
Lazy Demon reborn in Harry Potter

Great great grandson of the demon lord of sloth is killed by an archbishop while he was taking a nap inside a destroyed forest and is reborn into the potterverse born one year before Harry Potter.

Anotherweirdo · Derivados de obras
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2 Chs

Once upon a day of sloth

I woke up and looked around blinking the tiredness out of my eyes, I got up and stretched pulled myself to the side of the bed with with my feet dangling a bit off the ground when I got my eyes fully open I started admiring,

my room the grey bed I was standing on slightly swaying from being held slightly off the ground by ropes my desk with a magic mirror over it the overly comfortable chair next to it the slightly steel blue doors one to the hallway and the other only a few steps to the left of my bed was my bathroom I got off the bed and slowly walked to the bathroom and after that I walked to my desk my brain still not fully awake and after spending sometime starting at myself, my dull steel blue eyes, slightly dark brown hair, rounded face and sharp canines and after starring at myself I said aloud

Mirror what has happened in slumber,my hoarse voice sounding like nothing more then a whisper, word appeared on the mirror, 12 years after the beginning of your sleep Greece has fallen to Rome u have then slept another 456 years and Rome is a huge player in the mortal political world it is recommended that u make at least 23 contracts before next Deep Sleep, I see I said aloud mirror take me to the nearest forest to the capital of this so called Rome

Soon after that a magic circle appeared under my seat and after 4 seconds of waiting I appeared in a deep forest in what appeared to be a giant eagle nest that in all actuality was quite comfy, *Yaaaawwwwnnnnn* meh I'll get those contracts in a few days and I closed my eyes waiting for the sweet sweet embrace of darkness I mean I'm the great great grandson of a lord of hell nothings gonna hurt me especially in the middle of a forest high in a tree, soon after that though I was asleep

* High tier angel POV

I was sent down to earth to destroy the demon that was supposedly gonna mess up a whole Bunch of things that are set to happen in the future if he makes even a single contact the good news is that I'm told it's a demon of sloth and is probably procrastinating somewhere I just have to follow the biggest demonic presence I sense as told by Archangel Michael,

And after a day and a half searching I found out where he was in a forest close to The Roman capital and after a few minutes of searching I found him asleep in an Huge bird nest I pulled out my divine spear and rushed him while I had the advantage.


I awoke fast and saw an angel flying at high speeds to attack me I quickly got up as fast as I could and tried to move out of the way but I was not quick enough and a holy spear struck me tight in the center of the chest, I looked down and saw my essence rapidly dissolving from where the spear had hit I like back at the angle and saw him moving to stab me with a knife but before he could do that I grabbed his arm

Before he could cause more harm ' I pulled my other hand and with my overly exaggerated nails pierced the angel straight through his angelic head,

Not even a second later his body disappeared in a flash of holy light causing me even more harm then the spear popped and that's when I knew I was going to die, God damn it fucking angel h slowly breathed in and tried to stop the dissolving of my essence but it wasn't working I groaned and lied down looking at the gaping hole in my chest getting bigger and bigger, I sighed saying while I'm screwed while hope death is like sleep cause I love sleep no where near as much as my parents and grandparents do though but hey it's nice sleep the dark embrace the not having to do anything or think of anything just blissful unawareness ,

Hope that angel gets killed after he reforms in heaven i knew I should have brought my weapons but they where in the basement and I didn't feel like walking that far hmmmm while I'm almost fully destroyed only my neck is left cause the highest amount of my demonic essence is located there ,

hmm might as well cause trouble for those bitch ass angel's before I'm erased let's see oh I know I say and soon after start chanting, the country that prospers while I wallow in death may it collapse and cause mass chaos in the form of backstabbing and self destruction may they be alit in flames of war and may them think of nothing but greed and envy may there peasants be nothing more then slothful cretins and for this forest to start the spark that will burn the empire to ash, I soon laugh once after that and the remaining half of my face explodes starting a mass forest fire and beginning the fall of an empire.

Hey reader this was my first fight scene ever and even though it’s not much it what I’ve done so if I find any issues or mistakes let me know next chapter he’s going to reincarnate in Harry Potter *Small Spoiler————— his urge to be lazy will decrease a lot but it’ll still be there and I want to have some fun with this story so if u have any ideas comment and I’ll talk back to you if I like your idea or if I find it interesting Author out.

Anotherweirdocreators' thoughts