
Lazy Demon reborn in Harry Potter

Great great grandson of the demon lord of sloth is killed by an archbishop while he was taking a nap inside a destroyed forest and is reborn into the potterverse born one year before Harry Potter.

Anotherweirdo · Derivados de obras
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A whole new world...to conquer? i don’t know

I awoke within a dark and wet, Where in the Nine Hell's am I and more importantly how am I still alive? My entire being should have been destroyed when the angelic spear ducked me up though I got that angelic bastard in his place oh and I cursed.....wait what country did I curse? Oh well not like it matters anymore.

After who knows how long being suspended in this liquid which was actually quite soothing i was asleep when I suddenly felt my heart start to beat, huh seems my heart has just fully formed,and right then the 7th beat of my heart I felt a small amount of life energy and some other type of energy spread from my heart to what I assume to be is my newly developing body, This is even more interesting there seems to be a new energy which is like Demonic magic and at the same time like celestial magic but at the same time entirely different.

Then again when I hit the 666th heart beat I felt a twinge of demonic magic appear in my heart and spread though it was a pitiful amount it was diluted after hitting the magic in my blood becomes barely a speck in the blood stream, After that I waited and waited and waited until anything else new happened within me and indeed it did on the ugh 777th beat a new wave of magic and life energy exploded from my heart and entered my veins, Then I felt a large portioned it leave my blood stream rapidly and head towards my new soul then soon after I felt a quarter of the magic that was now inside my soul leave and make a spiritual pathway into my mind, and at that time I blacked out.


I woke up and could instantly tell my body was bigger and stronger and that my magic has grown to triple the amount I first had including my demonic magic which has turned from one useless speck to three dots one in my heart which seems to be strengthening my magic by a small degree another within my soul feeding on the magic there and randomly releasing it back to the soul and then finally one into the absolute center of my brain. After more time I figured I could move and control the magic in my body including the demon magic and the life energy and I've also figured out some of there uses while I'm in my mother's womb.

One I can use the magic to see and hear the outside world a bit and it's boring seems to be ahead of my original reality by a bit but still nothing interesting though I have heard about name suggestion my parents are thinking of some are decent like Eithan Gabe Alexander good decent names for newborn humans and then there stuff like Bark, Yarrow and Aqua what do they think I am an elemental?! Yeesh though I did find out that my last name is silverling which is pretty cool I guess.

Now back to what I was saying I can use the demonic energy to strengthen my magic, and the life force I've found out is used to strength my body and connection to my magic , finally my magic I can hear outside the womb and can even see around half a room of space around the body I'm inhabiting oh I can also cause my mother discomfort by expelling a small burst of magic not sure why I can but it happens and when I use magic that has been strengthened I can cause my mom horrible belly cramps I've only done this once though I wouldn't want to endanger my host and future caretaker know would I?.

A few days later I suddenly start to get sucked out of my mother seems to be that the birthing process has began and just for the record it hurt like hell especially cause it lasted for hours.

And after that I was in the arms of a medical professional though I'm surprised that when I open my eyes I see a blue green mist everywhere I look and it very concentrated on the people in the room well I wonder what's gonna happen here, there's a whole new world of opportunity maybe I can conquer it or som- ahhhhh fuck that hurts why the hell did you smack my ass *wah wah wah that fuckin hurts dickhead sniff sniff I'm not crying your crying *

Hey guys I’d love it if you would give some name suggestions for our Mc that would be great if you have any questions or problems with the writing or want to know more about the story ask me and I’ll reply to your message have a day.

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