suddenly came to Art. "Did someone give them a tip?"

This had to be the only explanation... Only those in the Undercity or those who were acquainted with Vander knew where to look for Violet and the gang's home.

Unless it was necessary, Enforcers didn't dare to step into Vander's territory. It was a provocation of war between the two cities and they couldn't have known the exact location where to look for the gang.

It was as if someone from the Undercity was targeting Vander, and considering his influence in the Undercity, it was only natural there should be people greedy for his position.

In fact, Art found it strange there were no Chem-Barons, crime lords who ran Zaun in the game's lore running amok the Undercity. He guessed those people who were out for Vander, and the ones responsible for leaking their location were the future Chem-Barons of Zaun.

Either that or Art could be overthinking things, and it was the fault of a revengeful blondie who had recently gotten his ass handed to him. "

Maybe it could have been Deckard? He might have ratted us out to the Enforcers," Art sat up from his bed, worried. "Will those Violet and the gang be okay?"

More time passed and night had descended, the air humid, the sky dark and cloudy as a storm was slowly brewing.

Art was at the dinner table, slowly eating tomato soup. He was absent-minded and everything that his parents said about today's trial went in one ear and out the other.

"From what I heard Vander is pretty tough. Plus, he's got the Undercity behind him, I'm sure the gang will be safe, right?" muttered Art.

He wanted to go, but considering he had school tomorrow and the sun had already set, he tried to put these thoughts in the back of his mind. He tried to convince himself everything was going to be alright and nothing bad would happen.

Time passed quickly and no matter how much Art tried, he couldn't help but still worry, his mind still in turmoil… The Enforcers were out to get them and there were just too many things he found suspicious about this situation.

"Mom, I'm done. Thanks for the dinner," Art said as he got up from his seat, went to his room and locked the door behind him.

He took out his disguise under his bed, changed and jumped out of the window. He used [Telekinesis Magic] to make himself fly, and [Creation Magic] to form a shield around his body.

This was to block out the cold, allow him to see clearly and breathe safely at a higher altitude so that he doesn't pass out.

Most importantly, it was to keep him safe from any harm in the sky like a bird that could kill or severely injure him if he were to crash into one, especially tonight with a storm brewing. He did not want to get struck down by a bolt of lightning and die.

As for how he knew his shield could withstand the power of a lightning bolt, well, it was about a year ago that he flew into a thunderstorm for fun... for his experiments.

And so after his preparation, Art made his way over to the Last Drop and quickly descended the closer he got to the shortcut. It was the abandoned house that he usually took to go to the Undercity.

He got ready to land but stopped and hovered above upon seeing Violet and Vander come out of the abandoned house.

He eyebrows raised a little, not expecting the two to be on the topside at this time of day.

"What are Vi and Vander doing up here?" Art muttered to himself, carefully and quietly landing on the nearby buildings. He used [Body Enhancement Magic] to increase his senses and eavesdrop on their conversation but got nothing as the both of them were staying silent.

It was clear to him that something was wrong. He began to follow them and soon found himself at the Bridge of Progress, the same bridge where the uprising had taken place.

Violet and Vander were standing beside the bridge tower where candle lamps were lit and flowers scattered on the footpath. This was a memorial to remember the people who had fallen on that fateful day.

Art stayed hidden at the top of the tower, his legs dangling off the edge while he directed magic into his ear to listen in to their conversation.

"... What I don't understand is how you can work with them. We were here. We saw what they did," Violet said, her voice trembling. "I grew up knowing I'm less than them, that my place is down there. I want Powder to have more than that, and I'm willing to fight for it."

"So was I. I was angry, just like you. I led us across this bridge, thinking things could change. If I hadn't... you parents would still be alive" Vander said in regret.

"I know you wanna hurt the topsiders for what they've done to us. But who are you willing to lose? Mylo? Claggor? Powder?" he paused. "Nobody wins in war, Vi."

With a small thud, Violet leaned her head against Vander's shoulder. "What are we gonna do? The Enforcers will come back," she said worriedly.

"I... I don't know," Vander sighed. "I'll, uh, I'll figure it out."

