
Chapter 2

I wake up the next and the first thing I hear is a knock on my door. "Hello Lady Amethist." I heard someone say to my surprise it wasn't one of my maids. It was Prince Esfer. What?!? What is he doing here? "Oh, sorry I didn't know you weren't awake yet. I do like your night where though" he said putting his finger under his chin while smirking. "P-prince Esfer, Good morning. May I ask what you're doing here. I thought you and your family left yesterday." I asked. "My family left. I decided to stay to get to know my fiancé. That is if you don't mind" he said. "No, I don't mind at all. Actually, would you like t-t-to" I stuttered. "Spit it out." He said demanding "Would you like to lazy around and preserve energy with me. I understand if you want to say-" I was cut of by him walking towards me and sit next to my bed. He picked up my hand and kissed it. After that he intertwined our hands. "For you, anything. I don't mind lazing around with you any day" he said. I swear to Irene the way this guy makes me blush. It's like he likes it when I waste energy. "Ok. What would you like to do first, perhaps we could go to the spa" I suggested? "I have a better idea. How about we go horse riding" he said. Horse riding? "Doesn't that waste energy?" "Not when you aren't the one riding." He said "Then who would be riding" I questioned. "Me of course. I am all for your day of lazing around, but you musted forget fiancé I like to use energy no preserve it. Thus, this activity works for both of us" he said. Oh, My Irene this man gets me so well and we he called me fiancé it felt different. No, I must give to his care, but resenting him wastes energy. "Alright, as long as am not the one wasting energy." I said bluntly.

At the Barn

We were at the barn in our riding wear. "Your majesty, would you like 2 or 1 horse" his butler questioned. "1 please" he said. We were still holding hands an occasionally I kept looking down at his and I's hands. He seemed to notice "Am I making you uncomfortable?" he asked. "No, am just not used to my hand being held. It like am getting more energy from it or something" I said. "There other ways I can get you to laze around all day" he said smirking making me blush. I instantly knew what he was talking about. Luckily for me I hide my blushing well, but I think he noticed the very faint line of red on my face. "Let's wait for our wedding night for that to happen. Although I doubt, I'd let you will all that energy going to be wasted" I said. "I have my ways, love" he said. All these pet names his giving me are going to be the death of me. The butler came back with the horse and then Esfer dismissed him. I got on the horse. It was then I remembered I couldn't write a horse. Luckily, I was the one not riding. He sat on the horse. The instant we started riding I griped on to his waste. He didn't seem to mind. I hid my face in his neck. That when he said "I wont mind if you did something while I was riding" I understood what he said almost immediately. He ment he wouldn't mind if I kissed on the neck and I don't know why but I did. I kissed him on the neck gently trying to preserve my energy. "I wouldn't mind if you that a little harder." He spoke. And so, I obeyed him again. What is he doing to? I'd never sarcoma to such things but with him it feels like I have too. I his him on the neck harder and I think I heard him moan. I giggled and stopped. We kept riding in silence. Not the awkward kind the comfortable kind of silence. Then He said "Am going to be real with you. I didn't expect you to obey my hints" "Me either but here we are." I held on to him "I guess am not so hopeless at love after all" I mumbled to myself. it was just loud enough for Esfer to hear I think and fell a sleep on his back. The energy I put in to that kiss must have been to much seeing as I left a love mark on his neck and I fell asleep during the peaceful silence of the day. I felt him carry me off the horse and take me to my chambers. To my surprise he put me in bed and covered me and said "I hope you dream about me and the affection I show you, my love" He whispered in my ear. Then he fell asleep right beside me. In my bed. Luckily, we were both still in clothes. Thus, when I wake up, I won't be all confused. When I drifted off back to sleep, I felt a figure cuddle up to me. It was Esfer. This isn't what I ment by a day of lazing around, but it's better than lazing around. It's lazing around with someone I admire.