

Layla stood in Sheila's office as she observed her hair. An attacker had cut some of it and made off with it. Her hair was in a ponytail with two small bangs on each side. It was the right bang that was cut, and now it was shorter than the other one.

They were naturally worried, there were some spells that used a person's hair, blood, fingernails, skin, or any body part to attack a person indirectly. These attacks were mostly possessions, but they could also kill.

Sheila assured her that the amount of hair couldn't possibly kill her. The amount of body part influenced how strong the spell would be and how long it would last. The small amount of hair meant that it would only do a little harm.

However, for good measure, Sheila gave her an amulet that would prevent possession. A purification could stop a possession before the spell ran out. But it could be done unless the person had been possessed.

You can't purify what hasn't been tainted. Sheila had said.

The second attacker who attacked them after leaving the Prime Minister's house had already been questioned. He said that he didn't have anything to do with the first attacker and that someone had just paid him to attack the carriage.

When he had been asked to describe his employer, he said he hadn't seen their face or rather he hadn't been able to register their face or body like a spell was preventing him.

Layla heaved a sigh as she headed back to her dorm. It was already night and she was very tired.


Days passed by without nothing major happening. Until...

"Have you heard of the bonfire night that's coming up." Nova informed her cheerfully.

"What is bonfire night?"

"It's just a huge fire waiting to happen." Amber replied. Layla was surprised the girl spoke to her, the girl usually kept to herself.

"Oh come on, don't say it like that." Nova whined.

"I'm not wrong though. It's a huge fire hazard, but of course, you're just going to say I'm pessimistic." Amber replied rolling her eyes.

"Well whatever, you're coming with us, no matter what your opinions are." Nova argued pouting.

Layla looked on at their little argument. No one had yet to explain to her what bonfire night was.

In the end, Nova, Amber, Layla, Thomas and Neon came along with them to prepare. None of them actually knew what Nova wanted to prepare, but they had all been dragged along.

Nova finally took the time to explain what bonfire night was. Like it's name suggested, it was just a night where they lit a large bonfire at the center if the training field and well did almost nothing else. Layla actually found herself agreeing with Amber, it was a huge fire hazard.

"We'll go around these places to get what we need. The potion shack, the blacksmith and the market. That's where we'll get everything we need for the presentation."

"You actually have a genuine reason for doing this, huh. Thought it was just for fun. ", Thomas replied sarcastically.

"Of course, this presentation is important as we seniors have to show our juniors that we're better than them. "

Nova's presentation was just some entertainment each class participated in. It wasn't a competition, but Nova was planning on making it one.

"Well let's just get this over with."

The potion shack was located outside the school zone. It was an impressive two storey building. It was filled with only non mages.

Nova had explained that some non mages took special courses just to learn how to make potions. Those special courses were even more detailed than the ones they had. They were responsible for making all of the potions in the Academy.

They were only allowed to stay in a reception area. Outsiders weren't allowed in as potions required the very delicate preparations. To prevent any mistakes, they barred people from coming in.

After collecting the potions from the potion shack, they headed to the blacksmith and collected some tools there too.

Lastly was the market. Layla knew there was a market, but she had never been able to visit there. All her free time was used up learning spells with Sheila.

After their small tour, they returned to the school zone. Harry, Claud and Claudine were there holding a prism. They hadn't come with the others because they had to get it.

"Did you offer your head to get this?", Layla asked. She was impressed, prisms were extremely rare.

"No, but it was extremely difficult." Harry replied.

And worth it, it seemed, for there was a huge smile on his face.


A large bonfire burned in the middle of the training field. A lot of food was going around in large quantities and everyone seemed to be in high spirits.

Layla sat away from the crowd watching them.

"Won't join the fun?" Harry asked as he sat beside her.

"No, I think I like it better here."

"Can I see the amulet? "

She lifted her arm in response and he took it. The amulet was made of round glass beads.

He moved her towards the fire, the amulet glowing in response. It was beautiful.

A tear rolled down her cheek. She had been feeling melancholic throughout the night. Now, everything and everyone seemed distant.

Someone was calling her name from a distance, the sound muffled.

Who was it?

She slapped herself to consciousness.  She was alert now, but she was in a different place.

A familiar place, the physician's office. Snow was falling outside but it was supposed to be winter yet. The office was empty, dark and cold.

She was empty, dark, and cold.

A chill ran down her spine, but it wasn't due to the cold. Someone stood before, but she couldn't see who they were. Everytime she tried, all she would see was darkness, a shadow covering the face.

Suddenly, the figure disappeared, and so did the office.

Around her, the fire that had been confined in a circle was now everywhere, burning everything in its path.