
Chapter 2: The Secrets of the Evolver Program

Kenzo sat in his dorm room, his mind whirring as he thought about the evolver program. He had always been a curious person, and the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to know about it. He had heard rumors about it, but he knew that rumors could be unreliable. So, he decided to take matters into his own hands and find out the truth. He put on his jacket and headed to the university, determined to find out more about the evolver program.

As he walked, he thought about what he already knew. The program was supposed to enhance physical and mental capabilities, but he didn't know why the government wanted to do that. He was also skeptical about the program's effectiveness. How could it be possible to evolve so quickly and easily?

When he arrived at the university, he went straight to Professor Lewins' office. The professor was one of the leading researchers on the program, and Kenzo knew he would have some answers. Moreover he was the one who introduced him the program.

"Good morning, Professor," Kenzo greeted him. "I was wondering if you could tell me more about the evolver program." The professor looked up from his desk and smiled. "Of course, Kenzo. I was actually hoping you'd come see me. I have some new information that I think you'll find interesting." Kenzo's curiosity was piqued.

"What kind of information?" The professor leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands together. "It's about why the government is so interested in the evolver program. You see, it's not just about enhancing human abilities. It's about preparing for something bigger."

Kenzo furrowed his brow. "Something bigger? What do you mean?" The professor leaned forward, his eyes intense. "I mean, Kenzo, based on the observations, the governments have discovered that our world would soon be advancing. About that, we are still not too sure about that advancement actually.

Moreover, i'm sure you've heard some rumors but we're not alone in the universe. There are other intelligent beings out there, and some of them are coming to Earth." Kenzo's eyes widened in shock. "You mean aliens? Like from the movies?" The professor nodded. "Yes, like from the movies. But they're not all little green men. Some of them look just like us humans."

Kenzo was speechless. He had never believed in aliens before, but the professor's words were convincing. "But why are they coming here?" The professor leaned back again and sighed. "That's what we're trying to figure out. We've had some encounters with them in the past, but the government has been keeping it under wraps. They don't want to cause a panic.

But we know that they're interested in Earth for some reason, and we need to be prepared for whatever that reason might be." Kenzo sat there, trying to process everything he had just heard.

Aliens. Evolving humans. It was all so incredible. But then a thought occurred to him. "Wait, if the government wants to prepare us for the aliens, why are they keeping the evolver program a secret? Wouldn't they want everyone to be prepared?" The professor nodded. "That's a good question. And the answer is complicated. You see, the evolver program isn't just about evolving humans. It's about finding a way to harness the power of the crystal."

"crystal?" Kenzo repeated.

"Yes, a crystal," the professor said. "It's a rare crystal that randomly appears, and we discovered it about a year ago. We've been studying it ever since, and we've found that it has incredible properties. It can enhance physical and mental abilities, but it can also give people supernatural powers, like telekinesis or teleportation." Kenzo was fascinated. "

Kenzo's mind was racing as he tried to process everything the professor had just revealed to him. Aliens, rare crystals, supernatural powers - it all sounded like science fiction.

"But still why keep the evolver program and the crystal a secret?" Kenzo asked again, still trying to understand.

The professor leaned back in his chair, taking a deep breath. "Because the crystal is incredibly powerful, and the government doesn't want it to fall into the wrong hands. We've seen what can happen when people with too much power are unchecked. It's not pretty."

Kenzo nodded slowly, beginning to understand how naive he was. "So the evolver program is a way for the government to test the crystal's effects in a controlled environment?"

"Exactly," the professor confirmed. "We've been working on ways to control and regulate the crystal's power, to make sure it doesn't get out of hand. And the evolver program is a way to do that while also enhancing human capabilities."

Kenzo felt a sense of awe and terror wash over him. The idea of a powerful, supernatural crystal being used by the government was both thrilling and frightening.

"What happens to the people who participate in the evolver program?" Kenzo asked, suddenly realizing that he had yet to learn about the program's effects on the human body.

"They undergo a series of trainings to ensure that they are fully ready, so far one must only crush the crystal with their own hand to activate the crystal's power," the professor explained. "The effects vary from person to person, but generally, they experience enhanced physical and mental abilities. Some even develop supernatural powers, like telekinesis or heightened senses." "of course the strenth of their capablities also varies"

Kenzo couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to have such powers. But at the same time, he felt a sense of unease. Was it worth the risks?

"And what are the risks?" Kenzo asked, voicing his concerns.

"There are a number of potential side effects, ranging from physical deformities to mental instability," the professor admitted. "That's why we're only testing the program on a select group of individuals who have been thoroughly screened." Its like a selection, but who sooner the appearance of the crytal cannot be hidden anymore, every person will have access to it. It's like a selection actually, one must take a risk to gain strenght. Strenght that we will surely need... soon....

Kenzo nodded, feeling slightly reassured. But at the same time, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. Was the government really doing the right thing by keeping the evolver program and the crystal a secret? And what would happen if the program was exposed?

As he left the professor's office and made his way back to his dorm room, Kenzo couldn't help but feel like he was walking on a knife's edge. The secrets he had just learned were both thrilling and terrifying, and he didn't know what to do with this newfound knowledge. All he knew was that he had to be careful, and that he needed to keep his eyes and ears open. Because in a world where anything was possible, anything could happen