Silence followed as Violet looked up to see Vander's expression, only to see nothing as he had looked away.

She then looked down at the lit-up candle lamps and then closed her eyes. She opened her eyes a moment later and looked forward, the rage showed in her gaze—the determination to protect her friends, her family.

Nervous was what Art felt upon seeing this.

There was an incessant throbbing in his heart but not because he was ashamed of his identity of being Piltovan, rather, it was something else. He was proud of being a Piltovan and never look down on anyone just because they came from the Undercity or a not so well off background.

It was the fact that Art had hidden his identity from her that made him feel nervous. And with what he was planning to do to keep the gang out of trouble, he knew this secret couldn't be hidden any longer.

He was nervous about how Violet would react after learning that he was a Piltovan and not the street rat orphan he claimed to be.

"I think it's about time I should tell her the truth," Art shook his head then sighed. "Whatever happens after that, I will leave it up to fate."

Once Art made up his mind, he jumped down from the bridge tower and quietly landed where Violet and Vander couldn't see. He stopped using his magic to save mana out of habit and started walking towards them, and soon found himself a dozen steps away from them.

Violet was surprised to see Art at this time of day. She ran up to him while Vander followed from behind. "Handsome, what are you doing here?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

She could tell something was off... What's going on? she thought.

Art opened his mouth but hesitated to answer. He took a deep breath and exhaled, glancing at Vander and then Violet. "Vi, can I talk to you alone?"

"I'll be going home first," Vander spoke and immediately understood the intention behind Art's gaze.

He didn't want to stay either because as a parent and an adult, it was inevitable for him to feel uncomfortable involving himself in his children's affairs. Moreover, he still had a bar to run and he didn't want to keep Benzo waiting who was bartending on his behalf while he was gone.

Violet naturally knew this and didn't have anything to say but to bid him goodbye. "See you at home," she immediately replied.

With that said, Vander left and once Violet saw her father's silhouette getting further out in the distance, she shifted her gaze over to Art. From the looks of it, he had something important to say and she was worried. "I thought you went home already. So, what's gotten you so worked up?"

Art was beaded with sweat on his forehead. He cleared his throat in a nervous manner, his heart pounding and didn't beat around the bush. "I, uh, I wanted to tell you I've been lying a-about myself," he paused. "You see I- I- I'm a Piltovan," he said with great difficulty.

"Handsome, stop messing around. I'm not in the mood," Violet narrowed her eyes.

"I'm not messing around. I'm very serious. Why do you think I never invite you guys to my house? It's because I don't have one in the Undercity," Art started talking faster seeing the changing expression on Violet's face. "Vi, I didn't want to hide it from you guys, I just wanted to be friends and I was afraid--"

"--Art, I think it's time for you to go," Violet interrupted, unable to believe what she was hearing. She closed her eyes trying to keep herself calm, but it was too much for her to take.

Although it's been just a month since they met, Violet had already considered Art a close friend. She felt betrayed after finding out the friend she made turned out to be a Piltovan, the people who she hated the most and who made her life a living hell.

This was something she couldn't handle at the moment. She had too much to think about, too much to do and was too stressed with everything that has happened.

Now was a really bad time to confess and Art was aware of this, but still, he had to try.

"Vi, I know you hate Piltovans but you know me," said Art raising his hands. "Look, I just wanna help. I've got a place in Piltover for you guys to hide until all of this settle down."

"Go home, we can take care of ourselves" Violet clenched her fist, barely able to hold herself back.

"Violet, please, you gotta listen to me. I've got a really fancy place..." Art said while getting closer but after hearing the word 'fancy', it was as if something took control of Violet's mind.

Before Art could continue to speak, he found a fist aiming straight for his face. He didn't have time to dodge due to the short distance between them and how fast the punch was.

Just as he was about to conjure a shield, he stopped as he didn't want to break Violet's fist and exposed his abilities. The fist hit the bridge of his nose before everything went black and his body went down like a sack of potatoes.

"I-I..." Violet looked down at her trembling hands and then at Art.

She looked at the unconscious boy in front of her, she wanted to speak up but no words came out of her mouth before she ran away, leaving behind the boy by himself.