
lazy royalty showing his true colors

In a world of magic, where the biggest countries are in a constant clash for resources and land because of the threats of dangerous creatures, there are 6 schools which are deemed neutral ground and every country is allowed to send up to 20 students each year to learn and rise in the ranks to ascertain their power. This story starts at one of those schools and deals with a certain royalty who is too lazy to even finish the first semester, or is he?

Grimm_48 · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Serena's goals

|mature content|

"Lily? I thought you guys were going to leave?" James asks when he hears noise from his living room while he's going towards the shower.

In the living room Serena, having been let in by Lily and Yasmina is taking off her clothes.

Once she's naked she takes the broken crocodile pendant she brought with her and takes a deep breath before entering the bathroom.

Once inside she sees James washing himself with his back turned towards the door, apparently not having heard her enter.

Gathering her nerves Serena goes over to the teen, holding onto the broken pendant while stepping under the shower and hugs James from behind, feeling him freeze up in surprise for a moment.

"Serena. Uhm I can wait if you want to use the bath." James says.

"Why? We're already both here." She says, her voice shaking nervously though.

"Fine then." He says not one to back down from what he feels like is a challenge.

"I have something to tell you." Serena says softly, leaning her head against his back.

"What is it?" He asks, carrying on with soaping himself up and rinsing the bubbles off.

"When we're in the bath." She tells him, kissing his back nervously while taking in his scent mixed with the soap.

"Here. I'm getting in." James says, turning around and holds out the soap container for her while looking at the ceiling.

"Thanks." She says, one hand accepting the soap while the other is sneaking up his chest and curls around the back of his head, pulling his head down and she presses her lips against his softly while closing her eyes, both in relaxation and from the light shower of water falling down on them.

She then steps aside to let him through and puts the pendant on a shower rack before cleaning her body as well, a heavy silence filling the room, only their movements and the dripping water making sounds.

a minute or two later Serena steps into the bath with him after turning off the shower and collecting the pendant.

"Here. This is what I wanted to talk about." Serena says, moving in front of him, sitting down in the tub face to face with him, their legs touching against each other.

She hands him the pendant and he accepts it gratefully.

"I take it that means you have a goal?" James asks.

"Yes. Three in fact." She says softly.

"What are they?" He questions setting down the pendant pieces on the rim of the tub, looking at Serena and trying to focus on her eyes instead of her dripping wet, erotic looking breasts.

"First I want to get stronger so I can help in the fight against humanities enemies." She says with dedication.

"That's a noble goal." He says nodding with a smile.

"And as for my second goal I want to be with you. You can make me your concubine, for all I care. But I haven't had something... or someone to love for a long time and I don't want to give this up. Even though I know a relationship won't be easy with our pasts." Serena tells him, one hand caressing his thigh underwater.

"Serena... I like you, very much in fact. But I don't want to make empty promises. I don't know what the future holds in store for us." James tells her, mirroring her action and caresses her knees and thighs.

"I know that and I know it won't be easy. But I promise you. I won't give up on this. Even if your father might try to kill me, I want to be with you." Serena says, looking at him seriously while sitting up and leaning in, kissing him passionately and pulls her lower body into his lap, feeling his aroused member brush against her.

"Slow down Serena. Even if you may be ready, I'm not yet. There's still Lily, Yasmina and Miranda to deal with and not to mention my family." James tells her, stopping her from going too far when he feels her reach for his manhood.

"But in complete honesty, I do have very strong feelings for you." He says, rubbing over her arms comfortingly before kissing her lovingly.

"What's the third goal?" He asks after their passionate lip lock.

"I want to know if you were right about my family, will you help me find out if I was only adopted?" She requests, relaxing while straddling his lap.

"Sure. But it will take time." James tells her.

"I'm fine with that." She says smiling happily and rests her hands on the back of his neck and in his hair before making out with him again, James caressing her smooth back and arms lovingly.

After making out with each other for a handful of minutes James lifts her off his lap and sets her down next to him gently, Serena relaxing into his side with a content smile before giggling amused.

"What?" He asks, looking at her while brushing through her red hair, unfurling her braid.

"I just realized that even after confessing my feelings to you I still went further with Lily and Yasmina in here than we just did." She tells him amused.

"Well Lily is a perv." James tells her.

"Yeah, no doubt. But she does love you." Serena tells him.

"I know. I wasn't sure at first, but I know her feelings are real by now." James replies, rubbing over her back while she snuggles into his side.

"My feelings for you are real too." Serena says.

"I know and so are mine for you, Lily, Yasmina and Miranda. Which makes this so complicated." James tells her, kissing the top of her head.

"I'm getting out. Feel free to continue to enjoy yourself in here." James tells Serena, getting up and she gets a good view of his engorged package, James looking a bit embarrassed, but tells her "It was bound to happen sooner or later." He leans down, giving her another kiss before stepping out of the bathtub and leaves while putting on his white robe.

Serena smiles to herself for a bit, the sight of his naked body entering her mind over and over and she continues to relax in the bath for a bit.

When she comes out, James is sitting on the couch, looking through a book as he does so often.

You should stay over. It's already late." James tells her, looking up at her with Serena wearing nothing but her red robe, her smooth, muscular legs sticking out from underneath it along with a decent amount of her cleavage.

"I like the robe by the way. It was nice of you to go out of your way to get these." Serena tells James, sitting down next to him and peers into the book.

"You can read this? Isn't that the demon language?" She asks, not understanding anything from the opened pages.

"To a large degree, yes. Rowan has the most knowledge on demons afterall, since we're one of the two countries tasked with monitoring and fighting the demons." James explains.

"What does it say?" Serena asks curiously.

"It's a description of how to create this." James replies, tapping the broken in two crocodile pendant which lies on the small table in front of them.

"What is it anyways? Your brother made it sound like something special." Serena asks, one hand of hers joining his on the pendant pieces.

"It's kind of a tool to help someone focus. It's created to make it easier for someone to perform a certain spell. Or it can store magic energy for an emergency." James explains, leading her fingers over the design of the pendant.

"So you used this to heal me?" She asks.

"Yeah. I mean I can use some mediocre healing spells but nothing which would have been enough to safe you without this. And since I don't have much talent with support magic, I created this pendant with the help of my former teacher. The problem is he died many years ago." James tells her.

"So you can't fix it?" She asks feeling bad that he used such a special item for her stupidity.

"Not alone, but I have an idea on how. I will need my brothers help though. I will need to ask him to visit soon, are you going to be OK with that?" James asks Serena, looking her deep in the eyes.

"He's your brother. I shouldn't have a vote in this." Serena says.

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or be afraid, that's why I'm asking." James says, rubbing her arm carefully.

"That's sweet. But I was serious about wanting to be by your side for as long as you'll let me. So I will have to learn to get along with him sooner or later." Serena says smiling softly at him.

"Thank you." James thanks her and pulls her chin towards him gingerly before kissing her lovingly.

"You can take the bed." James tells her when they break the kiss a minute later.

"Will you join me?" She asks hopefully.

"Just to sleep though." James accepts, getting up and lifts her up in his arms in a bridal carry, bringing her into his bedroom and lying her down on the large mattress in the room.

"You're such a gentleman." She compliments him happily, stroking over his cheek once he lies down next to her.

"I'm just treating you with the care you deserve." He replies.

"Thank you. I never had anyone care for me like this before." She says sniffling happily, wiping her teary eyes with the cuff of her robe.

James wordlessly pulls the blanket over their bodies and Serena waits a moment before scooting closer to him, taking one of his hands and looks at him as if asking for permission before wrapping his arm around her shoulder, lying down on it with a cute smile.