
Le Fluer: Braves of the Sacred Flower

Braves. That is the name given to the ones who fight against the Chimeras. They suddenly appeared some hundred years ago, humanity's greatest enemy. After many years of fighting amongst each other the world united to confront a common enemy. The Braves are the only ones who can fight the Chineras. They possess the strange power called Ascedance. The Chimeras brought humanity the power of Ascendance and the knowledge of the higher worlds. Establishing connections with these foreign worlds, humanity struggles against the fight with Chimeras. While they are students, they fight against the Chimeras. Braves' ability vary from each other, some are for combat, others for defense, and some for healing. Arata, a young man without memories who is saved by William joins the Wings Academy a prestigious university of Braves. There he meets seven people who change his life. In the face of despair and powerlessness what he finds is a single flower that blooms in a bloody battlefield. What awaits him is it hope or despair? The gears of fate begin to move and the story of the young souls begin.

Red_Earl · Fantasía
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256 Chs

Chapter 137, Darkness

Inside of his head, Arata was alone. He wondered the darkness by himself seeking out anything that was different. When suddenly, infront of him, stood someone. It was a robed figure, in black ragged clothes and red eyes. Without even moving, Arata could tell the man was there for a purpose. As if he was waiting there for Arata.

"Where am I?" He asked the robed figure.

"It's time for the final trial, are you prepared?" The voice of a man answered.

"The final trial?" Arata asked.

"The curtain rises upon the stage as the pieces gather. The time for a great battle draws nearer." He said. "What will you choose, Initium or Finis?"

"Initium or Finis. The start or the end, what are you asking me?" Arata asked.

Suddenly, Arata is consumed by the darkness and he sees scenes of the past. The life before the Chimeras came to this world. Humanity's cycle of creation and destruction played before his eyes. The darkness of humanity that played before his eyes. The endless cycle of wars and shortlived peace. Innocence lost, hatred over powering love, greed over charity, selfishness over kindness. How they've constantly be fighting over differences, races and more. Over territory, treating each other differently and wearing masks to hide who they truly are. How humanity has failed to realize its foolish cycle.

Arata stands immobilized as these scenes play before him, his mind and heart becomes overrun and is unable to break free from its grasps. As they overrun him, he feels as if he is sinking, sinking into water unable to swim back up and unable to break free, only to sink into the depths.

Meanwhile, in the real world, everyone was gathered beside his bed when Arata began to appear uncomfortable.

"Arata?" William takes Arata's hands in his own. "Hang in there, we're right here."

In the darkness, a voice reaches Arata as he becomes engulfed by the despair of humanity's crimes.

"Arata, we're here." The voice of William breaks the darkness and Arata sees a light.

"Arata, hang in there!" Alistar's voice called out to him.

"Don't give in!" Liam's voice echoed.

"No matter what it is, we can face it together!" Reinhardt called out to him.

"We'll be here waiting for you!" Andrew's voice calls.

"We'll get through it together!" Alexis exclaimed.

"You don't have to shoulder it alone!" Ethan's voice stated.

Arata, who was alone in the darkness saw the hands reaching out to him, one, two, three, and then before he could realize it countless hands are reaching out for him.

In the real world, all the students were praying for him. Calling out his voice in their hearts and begging him to return to their side.

"Arata! We're here for you!" Theo's voice called out to him.

"You showed us a completely different world!" Hiro called out.

"We know you can do it!" Touya's voice shouted.

"If you can't, then we'll help you see it!" Lucas called to him. "Just like you showed us the light, we'll show you the light as well!"

"So stop holding it in!" Angie called him.

"You can complain, whine and say whatever you want, we'll listen!" Rachel called to him.

"We'll always be here by your side, Arata-senpai!" Yuuki's voice called to him.

"After all, you gave us hope!" Mao called to him.

Inside the dakrness, countless voices began to break through. Arata, who had fallen in so deep into the sea of despair saw something distrubing the calmness of the water.

"I'm sure that there's a cause for everything!" Zander called to him.

"If you're troubled by the Beacon's actions, we can learn about it together!" Van exclaimed.

"Arata-kun, if you're worried we'll listen to it!" Mayumi exclaimed.

"We'll be here for you when you stumble and when you fall, reminding you that you mustn't stop there." Leon's voice called to him.

"Argent can do it. Which is why we'll always supprot you." Mitan said.

"Argent and Arata, no matter which of the two, it isn't your style to give up is it?!" Adele asked.

"No matter the despair or darkness, we'll weather it with you!" Adonis called to him.

"So, no matter, don't give up on us, Arata!" They all called to him and the sea that Arata had fallen into disappeared in an instant.

In his heart, Arata heard it, the voices of his friends and family that told him to never give up, never stop there, even if he stumbled or fell down, he should stand back up. There must be a reason behind the Beacon's actions but he wants to know what it is, he must move forward and not stop there.

"No matter what the answer is, no matter what despair or darkness humanity' may harbor, I'll see through this path I choose till the end." Arata answered the robed figure and the robed man disappeared to reveal a beautiful land.

"That's right, my precious successor, no matter what, from now on, never forget those words." Fleur smiled to him. "Where there is darkness there is also hope. The predestined fate, it cannot be changed but the world surely can. Even if it's a trivial thing, even if it's only small right now, you never know, it may become something great in the future."

With her words as a parting gift and advice to Arata, he felt a warmth growing inside him and he smiled. He bowed his head as he began to fade away and return to reality.

In the real world, a golden light began to glow from Arata's chest and it began to slowly connect to each of the eight Braves. In response, the Braves glowed a golden hue, and on Arata's right hand, his crest glowed bright and the strings then connected to the Vassal Braves. After which, they connnected to the Quasi-Braves, then to the Regal Braves and finally to all the Braves in the school.

When the light faded, Arata woke up. Everyone was so relieved that they hadn't realized the change in their crests. They were only relieved that Arata was awake at last.